Chapter 1367: Begonia (2)

In the circle of friends, Jiayin and Ye Wuge actually went to country T again.

While running and playing, these two people were still making all sorts of noises in the circle of friends. They were really happy friends.

Send a text message to tell Xiao Moli that she has arrived.

Xiao Moli's text message came back almost immediately.

Let her be careful not to run around, or catch her back immediately.

Seeing Xiao-style domineering concern on the screen, An Ziqi's eyes almost overflowed with a smile.

Looking up at Xia Xing, she was probably also texting Yuntian, her face full of happiness.

The two texted each other, chatting without a word.

Before long, there was a knock on the door.

Xia Xing got up to open the door, Haitang walked in from outside with a cup of steaming tea in his hand.

He smiled and said to An Ziqi, "Madam, didn't you feel dizzy and uncomfortable when you were in the car before. I saw some mint growing nearby, so I picked some soaking water. After drinking, you can calm your mind. You can try it. "

An Ziqi got up, stretched out her hand to take it, pursed her lips and smiled, "Thank you."

"You are welcome, Madam Young. I used to be uncomfortable in the car and my mother would often soak mint water for me to drink." Haitang smiled.

After handing the water to her, he didn't stay any longer, and after greeted Xia Xing, he left first.

Xia Xing came forward and reached out to take the cup from An Ziqi's hand and looked at it. In the transparent cup, a few tender green mint leaves floated up and down, and the scent of mint was floating along with the steaming tea. After people smelled the air, the groggy mind became sober.

After confirming that there was no problem, he handed it to An Ziqi.

An Ziqi smiled. There is no such exaggeration. Everyone around her is taken care of like a porcelain doll. Xiao Moli is enough. Now even Xia Xing is so careful.

However, knowing that everyone is good for her, An Ziqi wouldn't say much.

Taking the water glass from Xia Xing's hand, after drinking it, the cool breath didn't even seem to have the faint pain in her head.

After chatting with Xia Xing a few more words, she fell asleep in a deep sleep after a while, and Xia Xing was relieved when she saw that she was asleep now.

I walked out lightly and went around for a while. I did see a lot of wild mint on the side of the road. After thinking about it, I picked some by myself.

"Sister Tianxing." Seeing her, Haitang walked over with a smile, and asked concerned, "Are you not feeling well? I still have some picked mint leaves."

"No, I'm just afraid that Ziqi is uncomfortable, so I can pick some in idle, so I will soak her in water later." Xia Xing replied.

"If you want to pick this kind of leaves, the effect will be better." Haitang picked a tender green leaf and showed her.

The little girl is very lively and enthusiastic, looks very good personality, and a nice person.

However, if An Ziqi's identity is there, Xia Xing can't judge whether she is sincere to her or has ulterior motives.

After all, it is too difficult to hold Xiao Moli's thigh now, but as long as it can win An Ziqi's favor, it is equivalent to getting Xiao Moli at the same time, and the future in the circle is basically unlimited.

This can be seen from An Ziqi's view of her, it is inevitable that no one deliberately approached her with such thoughts.

After chatting with Haitang, Xia Xing picked some leaves and went back.

It was not until it was time for dinner that An Ziqi woke up.