Huo Jinze was sitting on the sofa with his eyes full of sadness. He picked up the cigarette and lit it. He took a hard puff on his mouth.

Yang Wei's eyes fell on his face. His face was overcast, and there was a faint dark circle around his eyes.

How can he survive without food or drink?

"President, how can you have strength if you don't eat?"

Yang Wei's persuasion again.

Huo Jinze sighed helplessly, "I can't eat it."

Where is he in the mood to eat? Now, his mind is full of the safety of an Xia.

Six years ago, he often put her in danger. Six years later, he did the same.

He never seemed to protect her well.

Yang Wei's dark eyes looked at him and saw that he didn't have the heart, so he didn't persuade any more. He secretly asked the servant to take the meal down.

Because of miss an's safety, he was worried and nervous.

He should have known for a long time that miss an Xia was always the top priority in the president's heart. Even six years ago, when he hated her, he was also an endless pet.

Perhaps, at that time, only he thought that he was torturing miss an?

Men are always so confused in emotional matters, just like he and Tang Lu.



Night Ting is in his villa. He has been sitting on the sofa since morning, staring at the photos in his mobile phone, and the photos of an Xia on his mobile phone.

He had been watching it for nearly four hours, but he didn't feel bored at all.

The servant passed by him and was surprised to see his crazy appearance. She looked at the face of night ting and couldn't help coming forward.

"Don't look, young master. Your eyes are swollen."

The servant opened his mouth in a low voice, a little cautious.

Everyone around the young master knows how important the girl in his picture is to him.

Almost every day, the young master looks at his mobile phone in a daze for a long time, and no one dares to fight.

The young master will lose his temper when he is disturbed, which shows how much he likes this girl.

The night Ting this just from that wipe Leng Zheng in return a God, she hears the servant's words slightly frown, seem to still have some not happy, oneself was disturbed to general.

The servant was too nervous to say much.

Night Ting Leng for a moment, blinked his eyes, really feel some dry and uncomfortable eyes.

He frowned slightly and suddenly laughed. It seemed that he had been watching for a long time. The radiation had begun to make his eyes uncomfortable.

He put away his mobile phone, put it in his pocket and went to the bathroom to wash his face. After watching it for so long, he had the impulse to go to the bathroom.

After washing his face, he untied his belt and opened the lid of the toilet, following the sound of running water in the bathroom.

When the sound disappeared, Ye Ting was stunned to see the urine in the toilet. The urine in the toilet was red, and the faint appearance was blood.

He frowned deeply. How could he pee blood?!

Night Ting had a bad feeling in his heart. He was afraid of being found by the servant. He told his mother that he quickly washed the urine in the toilet.

He sorted himself out and immediately drove to a nearby hospital.

As soon as night Ting arrived at the hospital, he received a call from Bei Xiao. He frowned slightly. For her, he always had some antipathy, "what's the matter?"

"I want to see you." Bessier's voice was still so bright, with a manly air.

Her voice fell, the opposite person was quiet for a moment, did not mean to respond.

Knowing that he didn't like him, she said in a hurry, "I have something very important to give you, something of great significance to you. Don't you always want it?"

Her words let night Ting's eyes flash a touch of surprise, "do you really want to give it to me?"

"Yes! As long as you will see me

Bessier's voice seemed helpless. She had already made an appointment with him, but he always said that he was too busy to keep the appointment.

Helpless, she can only use her own mace.

"Good! You said, "I'll be there in a minute!"

Night Ting should be a, looked at the hand of the bill, no half of hesitation, directly put the bill into the side of the trash can.

As he walked out of the hospital, he immediately started his car. His face was full of expectation. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Wait for her to return the important thing to him.

Her car had just started when her cell phone rang again.

Night Ting holds the steering wheel with one hand and looks at the phone. He is stunned to see the name on the display. He didn't expect that he would call himself.

"Does Huo Shao even take the initiative to call people?"There was a touch of irony in his voice, and the tone was very bad.

At the thought that he married her without an Xia's consent, his heart was very upset. This man's means made him shameless.

"Is Ansha with you?"

As soon as his voice fell, Huo Jinze's anxious voice came from the opposite side.

He has always been calm, such a tone instantly let night Ting feel bad, "what's the matter? What happened to an Xia? "

Huo Jinze heard his voice and already knew the result, "she's gone."

For the first time, night Ting heard that he was dejected from this man's tone. He was always imposing and domineering. When did he look so dejected?

"Why did she disappear!? Huo Jinze! Isn't she already your wife? How did you protect him! "

The more angry he was, the more anxious and flustered he looked.

When he asked, he couldn't say a word or two clearly on his mobile phone.

He hung up the phone, stepped down, suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

Night Ting went to Huo Jinze villa. After inquiring about the situation, he punched Huo Jinze in the face. For the first time, he didn't fight back. It seemed that he had helplessness and worry in his eyes.

The most important thing at present is to find an Xia!

Night Ting didn't entangle with him for a long time. After one punch, he glared at him and said a few words. He called his subordinates in a hurry.

He immediately summoned his men to trace the whereabouts of an Xia. All day long, they sat on the sofa, smoking cigarettes and waiting for the news.

Cigarette butts piled up on the floor, and the whole hall smelled of cigarettes.

It was not until the beginning of the lantern and the sound of rain outside that the night thunder suddenly remembered Beixiao.

Shouldn't she be waiting in the park so late?

He made a phone call and got through quickly. "Where are you, bechaue?"

He clearly heard the sound of rain falling on the ground. After a while, he heard the answer from the opposite side.

"I'll wait for you in the park."

Bessier's voice sounded rather feeble.

He remembered that he had been to the park, and there was no place to block the rain. Now she