An Xia's eyes gave birth to a touch of surprise. She looked at her hand and quickly reached for it, for fear that she would repent again.

Her finger just touched the ring in her palm, but she suddenly took back her hand, looked at her with a smile, turned the back of her hand, and threw the ring on the ground.

Anxia frowned and bent down to pick up the ring.

All of a sudden, a woman's foot raised, straight toward the ring step past.


Realizing what she was going to do, Anxia hurried forward to stop, but it was still a step late.

She watched her mother repair the ring, which was crushed by others in front of her, and her foot was crushed on it.

Anxia's eyes were filled with tears at that moment, and at the same time, she was angry in her chest. She hurriedly leaned over and pushed her feet away.

A pair of tearful eyes dimly looking at the broken ring on the grass, the gem broke again, as last time, she picked up the ring with heartache and carefully collected them together.

"What do you do with such a sad look? Your mother is not dead Huo Jingwen a face doesn't matter can't see her, "isn't it a ring of several million?"? I'll give it to you. "

Anxia carefully put it away, looked up at her angrily, and growled: "you know this is my mother's legacy! How can you be so cruel

"It's not that I'm cruel, it's that ring you really don't have to cherish. Your mother is still alive." Huo Jingwen tone indifferent told her.

There was no hesitation in her tone, even a touch of determination.

"I repeat, my mother is gone."

Why does this woman always poke people's heart sentence by sentence.

"Your mother, she's still alive. She's in her brother's suburban villa!" She stood in front of her and looked down at her.

Her eyes flashed with expectation, as if expecting what kind of reaction she would make.

Anxia's eyes flashed surprise, and then gradually turned into doubt and disbelief, "what do you say?"

"I said your mother is still alive, in my brother's villa. If you don't believe it, you can go and see it yourself!"

Huo Jingwen affirmative eyes and her eye, eyes fell on her hand broken ring, "otherwise, do you think I will be willing to step on the ring?"

She was worried that without the ring, she would tell brother Huo what she had done.

Looking at Anxia's hesitation and disbelief, she turns around indifferently, believe it or not

Finish saying, pretty figure leisurely walked out of the garden.

Anxia is still sitting on the grass, is what she said true?

She can't help but think of that time, she went to see her father and heard the woman scream.

Is that her mother?

But why did Huo Jinze imprison her mother?

Is everything his conspiracy since she met him?

Thinking of this, her heart crossed a touch of pain, she knew that she was no longer a simple contractual relationship with that man, she had a different kind of feelings for him.

An Xia definitely looked at the ring in her hand. She was puzzled. It happened that today was the day when she could see her father.

Just like Huo Jingwen said, if you don't believe it, she will go and have a look.

So, without hesitation, she immediately went back to the villa, changed her clothes, and asked someone to take her to Huo Jinze's father's villa.

As usual, as soon as she entered the villa, a servant came to lead the way. She knew the route, but every time, a servant would take her.

This time, she suddenly found something strange.

As usual, an Xia followed her servant to see her father. The servant was always watching her and helping her take care of her father.

In this way, she had no chance to find the room.

She thought for a moment, her eyes turned, and she had an idea.

Suddenly, her face covered her stomach in pain, "er I have a stomachache

Few people don't know about her pregnancy.

As soon as she called for a stomachache, the servant walked over nervously and held her arm carefully. "Miss an, how are you? I'll call the doctor

She looked at her pain and was about to run out in a panic.

As soon as she took a step out, Anxia quickly grabbed her arm and continued to pretend to be in pain. "Don't go to the doctor. I'm a nurse. I know I'm ok, but I'm too tired today. Just find a room and let me have a rest! "

The servant looked at her nervously and asked, "is it really OK?"

If she had anything, master Huo would not spare her lightly.


Seeing her shaking her head, the servant put down her heart and said, "I'll help you to the room to have a rest."


Anxia was helped out of her father's room by her. She found an empty room for her on the same floor and helped her in.The servant helped her to the bed and told her to rest before leaving the room.

When the door closed, the color of pain on her face disappeared immediately. Anxia lay on the bed and waited for a few minutes before she slowly came down from the bed.

She walked out of the room and peeped into the corridor. There was no servant. There was no one in the corridor.

Anxia walked out of the room carefully, but she was a little anxious. She walked quickly to the end of the corridor, turned a corner, and then went to the door of the last door.

As last time, she remembered this room very well.

She leaned close, put her ear on the door, and listened to the movement quietly, without any sound.

She looked around, a hand gently opened the door, the door did not lock, very smoothly opened.

She frowned strangely. Last time Yang Wei saw her, didn't they want to defend her?

She pushed the door and went in. As soon as the door opened, she was stunned. Where was anyone in the room?

Don't say it's a person. There are not many objects placed.

There was only one abandoned bookshelf in the empty room.

Has the room been changed and the people have been transferred?

She went in and carefully closed the door. She went to the bookshelf strangely, with a little doubt on her face.

Everything in the room had been taken out, but it didn't. she glanced at the bookshelf. There was no book on the empty shelf, just a few vases and some sundries.

She knocked strangely on the bookshelf and found nothing unusual.

About to turn around, she vaguely heard a voice coming from the back of the bookshelf.

Is there really a secret door behind the bookshelf!?

"Is there anyone in it?"

She knocked on the bookshelf a few times and asked aloud.

"Well Well... "

Inside came a woman's voice, but the voice could not be heard clearly, as if the mouth was blocked by something.

There are people inside!

She knocked a few times, but the same response came out.

An Xia suddenly thinks of what Huo Jingwen said. Is her mother really alive?