Her flaming red lips gently hook, "that's to see who is faster."

She was a little flustered.

She's just gambling. She wants to see how important this woman is in his heart.

Is it really beyond his life?

"Mother, don't push me."

Night Ting's face was a little ferocious. He frowned and gritted his teeth to say this.

It's like I'm holding on to something.

Wen Lan sneered, and the gun on an Xia's head moved, "let's have a try. I only give you ten seconds."

Two people stare at each other, the anger in the night's eyes can almost burn people. For a moment, even the air seemed to solidify.

Time goes by second by second, when the second hand reaches ten seconds.

All of a sudden.

The door of the villa came the sound of footsteps in a hurry. A man in black came in in a hurry, with fear on his face, "madam! Madame

The arrival of the man immediately diverted their attention.

"What's the matter! Say

Wen Lan squints and questions coldly.

Then the man in black took a big breath and stabilized his disordered breath. "Madam, here comes Huo Jinze."


Here he is!

An Xia's eyes are stained with excited waves, with residual tears, and the watery eyes look a little moving.

Wenlan eyes up, with a touch of cold, her complex look fell on an Xia, this girl really has a relationship with that man.

Not only that, but it seems extraordinary.

Otherwise the man won't come in person.

Is it really for this girl?

There was still some disbelief in her heart.

Wen Lan moves the pistol in his hand away from an Xia's head and looks at the night thunder, "what are you doing? If you let that man know about your legs, I'll kill this woman right away! "

Night Ting's line of sight and she looked at each other for a few seconds, then put down the gun in his hand, looked at an Xia, and walked upstairs worried.

Huo Jinze is here. He will protect an Xia.

He thought so.

Wenlan immediately asked people to clean up around, coldly looking at an Xia, "you'd better hold your mouth!"

"I won't say it."

Even if she didn't warn, she wouldn't do anything to hurt the thunder.

"Take her down!"

As soon as Anxia was taken away by the man in black, Huo Jinze's arrogant figure appeared at the door.

He was tall and straight, with long legs and steady steps. The moment he appeared at the door, it seemed that there was a chill in the air.

He came, followed by Yang Wei.

"Huo xiaodai, please."

She looked at her indifferently, raised her hand and made a please gesture.

Her father-in-law had a good relationship with his grandfather, so she called him that.

Huo Jinze seemed to walk with a sense of dignity, and he walked with wind.

His straight and handsome figure slowly sat on the sofa, and his cold face didn't smile.

"You should inform me in advance of your sudden visit."

Wenlan face with a gentle smile, that indifferent face can not see flaws.

"I don't want to go around with you. Where's my woman?" He was outspoken.

Wen Lan's eyes slightly sank, and her tone was still smiling, "what are you talking about? Why is your woman here with me? "

"Her name is Anxia."

He won't come here until he finds out.

He just went to the company to deal with foreign affairs, less than three hours, immediately received a call from the villa, Anxia was tied away.

He almost immediately sent all the people under his command to check. It took him half an hour to find out that she was here.

All this, he dares to be sure that night thunder must have something to do with it.

Tell that woman to stay away from him, she is not obedient!

Wenlan saw that he was clear, his face changed rapidly, suddenly cold down.

She looked at the man in black and winked. The man in black immediately nodded, and the eyes of several people in black met.

Several people suddenly rushed forward to Yang Wei, who was a few steps away. Without saying a word, they just waved a punch.

Yang Wei is also a practitioner. He reaches out his hand quickly and immediately hides. The three men in black fight together immediately.

Here, Huo Jinze's deep eyes lightly raised, aiming at one eye. There were no waves at the bottom of his eyes, and a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't seem at all worried.

In a few minutes, Yang Wei obviously got the upper hand, and a few black people couldn't resist.

But he was hard to fight with four hands. One of the men in black suddenly withdrew from the battle. When she didn't pay attention, he suddenly took out a knife and attacked him by surprise.As Yang Wei retreats, he is attacked by the man in black on the other side. The knife narrowly cuts his stomach, and his thin clothes are cut. There is a pain in his stomach.

He looked down and only scratched his superficial skin.

Yang Wei's eyes narrowed, and his eyes became angry. He immediately attacked the man in black with a knife, and defeated the man in three or two.

Yang Wei's face just appeared relaxed mood, suddenly in front of a gun pointed at him, his cold eyes did not half fear, just standing there no longer fighting with the man in black.

"What do you mean, ma'am?"

Huo Jinze asked coldly, "are you guilty?"

"Just a search."

She had to make sure they didn't carry any dangerous weapons.

Wen Lan also sat opposite him, with a sneer on her face, "I have nothing to feel guilty about. The woman you are looking for is really here."

Huo Jinze looked at her calmly, and the corner of his mouth showed a evil smile, but the smile was inexplicable, "you'd better bring her to me in good condition."

"You want that woman, but it depends on what you trade."

With a smile on her face, Wen Lan's tone seemed to be joking. "Otherwise, I can't guarantee that the person in front of you is not complete."

Huo Jinze's face remained calm.

He knew for a long time that he would not take Ansha so easily.

"What do you want?"

As long as he can give his Xia Xia back, he can give him anything.

"Huo xiaodai is straightforward."

Wen Lan's face once again bloomed a smile, this time is really happy, "Huo xiaodai has a lot to do with the leading French enterprise" Yusheng "group, right? I believe you can speak there. "

What she said was implicit. In fact, she had already found out that the owner behind the company was Huo Jinze.

Just, she does not say, because know too much, will only give her some unnecessary trouble.

Huo Jinze eyes deep looking at somewhere, wanton smile bloom in the corner of the mouth, "a little friendship."

At present, no one in his company knows that he is the one behind him.

She was able to find out that this woman is unusual.

"It's very simple. I just want the cooperation project he competed with our Yeshi group recently, as long as you can ask him to give it to us..."