It's a very ordinary looking suit.

The top is just a black loose T-shirt, and below it is a denim skirt. The skirt shows the figure very much, which is the favorite wear of wenshuyue before.

She remembers that she used to have a similar suit.

"Sister Luoluo, I also think it's pretty. It seems that I'm very thin in this way." Wang Lina looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't help praising her. Why didn't she find herself in such a good shape before.

It's already evening, and they've been shopping almost. Wang Lina can't wait to go back.

After they say goodbye, Wen Shuyue looks at her back.

Facing such a good girl, how should he choose?

Wang Lina put on very delicate make-up at home and changed into the clothes that Wen Shuyue chose for her yesterday. After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, she drove to the company.

Before going to the company, she went directly to her father's office. Now she went directly to he Siming's office.

She knocked on the door and heard he Siming's "enter", so she pushed the door and entered.

"Here I am." Wang Lina said with a smile, holding a cup of her own carefully brewed coffee.

Apart from other things, her coffee making skills are excellent, and this time she used her heart, so naturally it should be good.

As soon as I went in, I saw he Siming looking at her with surprise, but in a flash, it seemed to be disappointment.

But Wang Lina is also a little proud in her heart. Does the clothes that sister Luo helped her choose really interest he Siming?

"How's it going? Do I look good today? " Wang Lina put the coffee on the table, turned around and said with pride.

"Who made you wear that?" He Siming just asked in a cold voice.

Up to now, he Siming still remembers that Shu Yue used to like this kind of dress best, and she seems to have a similar suit before.

So when she first came in, he even accidentally recognized her as Shuyue, and was very surprised and excited. But the next moment, it seems to give people hope, and let people down.

Listening to he Siming's current tone, Wang Lina is not happy, but she doesn't care too much.

After all, he Siming was cold. She had been used to him for so long.

"I just bought it yesterday. Why? Do you care what people wear? " Wang Lina said.

Looking at his cold eyes, Wang Lina quickly pushed the coffee on the table to his body.

"No matter what you wear, it's all external. Here, try the coffee I made. It's not easy for me to get out of the coffee. It's not easy for me to use water, heat or anything...

before I finish, he Siming pushes the coffee off the table.

The coffee collided with the floor and made a very loud sound. The coffee she made also spilled all over the floor, and even some coffee splashed on her legs.

Wang Lina stares at he Siming and asks, "what are you doing? If you don't like me or my coffee, you can tell me that I can go, or I can take my coffee away. But why waste the fruits of other people's work? "

"Go away!" He Siming rubbed his sore temple and said angrily.

Wang Lina stood there for another moment, as if she didn't expect him to say that.

After reaction, she just covered her mouth and ran out of the office.

Even if she is optimistic and careless, she feels very wronged when she is said so without reason.

I just didn't expect that I saw Wang Liang who came to find he Siming just after I ran out.

"Oh, my dear daughter, what's the matter?" Wang Liang looked at her daughter in surprise and felt a twinge of heartache in her heart.

As a child, this child is very optimistic, generally nothing can make her cry, now it's really shocking for him.

"Nothing." Wang Lina held back her tears and said stubbornly.

"Come on, daughter, go to the office with dad and say." Wang Liang helped her to go that way.

After arriving at the office, Wang Lina finally couldn't help but pursed her lips and cried: "I don't know what happened to him. I went to his office to make him a cup of coffee, and I didn't know what happened to him, so I was very indifferent to him. Not only broke my coffee, but also yelled at me and told me to get out. "

Wang Liang is also very angry. Although he knows that he Siming's temper is not very good, he pampers his daughter. How can he say that.

"No, dad has to do justice for you. I have to ask why he treats my daughter like this."

Wang Liang is about to stand up, but is pulled down by Wang Lina.

"No, you can't. It's not good for you to go. That would seem like I'm suing you. " Wang Lina looks at Wang Liang wrongly.

Wang Liang angrily patted the table, and his tone was very tough: "anyway, it's wrong for him to yell at my daughter. I'll ask him about it. It's not negotiable."

"Oh, don't go."

Although Wang Lina has the intention to stop, Wang Liang still insists on going. In addition, Wang Lina also wants to know why he did this to her.So Wang Liang went to the door of he Siming's office.

After a moment's hesitation, he knocks on the door and hears he Siming's response, so he goes in.

He Siming stopped his work and said, "Hello, Mr. Wang. What can I do for you?"

Wang Liang coughed and said, "I just happened to see Lina running out of your office. She is very sad. So I'd like to ask you what happened. Is there something my Lina did

He Siming was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "no, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I was in a bad mood at that time."

"So what is it? Although your character is quite indifferent, you are always calm and should not lose your temper because of ordinary things, right Wang Liang asked.

He Siming was just cold and didn't speak.

Wang Liang knew it was something he didn't want to say, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask, but you can't make my Lina sad for nothing. Well, how about taking a chance and apologizing to her? "

He Siming nodded: "yes, it's all because of me. I'm too strict with her. My fault. "

After discussing with Wang Liang for a while, Wang Liang suggested that he invite Lina to dinner in the evening.

"My Lina is not a mean person, as long as you throw a little olive branch to her, she can forgive you." Wang Liang said.


Sure enough, after he Siming sent a text message to Wang Lina saying that he wanted to invite her to dinner, she quickly agreed.

Wang Liang finally let go.

In the evening, he Siming settled the work early and went to the appointed hotel.

He sat in his seat and waited for a while. He was looking at the magazine when he heard a voice. He turned his head and looked.

I didn't expect to see Wang Lina walking together with Wen Shuyue. They are hand in hand and look very close.