The next morning, Gong Yang asked someone to open the room. He planned to deliver breakfast to Wenluo himself and see how she was.

But when he opened the door, he found no one in the room.

"What about people?" He immediately asked the bodyguard who opened the door.

"Young master, I don't know? I didn't let Miss winlow go

Gong Yang put his breakfast next to him, went into the room and looked around.

Just when he thought Wenluo might have escaped from the balcony and came to the balcony to check, Wenluo suddenly rushed out from behind the door and rushed to the stairway while the bodyguard didn't respond.

"Young master, miss wenlow has escaped!"

Gong Yang immediately chased out.

Wenlow had fled downstairs. "Come on, get her for me!"

Downstairs bodyguards and nanny work together to subdue the escaped Wenluo.

"Let go of me!" Wenluo struggled, "Gong Yang, you bastard! You've been lying to me! I'm going to get out of here, I'm going to find my son, I'm going to find Siming! "

Gong Yang came down from the upstairs with a blue face. He held out a hand and grabbed Wenluo's chin, forcing her to look directly at him.

"It seems that your memory has been restored."

Wenluo looked at him with hatred in his eyes. "So what? You wretch, you deliberately broke up our family

"Hum!" Gong Yang sneered, "I just want to break up you and he Siming, OK? Now that you're in my hands, what can I do? "

He gently stroked Wenluo's white and clean face. Gong Yang couldn't put it down because of his delicate and tight touch.

"You have a beautiful face and a good hand. I don't want to give you back to he Siming at all."

"Get your dirty hands off me!" She hated the feeling of being touched by him, which made her feel sick from the bottom of her heart!

The evil light flashed in Gong Yang's eyes.

He ordered the servants to take Wenluo back to the room immediately and gave the order to the bodyguards: "you guys, keep watch outside. If she escapes again, you will be punished."

Wenlow was detained by her servants and bodyguards and returned to the room where she had been held.

"Gong Yang, please let me go! This is illegal imprisonment. I'll sue you! "

She was in the room, knocking on the door, and even smashing everything in the room.

An old woman saw that she was making such a big noise, so she ran to Gong Yang to plead for her.

"Young master, you'd better find a way! We can't let Miss Wen continue to make trouble like this. If we let people outside know, we can't help but spread bad rumors. "

Gong Yang sat on the sofa, listening to the old lady's words, and felt that there was some truth.

It's not a good way to lock her up all the time.

The key is that wenlow has now recovered his memory, and he can no longer let her leave the villa as he did before.

The bodyguard captain next to him had been with Gong Yang for such a long time. He knew what Gong Yang was thinking, so he quietly suggested, "young master, how about we find a psychologist to hypnotize Miss Wen and make her lose her memory again?"

The idea was right in Gong Yang's mind. He said with a smile: "yes, it's a good idea. Go to see doctor Kang."

Dr. Kang has always been a special family doctor of the palace family. Besides being proficient in surgery, he also has profound attainments in psychiatry and psychology.

At the moment, he Siming, sitting in the office, feels more and more uneasy.

He kept thinking of what Wenluo had said to him in the hospital. In addition, he had no contact with her these days, which made him feel that things were not simple.

Guan Yue just came in with several documents, "president, here are some documents that need your signature."

He said to Guan Yue, "I'll sign the document when I come back. Guan Yue, I have something to go out for a while. You can keep an eye on the company for a while."

"President, where are you going..."

Before Guan Yue finished speaking, he Siming had picked up the car key and left the office.

"Master Gong, do you really want to do this?" Doctor Kang's face was covered with wrinkles, all of which showed that he was worried now. "Young master, hypnosis is just a means of treating patients' mental or psychological diseases, and it can't really eliminate other people's memory."

"Dr. Kang, you just have to do as I tell you. You don't need to worry about anything else."

Gong Yang can't manage many things at all now. He just wants to keep Wenluo by his side, and wants her to accompany him with no second intention.

He followed Dr. Kang into winlow's room.

As soon as Wenluo saw Dr. Kang, it was like seeing a ghost. Although she didn't know why Dr. Kang came here, it was certainly not good.

"What are you doing? No one is allowed to come here

Gong Yang gives the bodyguards a look, and they immediately understand and use brute force to hold Wenluo on the chair, forcing her to accept the doctor's hypnosis."The doctor can start."

Doctor Kang took out a special hypnotic pocket watch from a medical bag he was carrying.

"No, no, I will never let you succeed!"

Wenluo desperately struggle, keep twisting his head, do not let himself see the doctor's pocket watch in his hand.

"You press her down for me!" Gong Yang in the side of the order, "if she is not honest, give me an injection of tranquilizer."

He must not let her leave him!

"Gong Yang, what do you want to do? Make them let me go Wenlow looked at him with hatred and anger in his eyes.

She never thought that Gong Yang, who used to look humorous, was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Three bodyguards, two of whom are responsible for holding her body, and the other is responsible for stabilizing her head so that she can look at the pocket watch.

Even so, it took a couple of people, including doctors, two hours to get wenlow into hypnosis.

After hypnosis, Gong Yang asked doctor Kang how he was doing.

"Frankly speaking, young master, the situation is not good. Miss Wen tried her best not to cooperate with us, so it's hard to say what the final result will be. It's only after Miss isothermal wakes up that she will know what the result will be."

More than an hour later, Wenluo woke up. Gong Yang stepped forward and asked tentatively, "Luoluo, how do you feel now?"

"Gong Yang, why am I here?" Wenlow looked at him with a blank eye.

"Do you remember what just happened?"

"What happened just now?"

Wenluo's confused and ignorant eyes revealed that she had just forgotten everything.

However, Gong Yang seems to be a little worried. He whispered a few words to doctor Kang, asking him to continue to observe in secret. He led Wenluo to the living room for dinner.

Just at this time, he Siming suddenly broke into Gong Yang's villa and was stopped by the bodyguard.

"Here comes he Siming."

Gong Yang deliberately told Wen Luo the news to see her reaction.

"What did he come for? If you don't like him, let the bodyguards drive him out