Chapter 203

Zhang Zheng's eyes are wide, which is a magic power! Shrink to an inch! In the past, meatballs were popular science to themselves, and none of them were treasures of the super big schools, which could not be passed on to outsiders.

Looking at Zhang Zheng's expression that he had never seen the world, Hong Jiu curled his lips, dug his nostrils and said, "boy, don't look like you haven't seen the world. It's impossible that old Gu doesn't even teach you such basic skills!"

Zhang Zheng gave a bitter smile, and then he remembered that he had not entered the second floor of the Qiankun Pavilion. Recently, he often saw Jing always walking around in the Qiankun precepts. It must be that after being defeated by himself, he no longer has to stay in the Qiankun Pavilion.

Zhang Yu, who was still drinking milk, was startled to see the three people suddenly coming in from the outside. The untidy old man in front of him immediately let Zhang Yu who was drinking milk show disgust.

"Well? Who is this boy? " Looking at Zhang Yu in front of him, Hong Jiu raised his eyebrows and said in a loud voice.

Zhang Zheng cried out in his heart that he was not good. He quickly stood in the middle of the two and said with flattering expression: "master, don't be angry. This is my brother. He just offended the elder because of his ignorance."

"Good! Good! Good frame! Do you have a master? What do you think of me Hong Jiuyi pulled Zhang Zheng aside in front of him. He stepped forward quickly to Zhang Yu. His eyes were full of stars, and he was in a state of mind of loving talents like a son.

Seeing this, Zhang took a breath and thought that the untidy old man wanted to do harm to Zhang Yu.

"I don't want it! You are so sloppy, I don't like you! " Zhang Yu shook his head, drank the bottle in his hand, and said to Hong Jiu, whose eyes were shining with gold.

"Boy! Do you know who I am? That day, when the general Buddha saw me, he had to be courteous! I have a good intention to accept you as an apprentice. Are you not willing to? Think of me... "Hong Jiu blew his white beard and glared at Zhang Yu.

No matter what Hong Jiu said, Zhang Yu shook his head, as if the old man in front of him was like a neuropathy.

"Cough, master, the top priority is to look at Yu Xiu's injury, and then make plans." Zhang Zhengsheng was afraid that the two men would quarrel and tear down his villa, so he came out in a hurry.

"OK, OK, Zhang Zheng, you have to explain it to your brother! I love this doll! I don't believe I will be compared by old gu! " Zhang Yu's temper was blown and his anger was adjusted by Zhang's.

Zhang Yu rolled his eyes, thinking that he didn't need to find a master. It was enough to have a brother. Who would think that the master would like to follow him back to the ancient world. The slovenly old man is not so good at first sight. Who can be such an expert? Shouldn't they all be immortal?

Zhang Zheng and Hong Jiu don't know what Zhang Yu is muttering at this time, otherwise Hong Jiu will have to spit out his old blood.

"Fortunately, the boy was revived by the medicine, otherwise he would have died long ago, but fortunately, he can't die! Just wake up after the strength will drop Said nine, lying on the sofa and sighing.

"Master, we've probably known the murderer. We can go now!" Zhang zhengbaoquan said, and then put the coordinates of the dragon and tiger society in front of Hong Jiu.

They only felt that the space changed for a while, and the scenery in front of them became blurred. When they opened their eyes again, they had already arrived at the dragon and tiger society.

Besides, jiuyu seems to be proud of me.

Zhang Yu didn't seem to see Hong Jiu flaunting himself. He followed Zhang Zheng all the time. He was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at him.

After Zhang Zheng arrived, he took a deep breath of air conditioning. He saw that there was a strong smell of blood in the dragon and tiger society. The ground became scarlet, and there were shriveled bodies and bloody stumps everywhere, which made people feel sick.

Zhang Yu almost had to spit out all the milk he had just drunk and stood in the same place for a bout of retching.

"Master, what's going on here?" Luo Xuan looked at the scene in front of him, and was surprised.

"This man must have reached the spiritual saturation now! Ordinary demons are not so powerful Hong Jiu sniffed a little, then the whole person looked dignified and ran quickly to a folk square.

Zhang Zheng and Luo Xuan and Zhang Yu looked at each other and quickly followed Hong Jiu's steps.

As soon as he entered the door, the smell of the whole person seemed to be disturbed. In front of him, there was a wall full of spider web cracks, with blood splashing all around. The whole room was dark, giving people a deep and strange atmosphere, so that Zhang Zheng could feel a breath in his chest.

"Hum!" Hong Jiu snorted coldly and shook his big hand at the void. The whole room trembled, and then came a shrill howl.

"Ah? Mr. Hong! You're here, too! I'll let you go. Ah, there's a miniature salon in the palm of Hong Jiu's hand, full of resentment.

"How dare you be so crazy! I'll kill you one time. Sooner or later, I'll kill you and tear you up one by one! " Hong Jiu drinks a big, fierce a force, in the hands of the salon's body will disappear.

"poo ~" salon spits out a mouthful of black blood, and his face is full of ferocity and unwillingness!

"Old man! I want you to look good, I want you to die Sharon was hammering his chest and yelling. The whole castle trembled, and the murmurs of demons came from all around.


"that's the end?" Zhang Zhengyi looked at Hong Jiu, who was able to solve the battle with lightning speed.

"No, the monster that you said about eating human flesh and drinking human blood has not been found yet. This dragon and tiger society is the summoning array for salon to come again on the full moon night. At that time, all the dead people in the yard will become the sacrifice for the arrival of demons. Now the priority is to find the person you're talking about. " Hong Jiu shook his head. He did not know where to take out a chicken leg full of oil stains and put it into his mouth. It was delicious.

"Shigong, that man is the chief disciple of Longhu Mountain." Luo Xuan said softly beside Hong Jiu.

"What? Mount Longhu? His grandmother's, these cow nosed Taoist priests, what kind of disposition do they cultivate every day! Was it deceived by the devil? He's a grandmother. I'll find something for me! Pooh Hong Jiu scolds loudly, just ate the chicken leg inside the mouth, instantly he is not fragrant, was Hong nine one mouthful vomit on the ground.

Zhang Zheng felt more comfortable when he saw that Hong Jiu belittled Longhu Mountain.

"Well? Tut Tut, old man, it's very deep, huh Hong Jiu suddenly looked at the middle of the room, cracked his mouth and said with a smile. He saw a fierce wave of his big hand. The strong wind suddenly blew from the room, and a six pointed star array appeared in the room.