Chapter 947

Once we lose the protection of the Royal exclusive title of "seven robberies of the magic dragon", how fierce the internal competition will be among the most top-level forces in the western regions.

Once losing power, the red dragon team will fall down and push people. There is no need for Xu Yang's glory team to do it in person. Naturally, more people can't wait to wipe them out.

It has to be said that today's Xuyang has begun to develop towards the direction of artistry in all aspects of layout and leadership. Xu Yang has long despised the combat method of crushing everything with his own strength.

Now he is pursuing the most simple means, the least strength, to maximize the benefits.

One after another, there were thunderous shouts and murders.

As the front line of the main battlefield outside the outer city wall, both sides are controlled by the glory corps of Xu Yang. Therefore, the confrontation between the two sides, which is similar to a contest, has made a great injury. It has a very deep enchanting effect on the dog legs sent by the general leaders to monitor the scene.

"Newspaper! Chief commander, the battle situation in the main battlefield is very fierce. It seems that more than 20% of the people have gone down.

If they want to go on like this, they must be both losers and losers! "

After hearing such news, the commander put up a cold smile.

"Good, keep watching! That's what I want. After this war, I'm going to turn Sal into a worthless city-state.

Ah Yang, this is the price you paid for my brother's death! And this is just the beginning. I promise to make everyone in your team ten times worse than my brother

Obviously, the grand commander has not yet woken up in the dream that Xu Yang weaves for him, and he is still immersed in the rhythm of self righteousness.

And when he came to his senses, the situation was irretrievable.

After this situation has been maintained for an hour, suddenly, the same rhythm of the building was smashed, and Shengsheng was caught off guard by the eight top players of the red dragon team.

"What are you talking about? How is it possible that the city-state was captured so quickly?

There are 8000 soldiers in the army of Saar city-state that we have sent to the front line of the battlefield. Even if they are weak, they can't carry on for an hour! "

The chief commander asked the scout in front of him in disbelief.

However, how could this guy have the courage to cheat the commander-in-chief and repeat his accurate intelligence again and again, in addition to his trembling repeated repetition.

"To the chief commander, how can a villain dare to deceive you? In fact, all the internal passages of the five gates were opened by those people. Now all directions in the castle have been completely surrounded by the spiritual monks of the 3000 emperor soul battle group.

The inner doors of the four sides of the city have also been completely blocked!

We are the turtles in a jar now. Even if we concentrate all our strength and attack head-on, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to get out of the city! "

Without hesitation, the commander directly crushed a scout in front of him.

Even if he is one of his own, he needs a life to vent his anger!

"You TMD is the turtle! Pass on my order, all the red dragon's army will give me a breakthrough at all costs! We must not be trapped in the city-state of Saar. They will attack the north gate and send a team of two hundred people to go out of the city and ask for support as much as possible! "

"In addition, old five and six, you two summon flying wings, go to the city-state forces near the magic dragon battle group, ask for support and take the magic dragon battle order!"

The old five and six are strong spiritual cultivation of the blue level. Although they are relatively backward in the red dragon team, their strength can not be underestimated.

After receiving the order from the commander-in-chief, he did not dare to neglect him at all. He left the command area of the city Lord's office at the first time, and rose up in the air and headed for the end of the northern gate heaven.

However, the brothers never dreamed that when the two wings appeared above the imperial soul army surrounded by the north gate, the news of their escape immediately reached Xu Yang's ears.

worked together for a long time, and the force of the three thousand emperors' soul Corps was reduced to Xu Yangrongyao's battle line.

"My God, boss, he's just as sure as a cucumber. He really guessed that the commander-in-chief will send someone out to ask for support by some means! Fortunately, we came here early in the morning to take precautions. Now I want to see how these two wastes can escape from the city! "

Little did you know that Liszt, at this time, was guarding the north gate with the little chimpanzee, saber toothed tiger and the clown. His move was just like that of a strategist, Xu Yang, and used it incisively and vividly.

The reason why Xu Yang decided early on that this guy would give priority to the north gate was that the nearest city-state near Saicheng state was just in the north direction.

Once the red dragon team wants to seek support, it will certainly open a breakthrough from the north.

"Hey, man, we meet again!"

The old five and six of the red dragon team just got out of the protection area above the north gate. The two big birds under them have been shot black and blue by the defenders below.The two men, who thought they had escaped from heaven, fell into despair after seeing the clown and Liszt.

Of course, what really makes these two people feel suffocated is that Liszt and the clown are the two horrible animal kings with flying ability and their existence.

The saber toothed tiger let out a roar in the air, and the terrible pressure from the animal King level broke out in an instant. Shengsheng broke down the souls of the two big birds that had been injured in front of them and lost their flying ability on the spot.

The old five and six of the red dragon team fell from a height of 1000 meters, completely losing the ability to fly.

"You and I work separately. Obviously, our plan has been torn apart by the glory Corps. If we gather together, we will not escape the capture of those two men!

Even if we have to pay our lives, we must send the situation here and the magic dragon battle order to the nearby city-state, otherwise, today will be the time for our red dragon team to fall! "

Old five is a bit of a big family, the first time this most important entrustment entrusted to Laoliu.

Unfortunately. As soon as the old six left, he was already under the gaze of Liszt and the little orangutan.

"Our boss said that although you two have already reached the youth level, you are theoretically qualified to enter the glory circus training.

But because you are members of the red dragon team, you are not worthy to enter the circus. There is only one way to judge your ending, that is, to kill on the spot. "

Old five has been furious to the extreme, not only to face these two particularly powerful guys, but also to suffer the insult of such red fruits.

But what can this do? In this power for the respect of the mainland, the fifth is very clear, I am afraid he will really fall here.

"Well, I have to go back to report after finishing the task here. Do you have any last words you want to explain?

This is the last time you speak. Please cherish this precious opportunity

The fifth of the red dragon battle group was furious to the extreme, clenched his fists and staring at Liszt coldly: "I said you m!"

Liszt sneered, and without a word of nonsense, the life-threatening card in his hand has been flying out of his hand in this moment