Chapter 405 13 - Just a figment of imagination

Chapter 405 Chapter 13 - Just a figment of imagination

Skyy curiously peered at the vehicle. It was run down but it worked very well. He had seen spaceships faster than this vehicle though. His eyes then fell on the woman who was looking at him intently.

He smiled at her. 'Ah I see... she is the last woman in the world.'

It was said in the history books that women went extinct last century ago. But this woman existed. She must have been the last of her kind. That is also why the pair of siblings seem to be on the run.

'Who would care about how their clothes look or how their vehicle looks when they are on the run.' he nodded to himself.

For a second, he doubted whether this was earth or not. But now everything was okay.

He leaned back on the dirty seats with a sigh.

"So, where do you come from?" the woman scooted close.

"The lunar base, I'm from Block B. You guys don't have to worry about anything I won't tell anyone," He cast a comforting smile her way.

The woman blinked. "Wow, he sounds delulu." She muttered under her breath. "Anyway, I'm Zara and this is my brother Chen. You can call him Chenchen." The source of this content can be connected to n0v3lb!n★

"He can't call me anything," the stern guy said from the driver's seat.

Skyy pouted. "My code name is pw54. But you can call me Skyy. My friend named me so. He said it means the atmosphere above the earth."

"Okay..." Zara scooted close to the front seat and nudged Chen. "He is slightly crazy... Are there any mental hospitals close by? I mean, his clothes do resemble a uniform from one."

"There was one. But it's all run down. You think he survived in there?" Chen glanced at the young boy, who seemed to be concentrating on one of his bees.

From his bee's vision, he was able to see the young boy's face close by. The boy's eyes shone brightly as he tried to touch it.

"don't touch it. Please..." he said startling the boy. "How old are you?"


Skyy gazed at them both. "I'm not crazy. Kaden is real."

"He is not."

"He is," Skyy glared at the back of his head. "Kaden is real and I'm not crazy."

"You come from the moon and you have a friend who actually lives healthily with the trees in his veins? Tsk, are fucking nuts. Stop messing around with him Zara.!"

"HE IS REAL!" Skyy kicked the front seat. "He is!! And I'm not crazy! I come from the lunar base!"

Chen gaped. "Did you just kick my seat?"

"Yes, I did. You're very annoying," Skyy kicked him again. "Stop saying my friend is not real. He is real. He is very much real and alive. So is Kyle."

"They are alive," he repeated softly as he was comforting himself.

The young woman gently patted his back. "I'm sure they are safe and sound."

Skyy fell silent. "I hope they are," tears filled his eyes at the thought of Kyle being hurt. "The crash sent me flying here...I don't know where they ended up. what if that skeletal creature hurts them?"

"didn't you say your friend has trees in his veins? He could easily take care of those things." Ara said comfortingly.

That sounded comforting.

Skyy wiped his tears off and smiled. "I'm sure... I heard he is very strong. That's why they chose him as my mate,"

Chen listened to all this rolling his eyes. He was so tempted to throw this guy at the side of the road. But if he did, he wouldn't hear the end of it from Zara.

"it's all your fault," he poked Trexa who was tiredly lying on the dashboard.

['Don't blame me. I was just happily traveling,']

"Where did you find this lunatic?" he poked her soft tummy.

Trexa pushed his hand away. ['somewhere far. Don't call him a lunatic. He is a precious person. You need to protect him ah. Lives depend on it']