Chapter 407 No More Beating Around The Bush

Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Chapter 407 No More Beating Around The Bush


Everyone around the table politely smiled at Rastran's greetings. Lyrian had surveyed every single person within the room by now.

There were 10 main people in total. Many were obvious to figure out, as their clothing or looks portrayed who they were and what they did.

Out of the 10, Lyrian already knew 4 of them. One of them was Rastran, of course, and then Ounz Von Haven, who was a given as well. These two represented the Adventurer's guild and Mayor family within Hogolsworth.

Then there was the father of Hyren Hyrooon, representing the Hyroon family who controlled the supply of mana throughout Hogolsworth. Their control affected water, fire, cooling, and heating instruments. Along with this came electricity, plumbing, and many other aspects of daily life for the people of Hogolsworth.

The next and last person Lyrian knew from the table was Hanol Sheirp from the Jade Spice Cove in the Red Light District.

'I wouldn't expect to see him here, but I guess it makes sense. The Red Light District is one of the biggest attractions of the city, and Hanol is a respected figure who controls a large amount of that area. I imagine his decisions can impact the city as a whole.'

As Lyrian thought this to himself, he couldn't help but notice that Hanol seemed to be shooting nervous glances at him here and there. Hanol was making sure he only looked at Lyrian when the young boy was looking away, but eyes weren't the only thing that allowed Lyrian to know who was looking at him at all times. The sheer presence directed toward another being by the eyes was far more easily detectable by a Magia Cultivator in the Second Layer of Genesis Rank.

'Odd to say the least.' That was what Lyrian thought about Hanol's actions.

"We have a new guest joining us today." Rastran faced Lyrian as he addressed everyone. He raised his hand to gesture toward the MVP.

"Lyrian Theageld of Anaviotis, everyone." As he said this, everyone nodded and faced the boy.

"Please, let's take our time introducing ourselves." Rastran then turned to Lyrian, "And if you don't mind, introduce yourself as well to everyone at the end."

"I am Lyrian Theageld of Anaviotis. My goal in this meeting ties to my mission for coming to Veridrake. It is to solve the biggest concern of everyone in this room, which is the missing person's mystery."

Everyone let out determined 'hmms' and 'I see' as Lyrian spoke.

"We usually would discuss that at the end, you see," Rastran exclaimed, following Lyrian.

"I have no

problem with that. I will let everyone discuss what they must first, and then I will continue my investigation from there." Lyrian firmly stated, as everyone respectfully agreed to his proposal and continued their normal meeting.

The meeting went full circle around the entire table. Each representative of the city discussed problems, policies, successes, ideas, and many other things about their respective roles.

However, underlying beneath each and every person's presentation was an impact that the case of the missing persons had left. Especially in Sir Hyroon's case, as he attempted to speak on what happened to him and his family back in Jambaal.

"However, I will restrain myself, as I believe this information is not only known more by Lord Lyrian but it will be presented better by him as well." Sir Hyroon finished his statement, changing the attention in the room to Lyrian at the very end.

Now that everyone was finished, Lyrian was allowed to state his case in the matter.

"I will be upright. There is no point in trying to hold secrets anymore, and quite frankly, I can't be asked to walk as if I'm on sea shells any longer." Lyrian said, standing up.

No one knew where he was going with this, but they all soon understood as he exclaimed, "The reason behind these disappearances is something that we all probably have already guessed in the back of our minds."

Everyone started to fear the worst now. Would he really bring such a horrible premise up? Was it time? Time to finally address *that* problem? Well... it didn't seem anyone had a choice any longer.

"This is all the Black Petal Sect's doing." Lyrian solemnly stated.

At once, shock and silence filled the room.