Chapter 3419

Space battlefield!

With Xiao Chen's voice falling, everyone is ignorant, how to say well, is going to war?

However, at the next moment, their expression suddenly stagnated. The ten gods of war, the seven monsters, the ancestors of all ethnic groups, listen to his orders, who does he think he is? Does he think he's the creator.

"Boy, are you insane?" Kong Bi looked at Xiao Chen and said without thinking that the ten gods of war and the seven monsters of tianxingzong were all powerful men of tianxingzong. They only followed the orders of the creators. An unknown boy also wanted to order them. It was not insanity.

"Are you Xiao Chen?" However, Kong Li looks at Xiao Chen with some suspicions, thinking in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to know me." Xiao Chen light way.

"Kong Li, Tianxing Zong. I've met elder Taishang!" Kong Li bows his hand and salutes slightly. Xiao Chen, is he the supreme elder Xiao Chen brought back by the creator and others after their reincarnation. Mahayana Yizhong is nothing in his eyes, but after all, he is the supreme elder recognized by his master himself. There should be some etiquette.

"elder Taishang, what ghost?" Hearing Kong Li's words, many people were stunned, including Kong Bi, and his words were blurted out.

"Elder Taishang is not a ghost, but a person. I am Xiao Chen, the elder of tianxingzong, standing in front of you."

Xiao Chen says slowly, the voice is calm and powerful, ring in the ear of every strong person.

"Li Yuanba, tianxingzong, meet with elder Taishang!"

Li Yuanba took the lead in saluting, slightly arched his hand, and then did not forget to look back at Kunpeng Xiaosan.

Kunpeng Xiaosan is messy. The boy he wants to teach becomes the eldest brother of his eldest brother and the supreme elder of tianxingzong. However, he has lived for so many years, and he has no idea when tianxingzong will have another Taishang elder.

However, for Li Yuanba's eyes, he can't turn a blind eye. The eldest brother saluted him. How could he not be polite? Therefore, he also bowed his hands slightly.

"See elder Taishang!"

"See elder Taishang!"

Other people of kunpengzong also saluted one after another.

At this time, Bi Kong could only look at Li Kong and others.

Xiao Chen looked at the strong people who bowed their hands around him. His original intention was to build up prestige and give full play to the power of the strong one of the immortality cult.

"Elder Taishang, come to Tianxing tower for a talk!" When Xiao Chen wants to say something, suddenly the voice of tianxing'er suddenly rings. When he hears the voice of tianxing'er, everyone's expression is suddenly shocked. Even tianxing'er appears. Is it that the boy in front of him is really the supreme elder?

"Kong Li, settle down the strong ones of immortality. Anyway, they are the children of the universe." Tianxing'er said again.

She created the universe, and all the creatures in the universe belonged to her children. Otherwise, she would not have just expelled immortality.

"Yes, master!" Kong Li took the order, and tianxing'er spoke. The strong men who had a grudge against immortality were unwilling and could only obey orders.

Next, Li Yuanba and Xiao Chen came to a huge city in the starry sky. This huge city was created by tianxing'er according to Tianxing City, which is the base of Tianxing universe.

Xiao Chen comes to a room and opens the door. There are some people sitting in it, including tianxinger, tianyan'er, tiandao'er, tianling'er, tianyue'er, tianying'er, tiangui'er, tianyiner, tianyi'er, tiankui'er, as well as ten palace masters, Chu Yunmeng, Ke'er, Xia Ruoxi, Duanmu QingHan, Cheng Qingling, shangguanying, Tang Yanran, Xiao Rou, Mu Qingxuan, Chang Qianqian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!