Chapter 692: Instigate

"Damn, there are assassins! And there are supreme artifacts!!"

After the City Lord of Wanhai City was divided into seven or eight pieces, he burned wildly to the highest origin, turned into eight blue water arrows, and shot in all directions.

As long as one of the eight blue water arrows can escape, the City Lord of Wanhai City can slowly regenerate.

The blood rebirth is just a basic operation for the Demon Realm Great Power.

At that moment, the endless darkness rolled the eight blue water arrows, and a [Dark Spear] shot out in the endless darkness, penetrating the eight blue water arrows one by one.

The blue water arrow trembled for a while, condensing into the somewhat cracked body of the city lord of Wanhai City. He looked desperate and screamed: "Who are you? What is the enemy between me and you! Why did you come to kill me?"

Yang Fan's eyes were cold, and he swung the magic sword made by the [Almighty Compass] and instantly burst out countless sword lights covering the city lord of Wanhai City.

A round of blue magic light surrounds the magic sword, slaying the soul of the city lord of Wanhai City. In just a few breaths, his soul was instantly cut off by Yang Fan and fell directly.

"The highest evolution points + 1300 points, do you consume 10 highest evolution points to extract the soul of Wanhai City Lord?"


Yang Fan stretched out his hand and grabbed the body of the City Lord of Wanhai City directly in his hand, and began to absorb his power crystallization.

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth raised slightly: "Yes, after the advanced middle position is high, my combat power has skyrocketed again, and the deduction level of the heavenly secret technique has also improved."

The strength of the City Lord of Wanhai City is not weak. If he fights head-on, he will run away as soon as he meets each other, and Yang Fan may not be able to kill him. However, Yang Fan's combat power was already very tyrannical at this time, and it was a sneak attack, and it was normal to kill Wan Hai City Lord in a second.

After Yang Fan killed the City Lord of Wanhai City, he immediately transformed himself into the City Lord of Wanhai City.

Lang Jiu, Dark Poison Hongye, and Golden Winged Roc also took over the magpie's nest, easily replaced the high level of Wanhai City, and quietly grasped the supreme power of Wanhai City.

Yang Fan didn't use any tactics, but directly used the power of illusion, which distorted the perception of the entire Wanhai City residents. Let them all feel that everything is normal.

"The Fighting Conference is indeed a ceremony! This ceremony was a game for the powerful to appreciate the struggle of the juniors. Only the first place in the Fighting Conference can be received by the high-ranking ones."

Yang Fanyi checked the research materials left by the city lord of Wanhai City, and immediately had a guess in his heart.

The strong in the devil is respected. Many powerful demons are full of energy and like to fight. Many great powers of the Demon Realm also like to see the scenes where the juniors of the Demon Realm kill and fight each other.

Duel arenas, arenas, and martial arts are everywhere in the devil world, and there are even a few great abilities that specialize in various arenas, and they will select and train those who look pleasing to the eye.

"That secret realm should be the place where the body of the Nine Extremes Sea Abyss Demon Emperor is located! It is precisely because of this that that secret realm will have many kinds of treasures that have almost disappeared from the outside world."

"This secret realm must be in my hands!"

A cold light flashed in Yang Fan's eyes, and suddenly disappeared from the spot as a faint light.

In the city lord's mansion of Xinhai City, in a green lake, a golden jellyfish with a diameter of thousands of kilometers was scattered on it. That golden jellyfish is the City Lord of Xinhai City.

"There are still three years left until the secret realm is opened! Hey, why open the secret realm? Isn't it good to seal the secret realm directly? Once the secret realm is sealed, there will be no struggle!"

The Lord of Xinhai City lay in the lake, spitting bubbles, muttering in his heart.

Among the three major city masters, the city master of Xinhai City didn't like opening the secret realm, because that would cause a struggle. What He wants to do most is that everyone stays in their own city, enjoys the glory and wealth, and never leaves forever.

However, although the City Lord of Xinhai City is a bit lazy, he is not a fool. He knew that if he did not participate in the competition in the secret realm, once there was a gap between the strength of the two in the future, he might be the next power to be killed.

Although the three major city masters joined forces to kill the first generation of Nine Extremes Sea Abyss Demon Sect leader. But they also struggle with each other. The main reason for Xinhaicheng City is to keep salting fish, there is absolutely only a dead end.

Silently, a blue sword light suddenly emerged from the void and slashed on the body of Xinhai City City Lord.

The body of the city lord of Xinhai City split open, and countless brilliant golden rays of light burst at the master of the sword light instantly, as if countless suns bloomed instantly.

Yang Fan emerged in the countless golden rays of light, and countless flame curses appeared all over his body, partly transformed into the sun, assimilated with the golden rays of light.

The Golden Wing Roc suddenly appeared, burning the highest source, and a magic blade containing the power of space slashed on the body of the City Lord of Xinhai City.

The body of the city lord of Xinhai City was cut apart at once, turned into countless golden rays of light and rose into the sky, fleeing in all directions.

Endless darkness rushed from the side, rolled towards the golden light, and swept the golden light into it. A dark spear penetrated the golden rays of light directly.

"My lord, I surrender! I am willing to surrender to you, please, spare my life! I can do my best for you, I am very useful!! I know the secret of that secret world!!!"

Numerous golden rays of light condensed at once, forming the city lord of New Sea City. His body was twisted for a while, turning into a beautifully beautiful blond woman, kneeling on the ground shivering, softly begging.

The main body of Xinhaicheng City Lord is a huge golden jellyfish, and there is no gender. However, in order to survive, he became a beautiful blonde woman, and he also took the initiative to fix his gender.

Yang Fan said with cold eyes: "I can't control the mighty powerhouse! So I can't accept your refuge. You, go to death!"

None of those mighty powers should be underestimated, and it is extremely difficult to kill. If Yang Fan put a power who would betray at any time by his side, he could not sleep well at all.

"Yes!! Yes!! I can tear my soul secretly, I can tear my soul and let you control it! Don't worry!"

The City Lord of Xinhai City was so confused, he reached out his hand, and a crystal of knowledge flew into Yang Fan's hand.

Yang Fan smashed the knowledge crystal, absorbed the knowledge in it, and suddenly became speechless.

The souls of those powerful and powerful are extremely tough and of extremely high quality. Perfect fusion with their bodies. Even Yang Fan couldn't forcefully control a great power.

The Golden Winged Roc has been controlled by Yang Fan from a low level, and they rely on Yang Fan's power to advance their power, so they will not be able to escape Yang Fan's power throughout their lives.