"A Tang, a Tang..."

In the dream is a boundless dark, dark down, let Su Tang very uncomfortable. The pain in her chest had spread all over her body, and she was huddled in the dark corner, shaking with pain.

It really hurts

"A Tang A Tang... "

That familiar with this tender voice has been echoing in the ear, so that Su Tang more painful.

"Sister Sister... " She moved her lips and said the address.

In the hospital, Mr. Lou and Mrs. Lou nestled together and looked at the adopted daughter with pain on her face in her deep sleep. Her expression was full of grief.

She had just had surgery, but she didn't wake up.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou only felt uncomfortable.

They even began to regret why they had taken the child home. If she had not come, she would not be so reluctant now

One of the most desperate things in the world is to send a black haired man to a white haired man. The child has been cute and sweet since he was young, which makes the couple feel warm from the bottom of his heart. But this child, will leave them soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou have tears in their eyes. They can't accept such a thing. They dare not tell their son about Su Tang's illness and operation.

Lou Yue's child was living in the ward upstairs. He didn't know he was going to lose his sister.

Mr. Lou and Mrs. Lou dare not say, for fear that the more Lou hears the news, she will be stimulated. They can't afford that.

Mrs. Lou covered her mouth and wept. She put her head on Mr. Lou's shoulder and trembled all over.

Mr. Lou also shed tears.

But on the sickbed weak pale Su Tang, the mouth actually began to murmur out two words.

"Sister Sister... "

She said.

The voice was weak, but she did wake up.

Mr. Lou and Mrs. Lou were surprised and called the doctor.

To everyone's surprise, the doctor said she couldn't make it today, but at this time, the signs of life are getting better. This is really a miracle.

In a word, Su Tang will not die.

At least not for the time being.

Mrs. Lou was in such a high mood that she could hardly bear to faint, but the whole family was very happy.

Su Tang soon woke up.

She looked at the happy appearance of her adoptive father and mother, and the corners of her mouth also slowly rose.

In their eyes, Su Tang just had an operation after he was ill and nearly died. But only she knew that she was really dead.

After the darkness completely engulfed her, she saw her own soul floating out and saw her sad adoptive father and mother.

She was miserable and desperate.

At that time, she saw a flash of light, a football like thing talking.

It said it was zhinao 2777, and it came to find a host that met the requirements, and what it found was su Tang.

In fact, Su Tang is a little confused. She doesn't understand the meaning, but she still understands that as long as she agrees to it, she can live. Even, you can get a cure for your brother.

Su Tang agreed without hesitation, and then began the first initial task.

2777 is very lively, but also understand the character of Su Tang, so she chose the structure department for her. The implication is to participate in the infrastructure construction of all the world, from the smallest to the most powerful, and then directly build a city or even a planet.

This department is suitable for some introverted people like Su Tang. If it's like other maintenance departments attacking departments, it's too much a test of personal psychological quality.

Obviously, for a year-round illness mood can not too big ups and downs of people, Su Tang is not.

The construction department is a logistics department. Su Tang was not used to his healthy body at first. But she got used to it after she got into work.

Because of Su Tang's personal situation, 2777 is especially considerate to let her return to her own world and reunite with her family after completing a task.

Although Mr. Lou and Mrs. Lou only think that she woke up after the operation, in fact, Su Tang has experienced a world. In that world, she stayed for three years, and when she came back, the whole person was at a loss.

Fortunately, it didn't matter. They didn't see the difference of Su Tang.

Su Tang's condition soon stabilized and even got out of bed to walk. And her brother Lou Yue is also discharged from hospital, the two brothers and sisters follow their parents home, the atmosphere is relaxed and happy.

But soon, Lou Yue found something wrong with Su Tang.

He is a very beautiful young man. He is a few years older than Su Tang. He usually dotes on her and knows her very well.

After he found that Su Tang began to read a lot of books on infrastructure and inquired about these materials, Lou Yue noticed something wrong.

Until that day, he planned to find Su Tang, but found that she was talking to the air, the whole person was stunned.And Su Tang also found Lou Yue.

Both of them were very surprised, and then in a flash, Su Tang decided to tell Lou Yue the truth.

She didn't want to lie to him. Even in front of him, all her lies were ridiculous.

It's like she always likes Lou Yue very much. When she tries to feel out a little bit, she admits it.

Su Tang is completely frank with Lou Yue.

Su Tang told Lou Yue of the existence of 2777 and told him that he was about to start working in the next world.

Lou Yue didn't believe it in the beginning and was convinced in the end. It only took a short time for Lou Yue to be convinced.

He can't stop it, even if he's worried.

After all, if Su Tang doesn't go, she will die. In order to let her live well, Lou Yue can't stop it.

Su Tang was relieved to see that he was so talkative.

"Brother, I'll be OK. I'll try to protect myself and finish the task. I can save you. " Su Tang said seriously.

Lou Yue raised his hand and gently touched her hair. "Your own safety is the most important thing, you know?"

Knowing that he was worried about himself, Su Tang couldn't help smiling, "I will, but Brother, I will be a little afraid of myself. Can you give me something to accompany me

The more he thought about it, the younger sister had always depended on him, and even had such feelings. Although he also But for each other, he still politely refused. Of course, he didn't want Su Tang to disappear in a place he didn't know one day. Naturally, she could meet this requirement.

Lou Yue took his jade pendant from his childhood and put it on Su Tang's neck.

"This is for you."

Su Tang was surprised to reach out and hold the jade pendant with Lou Yue's body temperature. His eyes suddenly turned red. She choked and repressed her feelings. "Thank you, brother I will cherish it. "

The more silent the building looked at her, my heart hurt.

When he saw Su Tang for the first time when he was a child, the other side was so red, like a poor little white rabbit, pitiful and lovely.

At that time, Lou Yue was very dull, because of his illness, he had rarely seen other children. At that time, I felt pity for my sister who was sick like him.

She's still that young.

She has no family yet.

She made him more miserable.

At that time, Lou Yue almost immediately wanted to embrace this lovely sister.

While Su Tang is holding the clothes of adults, biting his lips to hold back tears.

"Sister, don't cry." Lou Yue at that time said so.

After hearing this, Su Tang burst into tears I miss my sister I want my sister... "

As soon as she began to cry, she left Mr. Lou and Mrs. Lou at a loss. Fortunately, Lou Yue took her hand and said, "would you like me to play with you?"

Su Tang held up his tearful eyes, burping and looking at his good-looking brother.

Although she still thinks her sister is the best to see, this brother is also good-looking So, she still nodded, followed the building more and more to the toy room.

Since then, the brother and sister have been living together.

Compared with Lou Yue, Su Tang's personality is more introverted, and she is a very affectionate person. She never forgets her feelings.

At that time, she was still young, but she always remembered the mother and sister Su Li of the orphanage. Until she was 16, she saw Su Li on TV and recognized her at the first time.

Lou Yue was still a bit jealous at that time. He felt that the status of his sister in Su Tang's heart was much higher than that of him, which made him feel a little sour.

Later, he was very happy that Su Tang could have such an expectation.

At least, when he was ill and in hospital, there was her sister who could reassure her.

But Lou Yue didn't expect that Su Tang's sister, who was so obsessed with her, had an accident one day, leaving earlier than those who were suffering from the disease.

At that time, he was particularly worried, but he himself was directly sent to the hospital because of his emotional ups and downs.

Now, Lou Yue knows that Su Tang died once.

His heart seemed to be tearing apart, and the pain made Lou Yue's expression uncontrollable. He wanted to hold Su Tang in his arms, but he couldn't.

He turned pale and forced to smile.

"You must protect yourself." He said.

Su Tang nods hard.

"Brother, I'm leaving. But I'll be back soon, and the next second, you can still see me She lifted a smile, soul out of the body.

Lou Yue subconsciously reaches out his hand, and then time is fixed in Su Tang's memory.

This is Su Tang's second mission. She was put into a village during the war. She is the daughter of an ordinary hunter. Her brother has gone to the battlefield, and she is about to be married to a squire as a concubine in exchange for food for the whole family.Su Tang

Su Tang is silent, and then probably because of social fear conquered everything, the original soft and weak girl began to be strong.

Looking at the girl who was originally weak in character and delicate in body, she led the whole village people to stop the fat squire, beat him up, and forced him to hand over the food he had taken, the whole intellectual brain was going to lose his head.

Unexpectedly, its host still has this talent!

Su Tang said modestly: "when I was a child, my sister often took us to those children and adults who bullied us. She was always very good..."

Then said here, began to sad, a small face with a bitter look.

"If If only my sister could be like me Su Tang said sadly.

2777 can't tell her that the probability is very small, so it has to shut up and accompany her.

Su Tang didn't expect at that time. After a long time, she and her sister finally met again.

Su Tang's mission is very smooth, when she finally led the whole village to become rich, she returned to her own world.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was followed by the building, and her subconscious face was flushed.


Lou Yue's eyes were dazed for a moment, "what's the matter?"

"I'm back." Su Tang said.

Lou Yue was stunned again, "only one second really. I don't know what you've been through for a second

Maybe he is the one who knows her best. When Lou returns to his senses, he finds that Su Tang has changed a lot.

Just like a second ago, she was a weak sister, but now she seems to be much stronger.

"Can you tell me what happened to you?"

Su Tang was happy to share with him and told Lou Yue everything he met.

Lou Yue was silent: "did you say you stayed there for five years this time?"

five years.

That's a long time.

Lou Yue felt that she would leave at any time. Time is the most terrible thing.

The last time was three years, this time five years.

What about next time?

Ten years, twenty years, even fifty years.

When she has experienced so much, can she still remember herself?

Lou Yue's mind is still, but it makes him produce a lot of pressure.

Su Tang didn't know what he thought. He just gazed at him with a pair of eyes.

How much he can't see her for five years, the more he can't tell himself. She can only rely on the jade pendant he gave her to absorb a little warm memory.

She looked like a very gentle person, but in fact she was more alienated than anyone else.

She has been in the mission world for such a long time, but she always felt that she was alone. At this time, 2777 did not let her accept her completely. She was helpless.

Su Tang is affectionate and indifferent.

Lou Yue can't understand this point.

Until a long, long time later, Su Tang took the medicine and cured Lou Yue.

At that time, she had spent hundreds and thousands of years in the different world, but her eyes to Lou Yue were still the same as before.

Lou Yue can finally embrace her without any resentment and tell her: "I always love you, but I'm afraid that I'm going too fast to make you sad."

He will always remember that Su Tang knew what happened after Su Li died.

The more you dare not gamble.

His illness was a torment, a torment to all.

His Su Tang, has lost her sister, their parents, can no longer lose love.

So Lou Yue always abides by that line. If he dies one day, he also dies as his brother. Maybe Su Tang won't be so desperate.

But now, he can finally let go of all his worries and embrace the one he loves most.

Su Tang laughed, "I know. But you have to know that if you do die, I will not live

Su Tang's world has always been so small, the people she likes, she can give everything, try her best, moths to the fire.

She had been in a certain world for a hundred years. At that time, there was a man who liked her to pursue her, but she never agreed. At that time, she gave up.

"You are heartless." He said.

Su Tang knows that she is not heartless. Only her heart has been in the building more body, for him, is willing to hand over his own everything.

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