"Go ahead." Su Li raised her chin.

Hu Ge Wei, aggrieved, shrunk on the chair and sighed a long way.

"Actually, I ran away from home." Tiger said, "originally, I was going to be an idol..."

"Wait?" Su Li interrupted, "becoming an idol? Are you serious?"

brother tiger looked down at himself, innocent: "yes, but I didn't grow up like this at that time I was also a little fresh meat three years ago, tall and slender and beautiful Later... "

Tiger brother also showed Su Li his previous photos, and Su Li puffed at the corners of his mouth.

Let's put it this way, although not as young as Leonardo, it's not bad. It's really fresh meat.

Now It's not much worse than Leonardo.

Su Li is all ears.

I'd like to know how the years' pig killing knife did to him.

Tiger sighed and said, "at that time, I like a girl, she thought I was too weak chicken, so I began to lift iron. Ju tie is really hungry. I didn't stop eating and drinking, and then I can't look back. "

First, he changed from a little fresh meat to a fat man, and then he exercised wildly, turning a fat body into a muscle I don't know where the problem is. I've lost my height. My skin is not well maintained. It's rough. Plus tanning

Gradually, a little fresh meat became a big man.

Su Li

Su Li asked, "what about the girl you like?"

Tiger brother smacked his mouth and said sadly, "we've been together for more than a month. She thinks it's better to have small fresh meat. But I can't go back, I can't go back... "

Su Li couldn't help laughing.

"All right. And then? "

"What then?" Brother tiger's big eyes are full of sincerity.

Su Li chuckled, "do you expect me to forget what I just talked about? What's the relationship between you and Lu Cheng? Do you like that girl and like Lu Cheng

"No, no, no," sighed tiger. "In fact, I am Lu Cheng's cousin."

Su limeng compared, "cousin?"

brother Hu nodded, "yes, I don't want him to see me like this, so as not to be attacked personally. I can't stand it. "

BR, "I don't know if he wants to find Lu Chengyu as the source of the film. I'll pack your photos and videos and send them to him Tiger is still smiling with a simple and honest face, completely different from the little fresh meat in the photo.

Su Li nodded. "That's good. By the way, does director Lu have a girlfriend? "

"That must not be. He is a very bad man. He can't find a girlfriend. Zhu GUSHENG, hum." Tiger's tone was sour, as if he had eaten lemon.

"That's good." Su Liyang smiles and is in a good mood.

Hu Ge reacted to Su Li in horror and said, "what do you want to do? Lu Cheng is not easy to provoke! What's more, you dated other men before

"What are you nervous about?" Su Li said with a smile, "I didn't say I wanted to pursue Lu Cheng, but as an adult, you know."

"How can you do that!" Tiger exclaimed, "I won't allow it!"

Su Li patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't get you into trouble."

"I don't believe it." "Tiger brother tearful eyes," you used to be like this

"That's not true. There was a prohibition on love in my previous contract. After so many years, I'm not allowed to be ready to move?"

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