"Good looking."

After Su Li finished these three words, her eyes still fell on Sheng Yunzhou.

Sheng Yunzhou's eyelids jumped and looked at her.

But Su Li quickly moved her eyes and ate the cake slowly. She didn't know what it meant.

The atmosphere is a little inexplicable embarrassment and ambiguity, the window is open, outside there is a tree full of white flowers, with the wind brings a faint fragrance.

As if, the whole room is floating with a light fragrance and some feelings.

Su Li and Sheng Yunzhou's relationship has always been like this, but more than before more tacit understanding. After all, there is a secret between them.

This is a secret that Huang Yu and mingjianhai don't know.

That night, the demons went down the mountain, and they heard the noise in the distance in the guest room.

"It's a demon. They caught a girl and wanted to take it It's hard to see the sea.

As soon as Su Li heard this, she immediately patted the table and flew out of the window.

"Listen to brother, where are you going?" Jiang Ruoyan shouts in a hurry.

Sheng Yunzhou also directly followed out, Huang Yu pulled Jiang Ruoyan to sit down, "you don't worry, they have good Kung Fu."

"Hearing that my brother can't see a girl wronged, he can't help but do it." Jiang Ruoyan was a little worried, "what if the people of the cult are too powerful..."

"And Sheng Yunzhou. Don't worry." Ming saw Hai'an comforted, "moreover, it happens that Gu Shi doctor and other people have almost arrived in Xuzhou. Even if it is a front-end hard work, there is no need to worry about it."

Jiang Ruoyan is relieved.

At this time, Su Li had already flown out, swept over the roof and landed on a tree.

Not far away, a group of people in black are holding the torch of green light, holding a girl who is afraid of crying.

That girl looks very thin and weak, a pair of eyes are big, cry when very painful. Su Li squinted, a little angry.

She directly raised her hand, just a few stones flew over and hit the wrists of those people in black. The stones were infused with powerful internal force and embedded directly into the wrist, which made them subconsciously release their hands.

Seeing that they had let go of themselves, the girl quickly shed a tear and ran away.

Su Li motioned to Sheng Yunzhou, then flew down directly, grabbed the girl's collar and took her to a place far away from the street.

The girl gave sully a dull look, then blushed and lowered her head.

"Are you all right?" Su Li asked.

The girl shook her head. "Thank you, sir."

"Go home and don't run around." Su Li told her to fly back the lightness skill.

And when she went back, the men in black had been tied up by Sheng Yunzhou, and the green torches were also thrown on the ground, still burning.

"These are the demons who come to have fun. They say they want to catch some girls and give them to their leader." Sheng Yunzhou's tone is very cold and his eyes are colder.

The tied men in black were still struggling, swearing: "let us go, the leader will not let you go!"

"If you dare to teach us against us, you will be impatient to live."

"Our Lord will kill you!"

"It's time for you to spare me now!"

These people are too arrogant, Su Li sneered and stepped forward and stepped on one of the faces.

"I'd like to see who begged for mercy."

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