Brewing Valley is the place where wine is made. But judging from their reaction, Su Li knows that it is definitely not an ordinary place.

It's supposed to be a kind of execution ground.

When the two leaders saw someone running up to pull him, he suddenly roared. His internal power leaked out, which shocked those who tried to approach him.

"What are you doing?" the Archbishop snapped

The second leader's eyes were red, "I just sleep, you are a woman, you want me to brew the valley. I usually call you big brother. You really take yourself seriously! "

He said, and directly swung a fist to rush over. He was big and had internal power. When he ran over, his internal power brought down many servants and made their nostrils bleed more than ever.

The leader of the three religions saw him rush towards him and immediately called out, "be bold!"

However, the second leader moves too fast and is about to hit the great leader. This blow with internal force can't be resisted at will. However, the Archbishop didn't hurry up and directly raised a foot, kicking people to fly in the past.

The second leader was kicked to the back of the house and knocked down the pillars and beams of the house.

After a huge noise, the whole house collapsed and buried people directly under it.

Su Li looks at it quickly. Fortunately, Sheng Yunzhou has just moved to the roof next to it. Otherwise, it will be exposed.

She was relieved. At the same time, she also had an estimate of the great leader's martial arts.

The two cult leaders have been buried in the ruins, but after all, he is a martial arts practitioner, not so easy to die. The Archbishop asked someone to dig him out or throw him into the brewing valley.

The two leaders were no longer able to resist, and their eyes were fixed on the archbishop, full of hatred.

This matter was solved quickly. When the crowd left, Su Li also slipped out and met Sheng Yunzhou.

"How about it?" Su Li asked.

Sheng Yunzhou's face was not very good-looking. "That brewing Valley is full of all kinds of poisonous insects and poisons. The wine fumes into the sky. In fact, it's not the taste of wine, it's the smell of those poisonous insects that rot and ferment. After the second leader was thrown down, half a column of incense has been gnawed to a skeleton. "

Su Li also frowned on her eyebrows, "it is so cruel. It seems that in the final analysis, the evil cult is still dominated by the great leader alone... "

"No, besides the archbishop, there is a man in the brewing valley."


"The poisonous insects in the brewing valley were raised by that person. Maybe it was a Gu master. That's the main reason why demons can rise. " Sheng Yunzhou felt that it was really disgusting. Fortunately, he went to see it, not Su Li.

"Do you think we should go to the brewing Valley and set a fire?" Su Li narrowed her eyes. "Listen to what you mean, the poisonous insects there ferment and produce wine flavor. It can be seen that those things are easy to burn. If you burn those, you'll be done with nothing. "

"That's a good idea. Yes, it's very humid in the valley. I'm afraid it's not easy to catch fire. This matter needs to be considered for a long time. We will leave here before dawn. "

Su Li nodded, followed Sheng Yunzhou to make the lightness skill to the place where the glider was, and then left in the wind.

The evil cult in Yangshan did not find that his territory had been discovered and broken into. Of course, they have the capital to be proud. If they go crazy and release a poisonous insect in a valley, not to mention xiaoxuzhou, the whole southwest region will suffer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!