The week after the mock exam, there were two hundred lists in the notice Office of the teaching building of senior three, as well as a notice of punishment for cheating.

Although cheating is not uncommon among students, there are few who can be punished. Therefore, the name of Li Jin has become a hot word among students.

In fact, teachers have seen a lot of cheating, and passing notes quietly is only one of the low-level means. In most cases, the invigilator finds that some students cheat. If it is not too blatant, it will definitely give a hint and a little reminder.

If the student's cheating is really out of line, it will be punished.

In the past, it was found that the teacher had not dealt with such a serious note. But this time is different. In addition to cheating, it also involves planting bribes and setting up other students.

To say that cheating is only to improve performance is selfish behavior, then stigmatizing others for cheating is a more serious personality problem. The invigilator told the head teacher of their class the whole story, and then reported to the academic affairs office. Finally, after discussion, Li Jin was punished like this.

Li Jin knew for a long time that he would be expelled from school, so he never came to school after the exam, and he hid at home every day and lost his temper with his parents. Naturally, her parents were worried about their daughter, and even came to the school to ask for lenient treatment, all kinds of tearful, all kinds of moral kidnapping. One of the teachers didn't hold back at the moment. She told Li Jin about not only cheating but also framing others. Her parents were also stunned. But then they got to know Suli and wanted her to help.

Su Li was still drinking milk at that time. When she was found, she almost spurted it out.

She looked at the middle-aged woman in front of her. "You mean, you are Li Jin's mother. Do you want me to tell the headmaster that Li Jin will come back to school?"

Li Jin's mother nodded, "after all, you are classmates. How can you do this? Now it's the third year of senior high school. It's time for the college entrance examination. What should I do if you let my family Li Jin be dropped out of school? Auntie, please, give Li Jin a chance. "

Su Li, with a straw of milk in her mouth, said faintly, "after this incident, as a victim who was almost cheated by desire, she has not received an apology from the perpetrator Li Jin, that is, your poor daughter. And you, as her mother, did not apologize before asking for help. Why, are you all so cheeky? You don't have to face yourself, but you need to be forgiven? Oh, that's a good idea. Li Jin, her mother, have you ever thought that if Li Jin framed her success, I would be the one who dropped out of school now, and I was the one who ruined my future. She thought she would be very happy. Well, I'll tell you, Li Jin's mother, she was dropped out of school. I'm very happy. I hope that Li Jin will fail in the college entrance examination and fall into the list every year. "

Li Jin's mother was stunned. She didn't expect Su Li to talk like this. She thought that as long as she asked, children of this age were still easy to cheat. But I didn't expect...

"how can you, your child, be so vicious? My family Li Jin has been dropped out of school. What if she can't take the college entrance examination? It will affect her life

"Wow, then I hope she'll have a bad life." Su Li said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!