Su's sister-in-law's expression is a little stiff.

What the hell?

Sister in law what?

Sister in law?

is she his sister-in-law.

Although she didn't vomit blood, she didn't stop coughing. She drowned a little seriously before. Now, with a little fright, she couldn't help coughing.

A pale, sickly little face showed an intolerable look, which seemed rather pitiful.

Han Che looked at the young woman coughing under him, frowning, subconsciously picked up the person and patted her back. Although the movement on the hand is very gentle, but his expression is cold and light.

Su Li gently pushed him away, covered his lips and swallowed his cough, then slowly opened his mouth: "sorry, I want to stay for a while."

Han Che got up naturally, "OK, you can have a rest, and I'll ask someone to prepare some food for you."

Su Li nodded and watched him leave the room. She was relieved.

Then, with a murderous look at 2333, gnashing his teeth, [what kind of task did you give me? Hmm? ]

2333 made a beep, and then very carefully transmitted the story to Su Li.

Su Li looks at it with the eyes of death and looks at the plot.

It turns out that the name of her former owner, Wen Nian, grew up in the Han family as a child's daughter-in-law since she was a child.

She is gentle and gentle, even a little timid and cowardly. She knew that she was going to marry Han Yang, the eldest son of the Han family.

Han Yang has always been very good to her, and their relationship is flat but stable. Until Wen Niang is 20 years old, he gets the certificate and plans to get married.

But a few days before the wedding ceremony, Han Yang, as a special soldier, received an urgent task and left.

Who knows, he left for three years.

Two years after Han Yang left, the Han family was informed that he died in the mission. So Wen Nian became a widow at a young age, and Han Yang's parents died one after another.

In such a short period of time, the Han family only left Han Yang's younger brother Han Che, as well as the original owner Wen Nian.

The original Lord really loved Han Yang, so even if he died, she did not want to leave. She thought she was the daughter-in-law of the Han family, so she planned to live alone.

However, Han Yang left the third year, he returned unexpectedly. He didn't come back on his own. He brought a young girl back. That girl is the lady.

It is said that Han Yang did not die, but was saved by the female Lord Leyou. But at that time, he was seriously injured and could not contact his family. What's more, he avoided being found by the hostile forces. Therefore, he never showed up and lived with Leyou.

As time goes by, they are in love with each other.

But Han Yang knew that he had a wife in his family. Although he had not held a wedding ceremony, he had received his marriage certificate. As a result, he resisted the relationship between himself and Leyou.

However, Leyou is not an ordinary girl. She is beautiful and has a strong personality. Han Yang can't live without her.

Finally, Han Yang decided to make a decision.

If wennian is willing to divorce, then he will be with Leyou. But if Wen Nian can't accept Then he won't be sorry for her.

It is conceivable that Wen Nian would not agree. She intended to be widowed for him, which shows her deep feelings, but now she is forced to divorce?

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