Snow pigeon in such a close distance, saw his deep love, cut the artery on the hand, blood flow out, dyed her own.

He couldn't stop her, even though he was hoarse.

He tried to take the knife from her hand, but he couldn't touch it. He wanted to save her, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch her die.

Snow pigeons cry and cry, and then see if the scene has become a fierce ghost.

The ghost said: you killed me.

Snow pigeon felt cold all over his body. He had never been so cold. Even if he was abused by his stepfather when he was a child, she did not feel so cold even when he was left in the snow all night.

He just wants to accompany Jingruo and die with her.

The darkness and the ghost gradually dissipated, and he saw Su Li standing in his room. He did not slow down, his face full of tears, mumbling to himself: "I killed her, I killed her..."

"Yes," said sully coldly, "you killed her. She will never forgive you, even if you die. "

Snow pigeon slowly raised his head and looked at Su Li. There was no obsessed look in his eyes, "you are not Jingruo..."

Su Li slowly shook her head. "I came to avenge her."

Snow pigeon believes it.

He wiped the tears off his face, walked to the bed and took out a worn-out plastic toy from the drawer beside the bed.

He held the plastic toy in the palm of his hand and looked dull.

Su Li turns around and leaves the place.

She knew that the snow pigeon would die soon.

Su Li knew that the original owner would never forgive the person who killed her family and herself, so she helped her find the murderer and revenge.

Snow pigeon has serious mental illness, even if he kills people, he doesn't have to pay much price, but Su Li doesn't want such a pervert to survive. He has to die.

Su Li gave him an illusion, let him see Jing Ruo who was killed by himself. If Jingruo died, he would die.

Even if the Jing family and Jing Ruo will not come back, he has paid the price of his life. It's not worth losing three lives for one life, but there's no way.

After leaving the crowded narrow lane, Suli stood on the street in the center of the city. It's bright and clean, and everyone will like it.

No one will like the dark, but there are a lot of people who refuse to let go of themselves and others, and then they will be doomed.

When I got home, I heard the sound of task completion. Su Li understood that the snow pigeon should be dead.

However, that night, her affair was known by Jing Wuge. Jing Wuge is very angry and angry, he clearly told her not to let her risk, but Su Li just didn't listen.

After knowing that Su Li actually advised snow pigeon to commit suicide, Jing Wuge immediately went to help her finish up, lest she be suspected.

"Sister, why are you so disobedient?" Jing Wuge said helplessly.

Su Li begged for mercy. "I was wrong. I won't be like this next time."

However, it's no use pleading guilty.

Su Li was severely punished for concealing him and taking risks. In the afternoon of the next day, she got up with her sour waist.

Sometimes, too much death will pay the price, especially when the object is a young wolf dog, which is simply hard to resist.

Su Li is sitting on the soft sofa, holding hot red wine to drink slowly, waiting for Jing Wuge to go home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!