Su Li saw that Lian Yi naturally stepped forward a few steps, and said, "elder brother, is he here to pick flowers for sister-in-law in the garden? I remember my sister-in-law loves roses

Lianyi saw her look calm, probably did not see what happened to him and Wei Qingguan. He was a little relieved, "yes, your sister-in-law likes to make some flowers and grass. I will pick two roses for her."

Su Li laughed, "big brother is really considerate."

Even wing dry smile, "four younger brother treat four younger sister is also good, I saw him buy jewelry for you a few days ago."

Su Li listened to the smile a little more sincere, raised her hand and touched the step on her head. It was even abandoned last night, and she had to wear it when she woke up this morning.

Lian Yi was shaken by her smile, and some envied her. Before that, he secretly joked that he would marry a vulgar woman in the lake, but he didn't expect such a beauty.

To say that he used to envy Lian Feng most is that he married a beautiful woman, but now, Lian abandoned's daughter-in-law is more beautiful. The appearance of his daughter-in-law and his third son are not outstanding

Even wing thought of some messy, also turned to go.

But Wei Qingguan, who just wanted to go, didn't find a chance. Now even wing left, she Fu Fu body also want to leave, but was passed by the shark beads: "wait a minute."

Wei Qingguan was stiff. "What can I do for you?"

"help me pick some flowers." Su Li smiles.

"Grandma, please forgive me Wei Qingguan was embarrassed in her tone. She didn't want to stay at all.

"Oh Of course, it's the lady who matters. I don't know what you've just left for. " Su Li pretended to have no intention to say a general, and then waved the handkerchief, "then go."

Wei Qingguan as if he did not understand completely, turned around and left.

Su Li saw that her steps were in a hurry and disappeared. She touched her white and smooth face and asked the herring, "do you think I'm so terrible? Why did she run away when she saw me

"What a terrible little grandmother. I think she is guilty. I didn't expect that she was such a person, and secretly colluded with the eldest young master. " The black fish rolled his eyes, and his words did not look up to her.

"Everyone has his own ambition. She may also want to be a young grandmother." Su Li went to the edge of the flowers and picked a blooming flower. "It's not a shady idea. It's the most normal thing for people to go high. But we can't complain about the price that we will pay for it. "

The black fish thought for a while, or shook his head. "It's common for a man to have three wives and four concubines, but I certainly don't want my future husband to take a concubine. I don't want to be a concubine any more, even if the other party is rich in wealth. "

Su Li chuckled, "that's why everyone has his own ambition. Come on, pick me some flowers. I've been thinking about your sachet for a long time

"Fourth young grandmother, don't worry. The sachet has to be done well, or the flowers in it will not smell good." The herring immediately put off the conversation and went to pick flowers happily.

While Qin, the eldest and youngest grandmother of Lian family, is looking at some roses thrown on the table at will. Her mouth is bent. Although she doesn't know why Lian Yi came back and said she picked flowers for her, she felt a little happy in her heart.

She called the servant girl, cut the rose and put it into the beautiful bottle.

"The eldest young lady, the eldest young master is making amends to you for what happened before." Servant girl smiles comforts her, "he, in the heart is to have you."

Hearing the speech, Qin's face was more smiling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!