From this day on, Ling Cang would come to Li's house to drink medicine every day.

Every time he came, Su Li had been waiting for him in the yard. Of course, she still had medical books in her hand.

Sometimes, when she sees two cats, she will go to the cat's hands to get ready.

Time flies by, three months have passed, and winter is approaching in everyone's eyes.

When Ling Cang came that day, he saw many boxes in the yard, including straw, old clothes and so on. Beside the boxes, there were some food. "What is this doing?" he asked

"It's cold. It's hard for wild cats nearby." Su Li said with a smile that although the nearby wild cats hide when they see Su Li, there are still a lot of wild cats willing to come for a walk because she is always generous in feeding and drinking.

Ling Cang was a little surprised. This year, few people would have such ideas and practices. They feed cats in the yard. "You are really kind-hearted."

Su Li just raised the corners of her mouth when she heard the speech. She didn't mean to do so. She just came to this world for several months and didn't get in touch with other people. She saw a lot of wild cats, and her feelings naturally became deeper. It doesn't cost much to feed and drink. It's also good to take the opportunity to touch the cat. However, the donkey's temper became more and more serious. Sometimes he even yelled angrily when he saw Su Li's cat, and even ran to scare the wild cats. It can be said that he was very careful.

Ling Cang always felt different here. He knew from a young age that although he was a royal relative, he was not trusted by the emperor, or he was as low-key as his father and lived a life of mediocrity. Or find another way.

His nature is so tough and tough, so that he muddled through his life. It's impossible for him to do anything. So secretly, he has made countless efforts, suffered countless injuries, and was shocked to lick blood on the blade. This is the road he chose. He will not regret it, but he will also feel tired. However, every time he came to Li's house, he felt yearning and comfortable when he saw Su Li and her donkey and getting along with those wild cats.

A moment of inner peace not only does not let him slack off, but also makes him more sober and harder.

Su Li doesn't know what Ling Cang is doing. She is not curious and doesn't care. After all, one day she will know. Before that, she had to learn all the medical skills in medical books and master them thoroughly.

Recently, Su Li is going to visit.

But in the capital, everyone knows about jirentang and Li Baicao's daughter's medical skills are very bad. No one will believe her. So, Su Li decided to change to practice medicine.

But if she left for a few days, no one would give lingcang decoction, which made her a little difficult to choose.

Ling Cang got along with her for a few months and grasped her personality. Seeing that she was abnormal, she asked, "what's the matter?"

Su Li thought about it for a while, but she made it clear. She was a little uneasy in her voice, "am I too irresponsible?"

"How can you think so? I hope you give me decocting medicine, but it's just because I like to come here and want to see you. But if it becomes a shackle to you, I'm the one who wants to feel guilty. You work so hard every day to become a good doctor to cure the sick and save the people. So, what can you be hesitant about? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!