After a very unpleasant class, Su Li felt that this place could not stay.

She certainly can't change the social rules here alone, but at least, she can't be brainwashed herself.

What ABO social rules are bullshit.

Su Li turned her eyes and her face was not good.

As soon as her brother Su Cun came back, he saw that her face was not good-looking, so he touched her head and asked in a gentle voice, "what's the matter?"

Su Li opened her mouth and tried to complain, but stopped talking. The world has been like this, Omega itself has been brainwashed almost, her words are not recognized by teacher Baiyun, let alone alpha.

Even if she loves her again, she will not agree with her. It's better not to say so.

"I just feel that my home is too stuffy and I want to go out and play." Su Li whispered.

"When you get well, my brother will take you to play." Su Cun laughs, this delicate sister, he has been holding in the palm of his hand to grow up, now also to mischievous age, naturally is yearning for the outside.

"I can play by myself." Su Li fought for it a little.

"Play by yourself?" "Persistent frown," you forget before you went out to the Qing period of things? Fortunately, you and I were in a remote place and did not meet alpha, otherwise what should we do? "

Su Li cocked up her lips and said, "sure enough.

Brother, you don't know, she's not angry, you know

"There are inhibitors. Didn't you give me new inhibitors? You don't have to worry about it for three months Su Li muttered.

"That's what it says, but be careful." Su Cun sighed, but she couldn't help her sister.

Su Li also gave up. Her family protected her too much. With the rules of the world, it was impossible for her to let her family promise to go out. She had to go out on her own, just like the original owner Su Tang.

She slightly narrowed her eyes, in fact, she said that the late life of the original owner was not bad.

After knowing Ning Zhan, he followed him to the military academy. But Su Tang couldn't get into the military academy after all, so he opened a small shop outside to sell some beer and snacks. His business was good, but he had a comfortable life. Anyway, it's better than being locked up at home.

Su Li is not the one who wrongs herself. She also likes to stay at home, but she chooses to stay at home on her own initiative, which is quite different from being forced to stay at home.

Freedom is precious.

Su Tang's behavior was also rebellious. She fell in love with people she shouldn't like. She was bold enough to have gland surgery, and then she ran away from home all the way to follow Ning Zhan These are not things that Omega would normally do.

She has always been different.

And on this point, Su Li can only be worse than that. She will be her own master since she was a child. Everything is decided by herself. How can she be bound when she is used to such a life?

Her family can't bind her, and Omega's body can't bind her.

She has to go. She has to go.

And before Su Li planned to leave, another thing happened, which strengthened her heart to leave. If she leaves later, I'm afraid she'll have to get married and have children and have children

The thing is that Su Li overheard her parents' conversation that day, and the central figure in the conversation is herself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!