"Mr. Xiao, this is a new dish developed by the chef. Would you like to try it?" A young man in a chef's robe pointed to the steaming dishes on the table.

Su Li raised her eyelids and took a look at the young man, which scared her head down.

There are four dishes on the table. The dishes are beautiful. They smell delicious, but I don't know how they taste.

Su Li picked up the chopsticks and held a piece of tender white meat. The meat was covered with a layer of crystal waxy products. It looked very beautiful.

She took a bite, a sweet and sour taste mixed with fresh and salty taste, the taste is very wonderful. However, there is a trace of bitterness in the last taste.

Su Li could not help frowning.

This frown made the young man shiver in front of her, and cold sweat came out of her forehead.

Su Li put down her chopsticks and took a sip of honey water beside her, pressing down the lingering bitterness in her mouth. "This dish has a bitter aftertaste. What's the matter?"

The young man, with a sad face, said, "Mr. Xiao, the meat of this big leaf silkworm is full of bitterness, so you can't get rid of it. My master used many methods That's all we can do. I don't know how the baixiangge made the big leaf silkworm without a trace of bitterness. "

Su Li Leng for a moment, "big leaf silkworm?"

"Yes, yes."

"Silkworm Is it the silkworm I imagined? " Su Li can't help but think of that kind of twisted creature in her mind. She feels that she is a little dark in front of her.

The young man was probably a chubby by nature. He was stunned by such a question. Then he twisted his whole body foolishly and said, "it's just this kind of silkworm..."

"Ouch..." Su Li covered her mouth and didn't stop retching.

"Mr. Xiao! Mr. Xiao, are you all right? "

"How are you, Mr. Xiao? Call the doctor

"You quickly tell your master that this big leaf silkworm has disgusted Mr. Xiao and asked him to reflect."

Just when Su Li was nauseous and retched, the others were in a bit of a mess.

The assistant made her feel sick when she was pressed into the room.

"Mr. Xiao, is that big leaf silkworm really so bad? That's a precious ingredient. " The assistant sister blinked her big eyes and asked.

Su Li weakly waved her hand, "don't, don't mention these three words."

She is not timid and not afraid of insects, but the kind of worm that twists and turns is disgusting at the sight. What's more, she ate it and it killed her!

Su Li felt tired and let her assistant sister go out and have a good rest.

2333 came with a guilty face. After passing the story to Su Li, he sat on the side with a pair of huge frog eyes.

Su Li took a look at it and looked like the plot.

This is the city of s in the 24th century. One hundred years ago, a disaster happened on the earth, which made many living things extinct. Although the impact on human beings is relatively small, some aspects of life have also changed.

Food, for example, has plummeted.

So, in this world, there are a lot of new food, such as all kinds of insects.

The big leaf silkworm just eaten by Su Li is one of them. Of course, there are few edible insects and most of them are precious food materials.

The original owner of Su Li's body is Xiao Yining, the manager of Junyue building's branch in S City, who is in charge of hundreds of employees in the store.

Yes, it's the lacrosse tower again.

Su Li estimated that he and the host who opened the Junyue building were predestined.

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