"Jiang Mo, did you bring rice again today?"

At lunch time, Su Li takes out her lunch box, which is delicate and healthy from Lumeng's hand.

Lumeng is very grateful to Su Li for helping her lose weight. She always wants to pay back, so she automatically contracts her lunch.

As a dancer, Su Li wants to control her figure and can't eat too much. But dancing is also a very physical thing, and you can't eat too little.

So, Lumeng made a healthy and delicious lunch for her.

Every meal time, Su Li's Bento will attract a lot of curious eyes, today is also.

"Well, my roommate rented it for me." Su Li was holding chopsticks and slowly eating a small piece of tomato, with a shallow smile on her face.

"That's good," some people envied. "Why don't I have such a roommate?"

"But you have a handsome boyfriend. I don't have a roommate who cooks for me, and I don't have a handsome boyfriend. Miserable."

"What are you talking about?" The head of the regiment came over with a cool man beside him.

"Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Xie of Wenlan group." The head of the regiment was very happy. Unexpectedly, the general manager Xie cared so much about their dance troupe. He came to inspect the dance troupe in person, and proposed to eat in the restaurant contracted by the dance troupe. It saved him a lot of money.

"Thank you." Everyone said hello.

After the head of the team took Xie wanglan to the dining room, the rest of the staff were relieved.

"This general manager Xie is really handsome, but his temperament is too cold."

"Yes, yes, it looks a little fierce."

Su Li did not participate in their discussion, and still ate her lunch slowly. However, Xie wanglan's eyes fell on her, intentionally or unintentionally.

She pursed her lips to hide the smile under her eyes.

And in the private room, Xie wanglan slender fingers holding a cup of tea, gently blowing the tea above, tasting a mouthful.

The movement is elegant that the commander can't understand.

He looked up and said, "I'm here today for another deal."

The head of the regiment had some doubts, "thank you, but it doesn't matter."

Xie wanglan, as the latest leader of Wenlan group, has the deepest feelings for the game brand created by his own.

That is the real achievement of his creation, the proof of his ability, and the most powerful weapon he can get Wenlan.

And Wen Lan game will be out of a new fantasy game of eastern and Western blending recently. This game he attaches great importance to, with the best team, but also committed to the best publicity and marketing.

However, it has been suggested that a human model should be selected for the two most popular female characters NPC in the game. Don't know why, he suddenly remembered that day, through the glass door to see the fairy princess.

Her face, her figure, her posture, everything made him feel that she was the only one in the role.

However, Xie wanglan, considering that she is a dancer after all, may not want to take such a job himself.

But after thinking about it, he decided to come to explain the situation in person, and also to offer the greatest sincerity.

When the leader heard this, he was just the head of a dance troupe. He grew up with his parents in the troupe. He didn't think that there would be people in other fields to poach.

Is this a dig?

What can I do?

Did he just get a big boss? Who's not good at digging? You have to dig the pillars!

After a long time, he recovered his voice. The head of the regiment said with some difficulty: "Mr. Xie, this I haven't met this before. Otherwise, I'd like to ask Jiang Mo himself? "

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