The head of the regiment was an old man who was afraid of contradictions among the members of the regiment. He arrived in time every time.

His heart is still good, Su Li also gave him a face, no longer with Chen Ling care.

Her group is called "Rose Moonlight" because it has had two of the most famous song and dance plays.

One is called "the rose garden love song", and the other is called "tango in the Moonlight". These two dramas are not only well-known in China, but also on the stage of Baiyi opera house.

Therefore, this group is also the first one in the whole dance troupe. As the main dance of the Rose Moonlight group, the former master Jiang Mo is the core personnel.

She loves dancing so much and loves her life in the dance company. Even if many people envy her and hate her, these are nothing in her dream.

Unfortunately, everything was destroyed.

Su Li blinked her eyes slightly to cover up the supreme loss left by the original owner.

Jiang Mo wants to perform in Baiyi opera house, which is her dream. Jiang Mo also hopes that her friend Lumeng can have a good life, which is her expectation under the guilt.

Whatever it is, Su Li will help her achieve it.

This time the investor's presence is very important for the whole dance company, so Su Li is not willing to slack off.

The leader of rose moon, Liang Xingyi, is also a beauty. She was once the pillar of the dance company. Unfortunately, she was injured and was held in hospital. After she was discharged from the hospital, the dance company had no place for her. In addition, she was injured but could not dance for a long time, so she stayed and became the team leader.

She is over forty, but she is well maintained and kind. It's just She didn't know why. She was always hostile to the original owner, and even some messages were deliberately not delivered to her, such as this time.

Su Li looks at Liang Xingyi and asks them to start rehearsing the latest song and dance drama. A question arises in her heart.

She has to talk to her, or it's always like this. It's too easy to hold back. It's not Su Li's style to make too many enemies.

"Jiang Mo, your position is too right, to the left." She said.

Su Li said sorry and silently moved a few steps to the left.

The latest song and dance drama is the highlight of this year, called "the dance of the fairy dream". It is about the love story between the most beautiful fairy princess and a human knight. There are not only dreamlike fairy group dances, but also many scenes of conspiracy and battle, which are different from the beautiful song and dance drama in the past.

One of the most cruel scenes is that the fairy princess broke her wings and wanted to live together with the knight. However, greedy human beings wanted to kill all the elves. In order to protect the whole Elven family, the fairy princess gave her farewell to the knight.

This is also the most difficult scene. The scene of the fairy princess's death is tragic and aesthetic, and the dance is very difficult. As the main dance, Su Li may destroy the whole song and dance drama if she is not careful.

Liang Xingyi is a person who pays attention to details, and she is almost scolded bloody every time she rehearses.

Fortunately, because the investors are coming, her tone has softened a lot and she is committed to creating a harmonious and beautiful scene.

Under the lively background music, Su Li's fairy princess left the territory of the spirit for the first time and came to the human world. She looked at the world curiously, pure and beautiful, adorable and greedy.

The door of the rehearsal room was open and a group of people approached quietly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!