Fengbai is missing after doing a lot of things, and the demons in the management office can't find him in any case. After finding out that he is the demon behind the ghost, the management office immediately issued a wanted order in the demon world.

Now all the demons have known about Fengbai, and they feel scared, especially those who have offended him and Kong Yu before, and wish to bury themselves.

There are many solitary demons also began to form groups, so as not to become a dead bone after falling alone.

The demon world is in a state of panic day after day.

The interior of the management office was even busier than before. Because Su Li was also involved, she didn't rest for a long time. She checked here or there every day.

After going to a place where she was said to have seen Fengbai, Su Li nests on the sofa and doesn't want to get up.

She looked at 2333 and asked, "can't you find Fengbai? ]

[host, my high technology is not easy to use in this world The largest detection range is the whole city of s. I can't find it any further away. ]

Su Li sighed and had to stay in the sofa.

This is the office of Baipo, which belongs to the monster management. The office area is not small, and there are special lounges. Su Li closed her eyes as she nestled.

In the line of sight, Su Li is a little confused about where she is now. She just feels very tired. The exhaustion of her body made her want to stop, but a subconscious told her that she could not stop.

She walked with difficulty to the front of the fog.

A gust of piercing wind blows, Su Li can't help but close her dry eyes. When she opens her eyes, she finds that the mist in front of her has been dispersed. There is a huge tree in front of it. The trunk is almost as thick as ten people. The leaves are green and the dark green leaves are shining with oil. Above the bark seems to be growing on a black tumor like, looking down, only to see the roots of the knot is quietly spreading around.

Su Li subconsciously retreats, the goose bumps on her body will come out, this is an instinctive reaction to unknown danger.

This tree

This tree is the incarnation of Aeolian cypress!

Su Li understood something almost instantly.

What should she do?

White spirit is not in, 2333 is not in, her body is only 16 years old, Demon power is not enough to see. What's more, what is this place and why is she here?

Su Li's mind was in a mess, but her eyes were always staring at the strange tree in front of her.

She has to get out of here.

The thought came into her mind with a clear and incomparable clarity.

Before Su Li had time to think about it, she turned and ran.

Behind her is still a long fog, she plunges into the head to run stiffly, even forgetting what is fatigue. Heavy feet fell on the ground, splashing out a thin mist.

She didn't know how long she had been running. Her mind became more and more chaotic. Her thoughts were mixed together. She kept cutting, and she was still confused. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing, Su Li suddenly stopped. In front of her eyes, the fog cleared, and the tree slowly unfolded in front of her.

Luxuriant foliage with oil, Qiu knot of tumor, huge tree

What's the matter? Su Li breathes quickly, and an unspeakable fear overflows from her bones. She sees

A pair of eyes suddenly opened on the trunk of that tree.

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