"Can you go and see Kong Yu?"

When Feng Bai said this, he suppressed his inner pain.

What could be more painful than asking your rival to visit someone you like? But he couldn't help it. He loved Kong Yu and could not see her bad or sad.

So he would rather suffer.

White spirit smell speech but a face is indifferent, simple and rude two words said: "don't go."

Feng Bai didn't expect that he would be so straightforward. Seeing that he opened the door to go in, he quickly raised his hand and stretched out a branch to stop them.

Just as soon as his branch approached Su Li, before he touched her, a white light flashed by and cut off the branch.

"Fengbai!" White soul eyes a cold, raise hand to want a lightning to chop past, "you dare to start to her?"

Su Li knew that the regulation of the monster management can't hurt the demon at will. Seeing that the white spirit was about to start, she quickly stopped him, "brother, don't be angry."

White spirit was stopped by her words, but her face was still ugly.

Su Li looked up at Feng Bai and asked, "why do you want my brother to see Kong Yu?"

"Kong Yu's Demon power has been disordered recently, and the situation is very bad. It's no use for me to treat her. Bai Po, you've seen a lot. You must know how to cure her. Besides, she likes you. She wants to see you now. " Fengbai is a tree demon, just like his body, he is not very good at words.

"You want to see me, are you sure?" White soul picked the corner of the mouth, sarcastic tone.

Feng Bai still wanted to speak, but Su Li said, "it's her business that Kongyu's cultivation has gone wrong. Why should my brother go to see her? My brother doesn't know how to cure. What's more, what are you doing here? Have you learned the quality law of demon world for so many years? "

"I'm sorry, I'm just in a hurry. But Kong Yu really needs you, white spirit. "

Su Li snorted and muttered, "it's one thing for her to need it, and another thing for my brother to answer whether or not to go. If all the demons who adore her brother are the same as her, my brother will be busy to death. Can't Kong Yu have privilege just because he is good-looking? "

"Miss Bai, why are you so unreasonable? Kong Yu's situation is in crisis. Do you still say such words without any sympathy? " Feng Bai looked at Su Li unhappily. "Thanks to her, she often reads you to give you all kinds of gifts."

"But isn't it because she likes her brother? I didn't want any of the gifts she gave me. Could I be grateful for the wishes she paid unilaterally and I didn't receive? What's the truth? In human words, you are moral kidnapping! " Su Li's tone was very contemptuous. "We demons don't like to beat around the Bush all the time. Who doesn't understand her mind? Why does she want to take advantage of her kindness now?"

Looking at Su Li Ya's sharp mouth, Bai Po couldn't help but bring out a little smile in her eyes. This silly girl, who was still ignorant before, suddenly became enlightened.

"Lingxi is right. I have no obligation to visit her." White spirit raised his hand to touch Su Li's head, looking at her eyes with a pride of my little cub growing up.

Feng Bai said that Su Li couldn't be forced to come, so he had to be discouraged and left.

However, his mind has always recalled Su Li's vigilant eyes.

Why does he think that the atmosphere between the brother and sister looks strange? I hope he thinks too much, otherwise if they What about Kong Yu?

At the thought of Kong Yu, Feng Bai left all his thoughts behind and went back to her residence.

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