Su Li was startled by the sound, and then reflected that the wolf should be an ORC.

She stepped back a little, thinking that the wild species he was talking about was probably Alves, could there be some unknown forbidden secrets in the wolf clan?

The wolf in the next moment into a human appearance, he has a pair of extremely sinister eyes, when he looks at a person, it will make him very uncomfortable.

At this time, Suli was staring at this pair of eyes.

She just felt that she was getting goose bumps. Maybe there was something wrong with the ORC.

"Say, where has that wild seed gone?" He lowered his voice and asked with pity.

"Who is savage talking about?" Suu pear is still very knowledgeable, and is stared at by this pair of eyes.

However, probably because of cultural differences, the orc didn't recognize anything, otherwise he would probably smash something.

Su Li expressed regret for this.

"Alves! Where is he The orc stepped forward and grabbed Suli's neck and roared.

Su Li was subconsciously revolted by his surprise. However, the orcs were so powerful that she felt that her throat was cut off and her breath was blocked.

Wedleton became angry and opened his mouth and bit directly into the orc's leg.

Although he has not yet grown up, his bite strength has been very good, which is also due to Su Li's often making delicious food for him, so that he can eat and eat.

The little female was too dangerous. He used all his strength to take a piece of meat for him. As a fleeing prey, we need to overtake him and kill him.

The orc didn't expect that there was still a sneak attack under his feet, so he immediately released Su Li with pain.

Su Li covered her neck and coughed. She almost hung up just now and was ready to exchange for a therapeutic prop. As a result, I didn't expect that my meow was so protective and powerful that she directly bit a piece of meat.

The ORC was in pain and didn't want to talk nonsense. He waved his hand and the wolves began to gather around him.

Suri picked up videl and couldn't escape. Anyway, she had to go to the wolf clan. Whether she was in the past or was caught, she could tell the truth.


The wolf tribe is also a very powerful group on the grassland. Although it can't compare with the rabbit race in number, they are large in size, strong in skill and born as predators.

After being caught in the territory of the wolf clan, Suli was directly put into a small dark cave. It was very humid there, and there were all kinds of insects crawling in and out of the soil, which made her very uncomfortable.

It took her a long time to find a relatively clean place to sit down with videl in her arms, her hands rubbing her hair up and down. Normally, videl would purr comfortably now, but today he is very irritable.

Videl was angry that he couldn't protect sully.

Su Li didn't think so. She was dying of love. How could she be so cute and cute? She would save her. She didn't raise her for so long. Subconsciously, she touched her neck, which was still a little uncomfortable. Her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a trace of displeasure.

Those damned wolf clan dare to treat her like this. It seems that they must pay a little price.

[host! ]2333 flies in. It has already inquired about the current situation of the wolf clan. If you know yourself and your enemy, you can be invincible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!