"Chief! Ah Wu, the leader of the third team, lost contact. Before the loss, he sent back a video

Su Li frowned and opened the video.

I saw that it was a very dark place. There were only two faint lights around, but there was a rustling sound.

Wu didn't know why he got off the mecha and walked in this cave on foot. Then the next second, a scream sounded. It was ah Wu's voice.

He seems to have seen something terrible, but in the video, due to the problem of perspective, he can only find a faint shadow on the ground The shadow seemed to have wings.

There was a strange sound of chewing in the video.

"What's going on?" Su Li asked.

A star thief was so scared that he said: "the captain was very angry when he heard about the matter of washing hands, so he ran away with the mecha I didn't expect that there was no news for three days. We couldn't get in touch with him. Just then, he suddenly sent this video to me Chief, is the captain much more dangerous

"Where is his mecha positioned?" Su Li rubbed her forehead and asked.

"There's no place. It's like it's gone out of thin air."

"Xue Cen, what do you think?" It was a bit tricky, and Su Li had no clue for a while.

Xue opened a map of the surrounding galaxies and said, "according to the final image, ah Wu's direction is to the West. If the video he sent is real-time, it can be judged that he has gone to the farthest planet in the three days, which is here

He said, pointing to one of the planets, "in this range, there are three stars, forty-eight planets, and some other planets. There are 12 planets that can land safely and land directly. Of these 15 planets, remove three that belong to infinity, and nine. "

After hearing this, Su Li nodded and looked at Xue Cen's delimited range. "The place in the video is probably a cave, and then maybe it's a certain Zerg. Unfortunately, if this planet is very close, and there are Zerg on it... "

"Order to go down, prepare for level one combat mode!" Su Li gave the order immediately.

At the same time, she sent dozens of mechanical flies to inspect the nine planets.

If before the Zerg army arrives, the Zerg vanguard forces will open the way, that will be the end.

Because of the latest news, the atmosphere of the whole group of stars suddenly stagnated. And Su Li has also contacted the Empire. Countless mecha teams are coming here. Of course, they will never enter the endless territory.

Five days later, the Zerg vanguard troops ambushed nearby rushed forward with lightning speed. Fortunately, Su Li had already made preparations, and with the strength of the Empire, she soon eliminated all these insects.

And in this warm-up battle, Su Li's ability as the one who reaped the most lives of insects also impressed the people of the Empire. This kind of combat effectiveness, no human can match, they understand that this is the ability of all-round robot!

If this ability can be used by oneself, it must be good. It's just that once it's out of control, it's going to cause a huge disaster

The generals of the Empire knew that if she had only these abilities, she would be wiped out sooner or later. If she really wants to be stronger, then the Empire will not dare to offend her

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