"How could there be so many!"

"What is this? Most of the mecha and warships have been taken to planet 18! "

The wolf and Liu Meng were shocked to see this sudden out.

Even, there is a blood red mecha that has never been seen before. It comes very quickly with incomparable arrogance, just like a phoenix burning the holy fire, which is shocking.

Su Li, of course, is sitting in this mecha. In fact, it was originally Geda's mecha, because the time was too tight to make a new one for Suli. Therefore, Su Li can only Geda's mecha transformation, and installed 2333 as a mecha AI.

With 2333 as a major, Su Li will not have any problems in handling. And sit with her the same mecha, and Xue Cen.

Xue Cen actually has his own mecha, but he usually does not use it. As a military division, he usually uses his brain to formulate tactics rather than go up to fight. Of course, even if it is A-level, he can give full play to the ability of this A-level.

This time, he asked to fight side by side with Su Li, who could not refuse.

First of all, the black army master is her man, so she must carry it with her. Second, there is a sense of security when such a brilliant person is around.

At the same time, Su Li has a small selfish heart.

In the past, no matter how arrogant she was, she could not compare with her own boss. But this time, she was worth amazing! So Maybe she can have a hero to save the beauty.

She quietly raised a look at the beautiful appearance of Xue Cen, heart sigh, hey, can be good ah!

But she just looked at it, Xue Cen noticed, also looked at her.

Xue Cen felt that the beautiful robot in front of him seemed to be no different from human beings Delicate facial features, Jianshui autumn pupil, body is concave and convex, appearance is perfect, there is no regret.

However, what is better than her appearance is her strength.

Xue Cen always felt that her strength was not only due to her being a combat robot with perfect configuration, but also for other reasons After all, she was the only one who escaped the Empire, and she had so much ambition.

He never thought that a robot that had just been built for a long time would be so familiar with social rules and ambition. And this mystery, more than her appearance attracted him.

Both of them are interested in each other. At this moment, when their eyes are on each other, they are just like the positive and negative poles of a magnet meet. They are easily attracted by each other, and then indulge.

"Sound." Xue Cen opened his mouth. He always felt that he was confused. Is this really a robot?

"You can try it." Su Li approached him and breathed in his ear.

He realized that his question had been uttered. The girl in front of him was very close to him. He could even see the very light fluff on her face.

Xue Cen raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek, feeling the delicate and real skin. He could not help but whisper: "is there such a robot in this world? I really want to cut you open to see if it's a bunch of parts or the real viscera. "

Su Li winked at him, raised her hand and held his hand which was still lingering on his face. She said with a smile: "it's too bloody to try this way. It's better to change it."

"Oh? Which one? " Xue Cen raised eyebrows.

Su Li put his hand on his waist, and then the whole person leaned up. "Naturally, it's the way of men and women."

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