Ginkgo city is a city developed under the protection of ginkgo trees, so we can see things related to ginkgo trees everywhere.

Suri and Louis sit in the gingko themed restaurant and watch the waiter serve a huge roasted ginkgo fruit. This whole gingko fruit occupies the whole table. The golden skin becomes crispy after baking, and then a layer of honey is brushed. It is sweet and delicious and can satisfy the stomach. It is a staple food that many people like to eat.

Su Li looked at the big ginkgo fruit with her face in her hand. She was surprised to see that the crisp surface of the ginkgo fruit was broken, and the fragrant flesh overflowed from it.

"Wow Su Li couldn't help exclaiming.

Louis was amused to see him look like this, and lifted his hand to clip the hair from her forehead behind her ear. "Why are you so surprised? Haven't you lived here all the time? Haven't you eaten this yet

Su Li shook her head. "I seldom went out before, and I didn't eat this after I went out. Today is the first time. "

Louis looked at her with a trace of heartache. Children of large families are under great pressure since childhood. In order to get more attention, I'm afraid they need to work hard for a long time.

"It's OK. What else do you want to eat? Let's go together."

Su Li nodded, her eyes bent with a smile. "Let's go and eat steamed rabbit. It's said that a restaurant across the street bought a whole rabbit. After steaming, it tastes very good."

Louis naturally followed her, and even went on to say, "I inquired about this in the morning. The restaurant on apricot Avenue has launched a limited edition of honey goose and pomegranate juice for dinner. Would you like to try it?"

"Honey goose! Pomegranate juice Su Li's eyes brightened, and she was a good eater. Goose is the meat that can't be met. It's too big and its combat effectiveness is too high. It often needs dozens of magicians to kill it. And pomegranate, the skin is too hard too thick, get a cup of pomegranate juice is also very difficult. So these foods are on sale in limited quantities and at very high prices.

Even some food that is not easy to get can't be exchanged with gold coins. You have to exchange all kinds of magic items. Sometimes you have to grab them.

Therefore, Su Li greedy insects who haven't tasted these delicacies for a long time are going to pick them up and just want to eat them all in their mouths as soon as possible.

Louis liked to see her lovely bright eyes, and he was willing to feed her in a different way. And over the years, he also has a lot of valuable treasures, enough to exchange for more delicacies.

Moreover, he has decided to stay in Ginkgo city.

It is not easy to settle down. He can't do nothing every day. Therefore, he has set down some sites and is ready to open a fighting field to recruit students who want to learn magic and combat. After all, in this world, strength is respected, and everyone wants to be better.

However, Louis did not say that he had lived alone for so many years, and his fighting skills and survival skills had reached the peak. Even, he can kill a rooster on his own, which is enough to become a coach.

With a shallow smile, he watched Su Li dig a spoonful of ginkgo fruit with a spoon and put it into his mouth.

"Delicious!" Sully tasted it, nodded her head, and then dug another spoon for Louis.

Louis opened his mouth. The rich taste and sweet taste made him feel that it might be nice to settle down.

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