"Xie LAN, are you thirsty? I bought you water. "

Su Li raised eyebrows and looked at the red faced girl in front of her. Her mood was a little complicated.

Su Li stretched out her clear, white and slender hand, took the water from her, and said in a clear and moist voice, "thank you."

When the girl saw that she had taken the water, the blush on her face was almost burning. She looked at Su Li shyly, turned around and quickly dragged her little partner to run away.

Not far away, Su Li also heard her whisper: "Xie lanshuai is dead!"

Before she knew what was going on, her shoulder was put on by an arm. Just after playing, the handsome boy, dripping with sweat, said: "Xie LAN, you are really good. You are all in a wheelchair, and there are so many girls competing to bring you tea and water. You say, we all belong to s University grass, how can you make the best of your sister? "


So she went through the world and changed her gender?

Can't it be the story of the United States?

So she has to work with her boss about the rhythm?

It's really

How exciting!

Su Li wiped a handful of nosebleed to herself in the bottom of her heart, but her face was still pale. She raised her hand and pushed away the boy who was glued to her side and said, "sweat is dead, stay away!"

"Well The boy didn't get angry, and he took two steps to the side with a smile, "you are too cheeky. If it wasn't for your fault, you wouldn't be in a wheelchair now! Well, don't look at me like that. I'm telling the truth

Su Li sighed softly, and said with a slight dislike: "then you don't have to go to take a bath and change clothes."

"All right, all right." The boy got up carelessly. "I'll push you to the rest room first. In a moment, your housekeeper will come to deliver food for you."

"Well." Adhering to the principle of saying more and making more mistakes, Su Li has no objection to his arrangement.

At the same time, 2333 is coming now, passing on the whole story.

Su Li helped her forehead and automatically shielded the boy's words nearby. She took a serious look at the plot.

It turns out that Xie LAN, the owner of the body, is not a boy, but a woman disguised as a man.

And in her side chattering about this sunny healthy male student is the world's male master Li Xingyang.

Xie LAN is a girl, but she was raised as a boy since she was a child, because the Xie family values boys more than girls. As an old family, Xie's family is not only rich but also very old-fashioned. The whole family still has the atmosphere left over from the old society.

Valuing men over women is just one of them.

Xie Lan's mother is her father's fourth wife. As for the first three wives, they were divorced because they couldn't give birth to a boy. To Xie Lan's mother here, in order to avoid the fate of being eliminated, her mother had been ready for the early.

Must be a boy, even a girl, must also be regarded as a boy!

Under the complicated arrangement, Xie Lan was born and raised as a boy. Xie's mother also succeeded in holding the position of mistress and enjoying her glory and wealth.

Xie LAN, even though she was raised as a boy, is still a girl. In order to hide her gender, she has made a lot of efforts, but she still feels that she has been crushed by life.

Xie family is very strict with her requirements, and she is trained as an heir, so that she has no breathing space, but also makes her live very tired.

Until, she struggled to give up other better schools, came to s city's s s University.

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