"What is the secret of the holy stone?" Liu Lixuan struggled to get up, which was his obsession, which could not fade away until he could solve or die.

But Liu Lijuan did not know at the moment that the truth behind him would make him lose all his faith.

Su Li came step by step, her ice and snow like face rippled with a smile, which was also a bit of banter and tease.

Her eyes fell on the jade in his hand and said, "do you really want to know? I can tell you, you're not going to be happy anyway

Liu lijiu's breathing voice is disordered. He stares at Su Li, his eyes are full of fanaticism, "tell me! Tell me

Su Li chuckled softly, "the holy stone can suppress Qi Yun, and a holy stone can guarantee the peace and stability of the country for 20 years. This is its secret. However, spread out, it has become a saint stone can have the most noble seat, the most luxurious life. Therefore, even if you have the holy stone, you can not be an emperor. What's more... "

The light in Liu Li's eyes faded away.

"What's more, the stone in your hand is just a precious jade. It's not a real holy stone at all. I didn't expect it. It was just a random game, and you took the bait. Originally, I thought you were so smart. " Su Li went on to say that she appreciated the sudden change of expression on Liu Lijuan's face, and felt a little happy.

"No It's impossible It's impossible. You lied to me Liu lijiu glared at me fiercely, "you lied to me, this is the holy stone! This is the holy stone

Su Li pitifully looked at him, "you continue to deceive yourself, anyway, it has not been a few days. But Do you want to know where the real stone is? "

"Where is it? Come on! Where it is

"Why? Don't you believe it's a fake sacred stone? What can I say? " Su Li sneered bitterly.

"You, you wicked woman! You cunt, man Liu Lijuan's anger starts from her heart, but she doesn't know how to vent her anger. She can only turn into swearing words in an attempt to make Su Li angry.

Su Li didn't care. She blinked her eyes, stepped forward two steps, and whispered, "what is the holy stone? Holy stone is the heart of a saint. As long as you dig out my heart and offer it up, we will ensure the peace of the country and the people in the past 20 years. It's a pity that you don't have the ability to kill people. Do you feel sorry? Well? "

Liu lijiu opened her eyes and stared at her, "I'm going to kill you! I want the holy stone

However, he had been tortured by the disease and couldn't get out of bed. He could only repeat these two words one by one.

Su Li now has her own pent up in the heart of the anger out, so also do not want to continue to stay. With a sneer, she turned around and slowly walked out of the palace where Liu lijiu lived.

When I opened the door, I saw Ji Lin standing by the door guarding her.

"Why are you here?" Su Li bent her eyes and asked.

"I don't trust you to come alone." Ji Lin raised his hand and touched her hair, "but I overheard your words."

Su Li raised the corner of her mouth and said seriously, "this is a secret. It's about my personal safety. Don't say it easily."

"I will guard you and protect you." Ji Lin leaned down to kiss her forehead and said.

"Well, let's stay in the palace for a while. Will you wait until Yuner is 16 and can be sealed Su Li's smile filled the tunnel.

"All right." I won't leave you anyway.

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