"Your Highness save me!" Ning'er knelt down again, "I can do anything! Please help me

"Anything? Why don't you tell me what you can do first? " Su Li looked down at her.

"Your Majesty Your majesty, he has looked for me. " Ning Er really has no way, in the face of Su Li incomparably transparent eyes, she does not know how to hide.


See she just lightly said a word, Ning son then determined she really knew what, then also no longer struggle.

"Your Majesty hopes that you can be used by him, so he wants me to work inside and outside to find your handle. Then he will be able to threaten you... "

"Is that all?" Su Li suddenly chuckled and found it interesting.

"Yes, your majesty did. Maybe Maybe he was just testing me I really don't know anything else. " Ning Er is kowtow a head again.

"Well, what else can you do? You don't know anything about it. " Su Li looked at her with drooping eyes. A trace of pity passed in her eyes, as if she were pitying her.

"I I can go and hear from your majesty, and then I will tell you... " Ning'er bit his lips and could only say.

"Ah, Ning'er, have you heard the story of Su Daji?" Su Li turned around and looked at the light and cold moonlight outside the window. "Su Da Ji died of the Shang Dynasty by Nu Wa, but finally fell in love with King Zhou of Shang."

"I dare not! The maidservant has committed the crime of deceiving the king. This is a lesson. I dare not cheat your highness. "

Su Li turned to look at her again. "It's no use killing you anyway. Then, I'll leave it to you. Now there are only four concubines and six concubines in the harem. If there is no accident, it will not be long before the emperor proposes to accept the imperial concubine. You will be sent by your majesty

"Thank Saint female highness --" Ning Er is relieved, at last there is no danger. But I'm afraid the future will not be easy

Sully nodded and left.

Within a few days, as expected, the news came out that the emperor was preparing to accept the imperial concubine.

Su Li was eating the bittern Ji Lin brought to her at that time, and she was not surprised to hear the speech. Although Liu Liquan's superior means have been criticized, but for a long time, the ministers can most meet with the wind to make the rudder. In addition, no one dares to say no to Liu Lijuan's brutality.

So, everything goes step by step.

After the matter has been stranded, then the matter of Princess Na should be carried out. There are so many children in the back palace, and there is no one or two children? The ministers of the harem proposed to expand.

Liu lijiu was not such a dazed and anxious person, but it was also good to buffer the relationship between the imperial concubine and the emperor, so he agreed.

Ministers in the imperial court screened their daughters, sisters, nieces and distant relatives one after another, striving for a beloved concubine for the family.

At this time, Liu lijiu came to the temple of the saints once again.

Su Li knew that he would come, so Ning'er had been ready.

A pot of good tea, a dish of exquisite tea, and a rare beauty to dress up, make Liu Lijuan's originally depressed mood better. He did hate the temple of the saints, but he had to come to play the autumn wind, and his heart was stifled.

Fortunately, Ning'er is gentle and appropriate, or the chess pieces he planted in Su Li's side, which is equivalent to his person.

"Your Majesty, what are your worries today?" Su Li looked up at him and asked.

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