The video of Su Li's aroma mixing tutorial aroused heated discussion. She conveniently posted the video to her microblog, and then attracted many people's attention. There are even a lot of people who really follow her tutorial to spice up.

And the hot comments on this microblog are also very interesting.

"According to Su's tutorial, I want to make my own love thread fragrance for my boyfriend As a result, I have failed countless times, and my hands can't afford to be injured! However, my boyfriend succeeded, and then sent me ~ "

this comment was the most popular, and Su Li also saw it. She couldn't help laughing, and then silently praised her. She doesn't need to eat this dog food.

All in all, the recent news about Su brand is so hot that it almost covers up all the light belonging to Liu.

Fortunately, although Yu Liu was not in the state at the beginning, he gradually became better and better. Her recently developed thread fragrance has finally succeeded. After lighting one, it makes people indulge in it and has a feeling of pure and elegant.

The big man of the incense Road Association is relieved. Although this kind of incense is not top grade, it is also good.

As a result, this line fragrance named "Piao" was put into the market. As Yu Liu is still a newcomer in this circle, her fragrance naturally can not enter the high-end market, but can only be put into the low-end market.

The popularity of Su is still there, but some people have noticed the advertisement issued by the association, so many people place orders. The price of mid end fragrance can also be affordable, so the sales volume is good at the beginning.

Yu Liu can't help but feel relieved when she sees the sales figures. She finally proves her ability According to this sales schedule, she can also officially take root in the incense world.

She has looked forward to it for so long, she has worked hard for so long, she even gave up her lover, and now she finally has a reward

Su pear in the Liuxian incense on the shelf, so also bought a back, she also want to see to see now, in Liu strength how.

After bathing, she put on a broad cotton and hemp long skirt, barefoot went to the incense room, lit incense.

A faint fragrance diffused in the whole room. Su Li lay on the floor leisurely and felt sleepy suddenly.

She blinked, yawned, and slowly closed her eyes.

[host, wake up! ]2333 flies down and stops on Su Li's face and shouts in her ear.

Su Li was suddenly awakened. She sat up in a daze and felt that there was something wrong. How can she sleep? You know, she's been getting enough sleep recently, and she's very energetic during the day.

She rubbed her forehead and stopped as she glanced across the burning incense.

She stood up, opened the door of the incense chamber, and said to the empty corridor, "somebody, take this incense and test it to see what's in it."

A figure appeared around the corner, "yes."

At the same time, there are also many people because of the "floating" point, there are various reactions. Most of them are sleepy, but some people feel comfortable

And there is also a hot post on the Internet: did you buy the thread fragrance "floating" produced by Yu Liu?

1L: I feel sleepy every time I order. Am I alone? My sister thinks it smells good and smells very comfortable.

2L: I can't afford it. It's too expensive. Su suits me. But I've also heard that some people want to sleep after they order to go with the wind. Should not emmmmmm。

3L: No, is it psychological? How can there be a problem with the certification of the incense association?

8L: I think it smells good, but my mother feels dizzy and uncomfortable.

18L: I feel sleepy too I thought it was because I was too tired

29L: afraid of I just placed an order. Is it time to cancel the order now?

38L: don't be alarmist. Maybe it's a coincidence? I think it's very good. I order a little every day, and I feel comfortable.

55L: the taste is very light. I think chicken ribs are not as good as Su.

66l: I smell uncomfortable, and I'm allergic.

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