Although Joe's father was arrested, it was only an attempted kidnapping, so he could not be held for long.

But this period of time just gave Qiao Ruo a chance to breathe. She went home, took Qiao's mother to s City, and convinced her to divorce her father.

Qiao's mother is a country person who has different responsibilities and has never seen much of the world. Divorce is a huge problem for her. However, no matter how can not offset his husband is such a son of a bitch, gambling debts do not say, even want to sell women for honor.

Qiao's mother naturally loved her only child and hated her father's behavior, so she made up her mind to divorce.

If Qiao Ruo is backed by Qi Xiao, it is not difficult to fight a divorce lawsuit with the lawyer he has prepared. Now, just wait until Father Joe is released.

Mrs. Qiao looked at the bright and clean house. When she opened the window, she could see a beautiful yard with beautiful flowers and plants, which was many times more beautiful than the one she had taken care of in the country.

But she was worried. She looked out of the room with a frown and sighed.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Asked Qiao Ruo.

Joe's mother looked back, her eyes full of worry. "If you tell me honestly, where did you get the money to buy the house?"

If Joe faltered for a moment, he said, "I usually work to earn money. I don't buy this house, it's rented If you borrow some money from a friend, you can pay it back later. Don't think about it... "

Joe looked at her calmly and sighed. She has always been weak in terms of social sophistication. She feels that she owes a lot to her only daughter, and she can't bear to say anything about her. It's just

This big city is too prosperous. She has heard that many girls and children are lost here, go astray and do bad things.

She was afraid that her daughter would go wrong because she had to

If Qiao Ruo saw Qiao Mu's worry naturally, what could she say? Do you want to tell her the truth, he and a man signed a contract, when a year lover get 10 million?

If Joe knew, she would not take her money even if she died in the country.

"Mom, I usually have to go to school. It's a little far here, so I can't come back often. You pay more attention to your health by yourself. Call me if you have any questions, OK If Qiao Ruo chooses such a place for her mother to rent a house, it is also to make her less lonely here.

This is located in the suburb of S City, and the neighborhood relationship is also closer. It is not like the city, and even the opposite neighbor is unknown.

She also signed a contract with Qi Xiao, and she was bound to be unable to live with her mother. Now, she can only do so.

Qiao's mother nodded and took Qiao ruo's hand. "You must be more careful when you are alone in the city, you know? Mom, it's just you... "

If Qiao Ruo hugged her, nodded, "you don't worry, I won't let myself suffer."

After saying goodbye to Qiao's mother, Qiao Ruo walked out of the yard and saw a familiar car as soon as he passed an intersection.

Qi Xiao opened the door and stepped forward.

"This is the place for your mother?" He frowned slightly at the surroundings.

If Qiao Ruo sees him, he can't help feeling guilty. He quickly looks back and doesn't find anyone else, so he pulls Qi Xiao to get on the bus.

"Why did you come?"

Qi Xiao felt puzzled, "my woman is here, I can't come to have a look?"

If Joe is helpless, "what's good to see, let's go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!