Xi Shu organized the language and said slowly, "I met Shen Guan since I was a child, and I was in the same class in high school. At that time, our group of people were the focus of teachers, although the results were good, but too much trouble had to be paid attention to. So we become more rebellious, often planning truant pranks and so on.

Once, when Shen Guan won us in the game, he was selected as the candidate for truancy. He had an accident after we helped him escape from class that day. At that time, there were a lot of bullying outside the school. As soon as he went out, he was targeted and beaten to death. In the end, someone saved him.

That person is the one that Shen Guan always remembers. We don't know who she is, but Shen Guan always talks about the scene of saving heroes with beauty

Su Li's complexion is complex, "beauty saves hero?"

"Yes, according to Shen Guan, the girl is not old enough, but she is very good at fighting. She helped Shen Guan beat him away and sent him to the hospital. Then she took a safety button from his mother, saying it was a reward Xi Shu continued.

Su Li

Su Li: "according to the general routine, did she take the Ping'an buckle equal to the token of love?"

"Maybe that's what I think." Said Xi Shu.

OK, it turns out that Shen Guan is still such a pure boy. I can't see

Maybe it doesn't happen in reality, but sometimes it happens.

Shen Guan and qianyin have already started to eat. It's so coincidental that the waiter is hit by a customer, and the wine in his hand spills out and falls on qianyin's shoulder.

Qianyin is wearing a button up shirt dress today. Now the neckline is wet. She subconsciously unbuttoned the top two buttons to dry it with a tissue. Then, the pendant from her neck fell out, a green ring.

After a deep look at his eyes, he immediately asked, "is this safety buckle?"

Qianyin has wiped the wine stains on the neckline, and said casually, "it came by accident."

He swallowed his mouth and felt his heart pounding.

"Did you take it from a boy in high school?"

Thousand sound Leng for a moment, frown, carefully look at Shen Guan, for a long time suddenly realized, "you are the weak chicken that was beaten by a few thugs all over the body?"

A weak chicken covered in black and white.

This description makes Shen Guan gasp. It's a sad description

"Yes..." However, Shen Guan replied in the same way.

The scene was once embarrassing, and finally qianyin opened the topic. However, Shen Guan could not calm down.

His editor was the one who saved his life! According to the general routine, he should make a commitment to each other!


Shen Guan sighed and looked at qianyin. His heart was full of tears. Why was it his editor? That's a big joke!

Su Li on the other end has been muddled by the out of control plot. Just said this, the heroine appeared.

What is this? This is fate!

"I said that Shen Guan and little sister qianyin are very well matched! But I really didn't expect that little sister qianyin was so 6! " Su Li held her face in her hands, her face excited, her eyes glittering.

Xi Shu's eyes flashed a little embarrassed, he stretched out a hand to lift Su Li's chin and turned her face to the direction of partition.

Su Li: (⊙ o ⊙)

SHEN Guan and Qian Yin both stood up and looked at her speechless.

Su Li

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