At first glance, there is nothing wrong with the construction site of the barbarian camp, but if you look down from the air, you can find that these camps form a strange symbol.

Su Li pulled Xia houchuan through the barracks with a light and fast speed, without attracting any guard's attention.

The smell that lingers between nose is more and more heavy, Xia houchuan also smelled.

It's similar to a sweet, greasy smell of rust, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Probably because the blood is also with rust smell, so that Xia houchuan inexplicably feel that this flavor is like the blood flavor of countless syrup.

Finally, Su Li stopped by a big account.

"The taste is the strongest here." She lowered her voice and stood on tiptoe in Xia houchuan's ear. The hot and humid breath made him feel itchy from the bottom of his heart.

Xia houchuan could not help but clench her hand, "don't act rashly, listen quietly."

Holding hands, they swept over the top of the big tent and landed on it with no sound.

"Master, is this pill really useful?" There was a thick sound of a man in the tent.

Su Li slightly frowned, and Xia houchuan looked at each other, this voice they are familiar with. After fighting for several months, he has exchanged hands with the barbarian leader at least several times. This voice is that he has not run away.

It seems that this camp is the barbarian leader and Banyao.

Sure enough, the next moment's reply was a little shrill voice, "king, the six nationalities in the north are finally United. Don't be indecisive. This battle has been fought for so long, and I haven't won it once. Be careful that the morale of the army is unstable. "

"Master, I know what you mean. It's just this pill Is there really no problem? " The leader's voice seemed hesitant.

"I have improved this medicine. Although I will die after taking it, the time can be extended to a month." The bewitched demon gave a strange smile, "for a month, king, as long as you lose 20000 troops, you can defeat Xia houchuan and take the Central Plains directly. Don't you think it's worth it when you think about it? "

"A month..." The leader sighed, "how can we take over the Central Plains directly? We should know that the people in the central plains are more than ten times more than the people of our six ethnic groups combined..."

"So what?" The Banyao interrupted him, "as long as I have this medicine, you don't have to worry about not taking that Wanli River and mountain. The difference is only with you. "

"I'll think about it..." The leader had no choice but to leave the camp.

Su Li and Xia houchuan looked at each other and guessed that they were the ghosts of the Banyao. After the leader left, the banyan in the camp sneered, "indecision is not a great thing. If it wasn't for the Central Plains emperor who had a demon, I would not have come to this kind of ghost place. "

Su Li opened her eyes in amazement. The demon had been in contact with long Fengze, and he knew the evil way. It seemed that he was still afraid. Can we say that the evil way is really so powerful that even the evil demon, which has always been known for its cunning, should avoid its edge?

"What's the matter?" Xia houchuan felt the body of Su Li around him stiff and asked anxiously.

Su Li shook her head. The most important thing at present is to solve the problem of the evil spirit to help Xia houchuan win the battle. As for the evil way, he still has to take a curvilinear route to save the country. After all, even with 2333 helping to investigate, there is still a little bit of information.

In fact, this Banyao is not very difficult to solve, after all, although its Demon power is high, it can not move freely. It's just that he still has that strange drug on his hand, and it's not sure if there are any other drugs on him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!