After catching the cloud, Yunyan tried every day to torture her, but somehow, she still felt unhappy.

Perhaps it is because the memory of the previous life is too tragic, so that she can no longer come out of that memory.

Not long after, she heard the news of star Luo being captured by the queen, which suddenly woke up.

She used to love this man very much, but he never looked at himself, his eyes only ambition, only his ambitious ambition. It's just a woman. He doesn't care.

After rebirth, she deliberately buried the things related to Xingluo in the bottom of her heart, so that she did not want to recall that painful time. It was only when she heard the news that Xingluo was arrested that she broke out in a cold sweat. It is clear that this is not the case in the previous life, and the queen is the loser. Xingluo will ascend the throne and become the new king of the Suxing empire.

What's going on?

Yunyan suddenly felt that she wanted to find out whether this world was more than her reborn? Is there anyone else who wants revenge just like her? That man, her majesty?

She thought she should find something else to do. As for the clouds, it's up to Jeff.

Yunyan knew that Jeff had always loved Yunduo and was not pure in her mind. Once he even wanted to give her medicine secretly. Today's clouds have been humiliated by countless men. I don't know if she can make Jeff fall in love with her.

She specially asked people to clean the clouds. She lost a lot of weight after suffering for a long time. Her face was pale, and even her lips seemed to be sick. She only wore a wide skirt, translucent material can let people see her figure.

The cloud was a little uneasy, and she felt that she might enter a more terrible world. The coveted eyes of the men around her had numbed her, and she was more worried about what would happen next.

When Jeff appeared, the cloud's fear reached its peak, but there was no way

Yunyan gave Yunduo and her previous videos to Jeff, and got a lot of money.

Since then, she will no longer be in charge of anything about the clouds, even if she is dead, she will not have a trace of waves.

She was eager to get to the capital star, to see Stella, and to see her majesty.

All the way, she finally stood at the gate of the palace. But to her disappointment, Her Majesty would not see her, and she would never know if she was a reborn.

But, she saw star Luo.

I haven't seen him for a period of time. He is not as noble and elegant as before. He is depressed too fast. When he sits there, he seems to be a year-round depression patient, emitting the breath of death.

"Are you here?" Star Luo recognized her and said hello lightly.

Yunyan felt her throat choked. It was a long time before she found her voice.

"How did you become like this?"

Star Luo shakes his head, "become a king to defeat a bandit just, anyway all want to die."

He understood what he meant. Anyway, he was going to die. What's the use of making a dignified appearance? She sighed and wanted to ask him a question before she met him.

She wanted to know if he had liked her.

But now, I don't think it's necessary to see her.

How can people like Xingluo like others? He always only likes himself

"I'm leaving. Goodbye..." Not knowing what to say, Yunyan had to leave.

Star Luo looked at her far away back, covered the loss of the eyes, and the last one who liked him all left , the fastest update of the webnovel!