"Today's best actress trophy has my name engraved on it. And next time, I want to put my name on the best picture trophy! "

At the international Golden Leopard award ceremony two years ago, Mu Pian, the empress of the three golden films, announced that she would stop acting and turn to the backstage. This caused a great stir, and no one could understand why she did this. She was only 25 years old at that time, but she was already a well-known film queen in the world. At the peak of her career, she stopped.

Both online and print media are reporting on this. Even in the half year of her absence, the heat had not dropped.

Her fans and fans are all looking forward to her coming back. However, it was two years in a flash.

For people in the entertainment industry, leaving two years to return, both popularity and market value will be greatly reduced. What's more, this circle is changing with each passing day. There are countless new people rising every day. Mu Pian's such a person has already passed away completely.

When Su Li came, she was drunk in the bar, surrounded by noisy music and twisting men and women. But she was curious. Even if she didn't know what her body looked like, she knew that her skin could not be bad. But in such an environment, she was isolated from other people like a vacuum.

There was no one who didn't know how to approach her. Even the bartender in the bar would not deliberately approach her to talk to her.

2333 has not come, Su Li opened her handbag and took out her mobile phone.

32 missed calls, all from a man named Johnson.

Su Li gets up. The alcohol makes her mind a little confused. She walks out of the bar with a little flimsy steps.

In the quiet night, she called back Johnson's number.

"Oh, my miss mu, you have finally called back. Now the crew is in a mess. Would you like to tell me when to come back and solve the problem? You used to act as an agent to deal with your troubles. Now you're a producer and I'm going to work as an assistant Well, Miss mu, I'm really limited. Can you serve yourself a snack As soon as it was connected, there was a man's voice on the opposite side.

Su Li got a lot of information from what he said. Maybe she was a producer from an actor, but there was something wrong with the crew for various reasons She looked up at the hotel sign and said, "I see. You're driving to pick me up now. I'm in the cloudpub."

There was silence for a few seconds on the opposite side, and then the other side swept out a lot of words like a machine gun. Su Li frowned and took the phone away. When he finished, he added: "come here, if you don't want to see tomorrow's headline that I'm drunk at the door of the bar."

"Don't make a fuss, honey," said Johnson, at the other end, as he opened the door and sat in. He was extremely calm and said, "have you forgotten that you've been out of breath for a long time? You can't make headlines even if you're drunk. "

"Grass!" Su Li immediately hung up the phone, depressed.

In the night, a beautiful woman in a T-shirt and jeans leans lazily against the lamp post in front of the bar. Her face is a little red, and seems to be drunk. Su Li didn't realize how attractive she was, but even if she did, no one in and out of the men dared to talk to her.


A low-key Cayenne stopped, the door opened and a man came out. His eyes fell on Su Li with some intriguing meanings.

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