When Su Li Sanguan was about to disintegrate, Lu Ze took a look at her mobile phone and said, "this is my niece's microblog number. She used to log in with my mobile phone before."

Su Li took a puff from the corner of her mouth and asked, "how old is your niece today?"

Lu Ze thought, "about 14 years old."


14 years old?

Su Li felt a little broken, "don't play microblog when you're only 14 years old! She black me all day, in my micro blog with rhythm, you don't care about her

"You're being paced by a 14-year-old girl?" Lu Ze's dark gray eyes seem to have a trace of elusive.

“……” Su Li snorted and snatched Lu Ze's mobile phone. Then she looked at the record of her micro blog, and found that Lu Ze, his niece, was really her true love!

All the people who pay attention to her have something to do with her. All the comments are about her micro blog. Even, she is a rabbit paper and a host of brain damage

"Help me ask your niece what I did wrong and why she was so black on me?" Su Li returned the mobile phone, a face of life can not love.

Is there any more black days?

Lu Ze also looked at his niece's microblog and was silent for a moment. Then he said, "she seems to complain that it's disgusting to show off your wealth..."

Show off your wealth!

It's because of flaunting wealth again!

"You look like you're dressed like a dog. Is this suit custom-made? Is your niece short of money? I can't make a rich person like her unhappy? " Su Li heart dark rub rub rub than a middle finger, angry way.

"She's a strict family, and she's young, and she doesn't have much pocket money. Every time you sun the newly bought cosmetics and jewelry, she is very angry. Her parents don't buy them, and her own pocket money is not enough, so... " Lu Ze didn't know why. He thought Su Li's angry appearance was funny, but he didn't dare to make her angry, otherwise his good brother might beat him.

Su Li really wanted to blow up her hair. "What cosmetics and jewelry does a 14-year-old child want! Isn't it good to read well? "

Lu Ze calmly searched her microblog, "you said you had a lot of jewelry, watches and cosmetics when you were 14 years old." Then his eyes fell on the van clenburg Valentine's bridge watch she was wearing today. "She has always liked your watch. If you take a selfie today and take this watch, she will certainly come to hack you again."

Su Li:

Children's, jealousy can not be so strong? Can we do it!

Suli angrily took the tea her brother had drunk next to her, and then patted the table, "when will you take me to your house?"

Lu Ze a Leng, "is not my girlfriend, want to come to my house?"

Su Li's mouth corner a draw, "can you be more serious? I'm going to your house to settle with your niece

Lu Ze's eyes swept her chest, which fluctuated with anger, and then calmly said, "that's not good. Only my girlfriend can come home with me. "

Su Li:

How come her man is such a hooligan!

This is the first time we met. That's it. What's in my mind!

In order to stop mentioning this topic, Su Li took the initiative to say that she wanted to be a music teacher. She wanted to leave after finishing the business.

"I can take charge of it, but it will take a little time for the course to be arranged. Now, take you to get familiar with the school environment. "

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