"Hello? President yuan Su Li took her mobile phone to the balcony, sat on her swing chair and gently swayed.

Yuan xicen has not seen Su Li for a long time. He really fell in love with her at first sight. Although his feelings are not very deep, his missing is also real. But he couldn't find Su Li. Later he found out that she went back to H city.

"How did you get to H city? Is it to investigate Yin's business? " Yuan xicen thought for a moment, and it seems that this is the only reason.

Su Li also does not avoid him, anyway, he is the first to remind her of this matter.

"Yes, I did come to investigate Yin's affairs. Thank you for telling me that

"Don't be polite to me. If you really want to thank me, consider my proposal. If the Tang family and yuan family join hands, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort. " Yuan xicen lowered his voice, his voice with some cold, but also with a few faint hoarseness, can lower the voice is more sexy.

Su Li felt as if her ears were going to be pregnant. She reached out and touched her nose to calm down, so as not to be seduced.

"I'm afraid I can't promise you this, Mr. Yuan." Su Li gently smile, way.

"Why?" Yuan xicen seemed to have never thought that she would refuse so simply.

"Because I have to stay in the Yin family." Su Li lips floating light smile, "if with you, isn't it suspicious?"

"Do you want to work inside out?" Yuan Xichen understood her meaning as soon as she listened, "this is a method indeed, but Yin Shao inclines to defend, you should defend very deep."

"That's better than not even a hand in." Su Li has made up her mind, which is indisputable. Yuan Xichen admonished fruitless, had no choice but to say: "although did not turn you to me here, but if you need, you can look for me at any time."

"OK, add a wechat. I've just returned home and found it looks like a lot of fun. " Su Li has been a girl addicted to the Internet all her life, so she said.

"Well, good."

After a few more conversations, they hung up. Within a minute, wechat reminded someone to add her friend. Su Li directly click through, and then note: big boss.

On the other hand, yuan xicen was not in a hurry to chat with Su Li. Instead, he opened her photo album. He found that Su Li was a crazy devil in the circle of friends.

Su Li also opened Yuan Xi Cen's photo album, as expected, empty.

Tut, sullen.

Su Li curled her lips, then flipped through the list of friends. Seeing Yin Shaoqing's name, she immediately removed the person.

If Tang Ruoling was the original owner, he would quickly pull black Yin Shaoqing after knowing that Yin Shi was the culprit behind setting up her father and killing her mother.

Su Li's move is just to comply with her wishes.

Su Li stayed in H city for another two days, then returned to s city. When she arrived at the airport, she met a group of fans who picked up the plane, so she suddenly thought of Guan Xuan.

With a little open micro blog search her name, it is found that there is indeed a reversal.

Originally thought that the rich and powerful family daughter is just a "procrastinator" stepdaughter, this gap can be big. For a time, a group of people who had been powdered for her daughter's daughter began to jeer at her, saying that she was a sparrow, and flying up the branch thought it was a Phoenix.

Su Li picked up the corner of her mouth, click in her home page, found that she even shut down the comments. She immediately felt dull and did not intend to pay attention to Guan Mo any more. As for her endurance, she can't stay in the entertainment industry for a long time.

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