"Hotel PR, requirements: open-minded, avant-garde generous, have the desire to make a lot of money. "Experience or not, no fees, 4 star hotel, generous treatment..."

But I'm neither open-minded nor generous, and I don't want to make a lot of money, so... As soon as the bus stopped beside me, I slipped inside.

Un, training agents, they are all trained from the edge of life and death, I, very soon, very soon, will become a quasi-agent.

As the car drove away, I glanced at the car with the corner of my eye. Surprisingly, someone caught up quickly.

However, they came at once, or else it would no longer be a professional underworld. Little bullies were everywhere on the streets, and the difference between them and the underworld was huge.

Get out of the car, once.

He got off the car and got on the second time.

Get out of the car, get in three times...

I fell... Who knows how many times.

The one who bought the ticket found me, I've already come down.

Halfway around the city, I came down, unable to pinpoint the exact location.

But no matter, without direction, it was the best direction.

I want to turn this place upside down and familiarize myself with its geography, history and culture … Yes, I've forged a sword over these past three years, so shouldn't I polish it a bit? The sharpening knife does not delay the cutting of wood, I will slowly grind it.

All things in the world are learned, and the practice of human nature is the article.

I don't need to go to university to ask, but it seems that I should learn how to use revenge to protect my own life.

As the sky darkened, there was a pottery workshop in front of them. There were recruitment instructors posted at the entrance, and their treatment was discussed.

I don't care what he says, I'll try.

The owner was a woman. She was very good-looking, and with a light makeup, she looked very comfortable.

I briefly introduced myself and said, "I'll go get my ID card in a while. Other things..."

I haven't really talked about it yet.

The boss kept smiling as he looked at me. When I finished speaking, he nodded and said, "You haven't learned anything, so you're equivalent to a student. Why don't you try it out for a month?" How about a month from now? "

I was going to have a month of work, twenty dollars a day, a meal of fried rice a day, and ten dollars left over.

Moreover, it had stabilized.

In a month, if my boss dares to say so, I can do it.

I just need a chance, and everything else is OK.

Yes, opportunity. I need opportunity to prove myself right now.

The boss looked at me and was in a good mood.

I'll have my apron brought soon.

I took the apron, but was in no hurry to make a move. I looked at it first.

There were many children in the pottery workshop, almost none of them were young and needed someone to teach them.

They didn't teach anyone skillfully, and if they weren't, they wouldn't be able to play in the mood. Thus, their overall strength and level couldn't go up.

If you hire skilled workers to teach you one-on-one, and the cost is too high, then …

I looked at the boss and said, "It's not like you can always change apprentices this way. Why don't you switch to a part-time worker when the time is right?" At least, I can come. You can try. "

The society is so big, I really discovered so many fresh things as soon as I entered. So, just like in school, I also want to try my luck here, I want to do better than what Yin Yijie said.

There's no need to return the favor, nor is there a need to answer. I just need to put it up and put it into practice.

Carrying my apron, I went to work.

It was a beautiful night. I studied until 12 o'clock before I reluctantly fell asleep on the back of the teahouse sofa.

In my dream, my hands were covered in mud, and I was holding out a cute doll.

Eyes, big, like two stars; eyelashes, long, two palm-leaf fans; nose, nose, thin lips, hard lines on the face, cool.

However, if you looked carefully, you would find that there was a kind of gentleness in the whole. His name was love.

I love my baby. Maybe my baby loves me, too? The corner of her lips curled up as a vortex of pear appeared …

Date: 28 May

The days at the pottery workshop were another type of tense, orderly and peaceful days.

I tried to learn.

Within a week, I had reached the level of other instructors.

For kids, I think I had a baby myself, and I was more patient, not perfunctory, but real.

So kids like me better.

Of course, I still remember the incident at the hotel the first time, so I did my best with the coaches … Communication.

Luckily, the people here weren't bad as a whole.

The boss paid me a hundred dollars in advance.

In addition, he gave me fifty yuan as a reward.

This is my first "bonus," and it is another more positive recognition and affirmation of me.

Of course, I made a few suggestions.

Although I didn't like to be nosy before, I felt that there was something I could say, as another way of "sharpening the sword," and I let it go.

There seems to be a lot of people in the pottery workshop, maybe it's just my imagination, but everyone seems to be very happy.

In the evening, after the guests have left, I will go online to find some relevant information, and we will study together.

In fact, I'm in charge of the workshop's computers.

Ah, another kind of harvest.

However, I'm not free right now.

Studying pottery, making this store that gave me peace and recognition of my value do well, is my current main goal.

None of the knowledge of economics or of management and other theoretical knowledge can be directly transferred to the use.

To manage this pottery workshop well required a lot of practical experience.

I carefully observed, ruminated, and tactfully told the boss about the relatively feasible timing.

For example, I told her that it would be better if she had some lovely cartoon decorations in the shop. Kids would like it.

Also, diversify the pottery products to attract older girls and post the classic "Human and Ghost"...

"You are truly a genius, a natural born leader. Please consider carefully, consider carefully and understand …"

The boss handed me a hamburger and smiled.

I, thought for a moment, took it and slowly ate it, the taste of meat, very fragrant, it's been a long time since I've eaten it.

Compared to the rare mountain and sea delicacies from before, this way … "Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu@@ Looking at the boss, you don't pity me, right?

This is my specialbonus?! Meat, hamburgers, meat that's never tasted so good.

I was so careful that I couldn't bear to take a bite, even though I wanted to swallow it all at once …

"You don't have to be that frugal, do you?"

The boss looked at me, still smiling, like a spring breeze.

We're on good terms.

I smiled, knowing she was talking about me, and I ate the last of my milk and drank from the milk that my boss had sent me, and said:

"If you want to stand higher and see further, you need to place bricks under your feet. The more foundation you have, the more stable you need to be in order to rise to the top of the tall building.

I think... Uh, even though, a lot of small hotels, they're pretty much the same as ours.

However, I personally think that if there is a good corporate culture and everyone is tied up, then it won't be just you trying to do it alone, but everyone charging forward together, and the result will definitely be different.

Simply put, more people means more power.

To say it as complicated as that would be the charisma of a leader.

There are two ways to be a leader. The first way is that everyone is worse than you.

The second way is that if everyone is strong, maybe even stronger than you, then there are two ways …

First, abdicate and give up the throne. Second, you will also become stronger.

Do you think a general with an assistant general can win a war, or a captain with a small soldier can win a war? "

Actually, I was organizing my thoughts and combining the corporate culture advocated by the big companies with this store of only twenty or so employees to see if it could be more effective …

How should he put it?

Although everyone was pursuing their own personal interests, if the team's overall strength were to go up, then the cake would become big. There was no reason for everyone to only eat a little bit.

The boss didn't answer.

I also know that some things are easier said than done. Only from her position can I know how troublesome and trivial things are.

I smiled and continued to drink my milk.

"Little Jane, can you help me see what this ship is going to do? "No matter what, I'm not sure …"

A instructor came running over, sweating profusely.

I shook my head. Everyone does different things. Instructors only follow the rules and don't know how to change.

Unexpectedly, my boat is only half-pulled craftsmanship, so it might not always be able to come out.

The child, who was seven or eight years old, looked at me very seriously.

I touched his head and said,

"What ship do you want to be?"

The child was stunned. His beady eyes blinked. Clearly, he was saying: "To make a boat is to make a boat. What boat?"

I continued to enlighten him:

"Sailboats, steamships, steamships, spaceships, bamboo rafts, canoes …"

The child was dumbfounded. Obviously, he didn't think too much about it.

There were thirty-eight different uses of bricks, and he might not have known them.

If my baby grows up, I'm going to have Brian teach him, and learn to use his brain from a young age...

Suddenly, I felt two pairs of eyes land on me with killing intent.

He hurriedly stood up and looked towards the source of the voice …

Two burly men, wearing vests, sat on the edge of the mud table. They held a mud cleaver in their hands and slashed at the mud table, not showing any signs of stopping at all …

Seeing me, he said in a weird tone,

"So, he's hiding here. What, is this guy more fun than us brothers?"

I took off my apron, picked up two carving knives, stood beside them, and said:

"You dare to touch the things here, I'll make it so that you won't be able to leave."

Cold, faint, I didn't feel anything.

The people who made Tao Arts Workshop and I understand each other for eight days were shocked.

"Sure, come with us. It's none of your business."

The two men stood up, clutching their hearts. They didn't dare to approach.

Heh, the two of you who were stabbed by me have probably not left the hospital yet, right?

When these people found out, they became afraid.

Deterrence, very good, very strong!

"Alright, I'll go!"

I stood quietly by the sink and washed my hands.

The boss had already noticed that something was not right and a few instructors and some kids who were on good terms with me also came over.

I asked one of the instructors to bring my things, but every day I packed the two sets of clothes that had been put aside, and there was nothing else.

I took it and said,

"Sorry, I'm leaving."

I really like it here, quiet, cozy...

The boss likes me, the kids like me, and the instructor starts circling me.

But, it's time for me to go …

There were two people at the door.

I glanced at it out of the corner of my eye and walked quickly forward without stopping.

"Stop!" "He said that he would leave with us, yet he slipped away again …"

Two men, their legs longer than mine, caught up quickly.

I then turned around and took a step back. With a wave of the carving knife in my hand, I indifferently replied:

"When I said I was going, I didn't say where I was going. Explain only once... "

He turned around and continued walking.

Behind him, the boss and a few other people had already followed him out.

I looked at them again in the time it took to explain, but it was time for me to go.

I turned the corner and started running.

Yes, this is the first time the pottery workshop has acknowledged me, and I still want to preserve that little bit of dignity.

Now, he could officially slip away.

Running all the way, drilling into the bus, I found out, is a good choice.

A car is faster than a pair of legs.

Although they had a car chasing them, but the bus turned left, could walk on the sidewalk, and there was also a bus lane on the monorail, hahahaha... Looking at the car being left far behind, that was truly satisfying! Afraid of dying and unable to catch up with me, alas, the consequences of disturbing me would be severe, and this is only the beginning.

After reversing back to the car, the excitement in his heart died down.

I, began to look for a place to sleep tonight.

"Eh? It's you? "

A clear voice sounded by his ear.

I turned my head, and two girls came to the side of the sign, and dragged me away as if they were kidnappers.

Zhang Jie quickly said:

"It's so late. Where are you going? Elder sister, why don't you come to our place? "


Zhang Min smiled gently at me, unambiguously.

Right, these two were Zhang Min and Zhang Jie, the two sisters. They were foot masseurs.

I was stunned. I didn't know if it was luck or bad luck, but after walking for a while, I quickly said,

"All of you, stay away from me. I... I'll find a place for myself. Do you have any schools or anything around here? "

The sky was overcast, the stars were down, the summer wind was blowing, and the smell of dryness and saltiness reminded me of the sea, and the days by the sea.