Yin Yijie carefully placed the chess piece in my hand on the board, as if he was taking away the mud from a child, and even used a wet tissue to wipe my hands clean.

Meaning let me talk to him seriously, or listen to him talk.

Okay, I'm listening, I've always been the most serious and obedient, haven't I?

Yin Yijie kissed me once, neither deep nor shallow, just right.

Relatively speaking, I also like this kind of, a kind of doting feeling, but also won't remind me of those unbearable memories.

I can just hug him and enjoy myself.

Yin Yijie fed me to my heart's content. He seemed to be unresigned as he smacked his lips. He leaned into my hair and took a deep breath. I don't know what he meant by that.

He said solemnly, "We grew up together. Although there were a lot of playmates, none of them were very popular. Just the two of us. He helped me a lot. He's probably getting engaged lately, and he's in a bad mood. If you want to, just accompany him as much as you can. "

As expected, the relationship between these two people was not ordinary. When Yin Yijie mentioned this, he said it in a way that made his brother want to die.

However, I don't quite understand. "Is he getting engaged? It seems like he can get married now. Why isn't he happy? "

I made another low-level mistake!

The scene of Yin Yijie being injured by old man Fan flashed through my mind like lightning. I somewhat understood now.

In this world, everyone had their own fortune and misfortune. Everyone had their own story, whether they were happy or not, and they all belonged to themselves. It did not seem to have anything to do with status or family background.

Therefore, a girl like me should be able to find her own happiness.

And honorable as jade pot ice, may also passively hide in front of us self-paralysis.

Yin Yijie was deep in thought. Although he was still gentle, perhaps more gentle than usual, he was not frivolous or restless.

Carefully kissing my forehead, it was rare for her to explain it to me.

It turned out that when Yu Hu Bing went to school, she already had a girlfriend that she liked.

Afterwards, he sacrificed a girl in order to return to the Yu clan to carry up the banner, or something similar to that.

The girl was so disappointed that she turned around and left. Now that he was in the United States, he refused to come back.

Because she didn't know when he would hurt her again.

Her trust was simple; her request was also simple; her decision was even simpler, which was:

If you still love me, just ignore me.

The girl was very resolute. She was very resolute and decisive in her actions. For the past few years, no matter how Jade Pot Ice tried, he couldn't do anything to her.

Those who had a good relationship with him knew about this, as did the internal department of the Yu clan.

But firstly, the Yu clan did not welcome this girl. Secondly, the Yu clan needed a marriage alliance right now.

A girl from Canada, with a deep military background, was the ideal candidate for the Yu family.

Therefore, the marriage of Jade Gorge Bing was likely to be decided soon.

Yin Yijie's voice was a bit muffled as he hugged me tightly and said softly, "Actually, this girl is not bad. Smart and considerate are also very sensible, better than how many princesses have good character. However, Young Master Yu did not like her and did not feel anything with her. "That's why I'm so annoyed."

So it was like that. I leaned against him and thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't come up with an idea.

I almost don't know what to do with it.

I've never had anything like it myself. A trace of something slipped through my heart, and I deliberately ignored it.

As for how to accompany Jade Gorge Ice, even more so, I had no idea. I looked at chess, hoping that it would give me some clues, because it had a king and a queen.

"That girl is very smart, often playing chess with Young Master Yu and killing him. Afterwards the girl went to the United States, Yu young master diligently practiced chess, hope one day can win a round. However, we'll probably lose in the end. "

Yin Yijie was a good friend that was hard to come by, to think that he would sigh because Jade Gorge Ice could not win.

He was filled with admiration.

And I was inspired to ask him,

"Could it be that Young Master Yu is unable to win against the girl he likes and is looking for me here to make up for it?" "Ahhh!"

Yin Yijie decisively bit my nose and said with certainty:

"Just temporarily accompany him for a few times, so as to find a way to make up for it?" "None at all!"

Woo woo, if you don't have a door, then bite the Jade Urn Ice. Why bite me?

I felt wronged and said, wuu …

Yin Yijie felt even more wronged than I did.

Yin also saw me staring at chess, immediately and chess to carry on.

I was not allowed to look at the fresh gifts that Jade Pot Ice had given him. Or, I guessed, he wanted to banish anything that had to do with Jade Pot Ice from my sight and from my world.

Uh, I'm dizzy.

The crown prince is his man, not my friend. Which part of the mess did he cause?

But my tyrannical guardian is angry, and I must be careful not to get caught in the crossfire.

The next day, when the Ice Jade Urn was ready, Yin Yijie very rarely put down the 10 thousand and one chickens in his hands and personally accompanied him to the second plate.

Also, I am not allowed to come out and watch the battle.

Wuu wuu, I just touched the door, wanting to study it, at least observe it.

He actually told me to stay in my room and listen to his lessons and do my homework.

Wuu wuu, I finished my after-school practice questions. Even the teacher found it tiring to rewrite it, yet he still refused to let me go.

I sat at the table and thought about it for a long time, waiting for the drip to finish, but I still couldn't make sense of it: What the hell was he mad at?

Now that I think about it, why is Yin Yijie in the same hospital with me for two weeks?

By the end of the second week, he was almost fully recovered and was not going home yet.

To make such a big fuss over nothing, what the hell was he doing?

Would it be the same as New Year's?

There was a hint of conspiracy.

In any case, he had his own plans.

Oh, plan, plan, plan.

He won't be my guardian if he doesn't plan for a day.

However, I still feel homesick and want to go to school.

I don't know why, but I can't go anywhere here. I'm locked here, and I don't even seem to have left the door.

If it weren't for the fact that there were doctors and nurses pushing their cars every day to buy me injections and change my clothes, and the fact that there was still a gap between these houses and home, I would have suspected that I was in the hospital.

Although they were once locked at home, the air in their home was still free.

It has been so long, I wonder if those pots of rhododendron have been opened?

En, I understand now …

Apart from being with Yin Yijie, I began to love home.

Finally Yin Yijie showed mercy and took me home.

At home, everything is the same as before. Someone has already cleaned up the inside and outside. One look and it is my home.

"Time to go home."

There was a satisfied smile in my eyes. I have a warm and comfortable home, how nice.

It was drizzling outside, and the curtains on the balcony were drawn, as were the curtains in the bedroom.

It was raining, the sky was a little cloudy, and the light was not very strong.

It was hazy, and made one feel drowsy.

Hmm, it's a rainy day. It's most suitable for closing the door, hiding at home and sleeping lazily.

Or even if you don't sleep late, you can play chess with two people and brag and eat a meal at sea. This is the happiness of having a family.

In the city, the impact of the rain on people had lessened significantly.

Still, I remember feeling that way.

Now, I also want to have a good night's sleep at home, a good relaxation, the total expulsion of that shadow.

Yin Yijie kept calling from his bedroom after he finished his shower.

I slipped in. Ah, at home, I wish I had him.

Yin Yijie looked back at me with a happy expression.

He picked me up, threw me on the bed, and threw the phone into another corner. Then he threw himself at me and looked at me.

Is there a problem?

I looked at him. I just wanted to make sure he was happy at home. Was that wrong?

Yin Yijie looked at me for a moment, got up and left.

After a while, come back and cover me with my blanket …

I looked at him doubtfully. What do you mean?

"One person to sleep on the side, don't you want to?"

Yin Yijie looked at me like I was an idiot, then pulled his quilt aside and went to bed.

I thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of anything. Finally, a goose-like kiss fell on my forehead, and I fell asleep.

Close your eyes and sleep.

His heart was very calm.

Yin Yijie only held my hand without doing anything else.

The two of them were as pure as moonlight.

Very comfortable and safe.

Every breath had a sweet warmth to it.

Let me know how sweet life can be.

With such a time, we can be stronger to resist the hardships of life.

The first day back to school, Yin Yijie personally drove me, the principal personally welcomed me.

He then kept on speaking good words with an extremely humble attitude, and sweat seemed to be dripping from his forehead.

I don't think April will be so hot, or the headmaster will be so stupid as to put on a lot of clothes.

I just suspect, how could my guardian be so domineering as to pressure the school?

"You're welcome. I am the guardian of beauty, and I hope we can both take responsibility for this. "

Yin Yijie didn't want to talk to him in the office, so he just turned his head and left.

"That's right, that's right. This kind of thing has never happened to any of the students in our school. The school will definitely take responsibility, be on high alert, and take precautions against it."

The headmaster seemed relieved that my guardian wasn't aggressive or demanding responsibility.

Not really.

Even when I heard that the whole accident had cost us close to a million dollars that day, including the loss of a burned suspect in the vegetable patch, I didn't know who was to blame.

My guardian doesn't seem to think I should worry about these things, and I don't think I'm capable of it now.

Carrying my schoolbag and my homework, I continued my duties: going to school.

"Nice makeup!" You're back! Is it done? "

As soon as he entered the school building, Lan Lan immediately jumped over, overjoyed.

I suddenly seemed to have thought of something and nodded before quietly heading to the classroom.

Ran Hua insisted on taking my homework. I could really take it. After two weeks of homework, I put a whole bag of it in.

I gave the bag to him. However, he didn't feel that it should be that enthusiastic.

"Beautiful makeup!"

Zhao Yun caught up from behind, his face flushing red as he sized me up seriously and asked, "Are you alright?"

I nodded my head. Suddenly, I felt that those words sounded a little weird.

It felt fresh.

He hadn't noticed it when he passed by his classmates earlier. After all, it was not a glorious achievement for a girl to be kidnapped by the N people.

I thought they were talking about that part of it, or...

I thought they were going to keep slandering me on my notorious reputation.

After all, wasn't Yin Yijie also worried for a while?

Though there was not enough evidence afterwards to suggest that he was worried about my chastity.

However, the details of this matter were not officially revealed. Even the evening news and the media on the second day only hinted at the details and ended up with the words "the police are currently investigating further".

But in this way, it naturally provided a great deal of space for the masses who were concerned about me.

If one were to listen carefully now, it wasn't difficult to notice that they had conducted some deductions and deductions.

This' it's fine 'sounded quite interesting.

The look in the students' eyes as if they were looking at a monster was also quite interesting.

Heh, this isn't the first time. Let's see who is the monster and what is the monster. I don't need to worry about these matters.

I thought for a moment, then gave Zhao Yun a serious nod, confirming, "I'm fine."

When we returned to the classroom, the atmosphere in our class was still better than the corridor.

Zhou Qingyun came in to look around and took away all my homework. She then said a few words of condolences and gave me a plastic bag of nutrition products like oatmeal.

I didn't want to, but I didn't know how to refuse.

Take it. I feel refreshed and my face is rosy. I really don't think I need it.

I used to be visited by people who love society and leave a lot of things. Well, that's it.

Zhou Qingyun pressed on my shoulder as if she had some deep meaning, but it didn't seem to be there.

I didn't taste it.

But now for the morning class, I concentrate on my reading.

After all, everyone lives only in the present tense.

Even though two weeks had passed, I had no problem listening to them.

Zhao Yun gave me a stack of copied notes, I only need to look at them, and I don't even need to copy them.

After looking through them, he picked the ones that he didn't understand and copied them onto his notebook. Then, he could put away the ones that he sent.

Heh, with such a good classmate, shouldn't I rejoice?

After class, the sports committee sent me a memento of the excellent correspondent of the sports meeting, and our class was evaluated as the class's class teacher to give me the prize.

A souvenir, a notebook; an outstanding class prize, a schoolbag, another basketball, belonged to the class.

Heh, the sports committee member explains very carefully, afraid that I would compete for that basketball?

I think we can think about it.

As the sports committee member walked away, several girls gathered around me and asked me what had happened that day.

Does it matter?

I looked up to see the shy girl who had spoken to me last time. She was standing a little distance away, looking at me silently. Someone instinctively wanted to tell me something. However, there was a very strange feeling. The boy who drugged me, for example, was one of those, uh, I couldn't say.

"Nice makeup, did those people do anything to you?"

One of the girls was very direct, but her tone was a little concerned, not mocking.

Even so, I'm not interested.

How did they know it was "those people"?

No news at all.

The school only knew that I had been kidnapped. Yin Yijie's shocking action was explained by another piece of news, and he didn't even mention his name. I don't know. Who knows which 'people' it is, not 'people'?

Heh, if a person was used to being alone, or had seen too many people's faces, they would unconsciously form another skill, which was the ability to distinguish one's movement from one's voice.

I don't care sometimes, but I can feel it with my heart.

But this could have been raised by my guardian.

I raised my eyebrows and calmly looked back.

My guardian has trained me to be someone I don't know.

With such big news and secret work so well done, I don't even know if it's a blessing or a curse.

"The makeup is really good …"

Another female voice lowered her voice and whispered, "I heard that it was those few people who sought revenge on you last time. It took days to let you go, didn't it? "

Oh, so it's like that. No wonder Zhao Feng said, "Are you okay now?"

So it turns out that someone wanted to take revenge on me.

I came back alive, but I'm fine.

Logically, it was quite smooth.

However …

I don't think it was those "laymen" who did it last time.