Yin Yijie stopped and turned to look at me.

I quickly turn around, close my eyes and sleep …

It's too exciting tonight, and I don't want to add anything else to spoil the sweet atmosphere!

My guardian was probably really tired and didn't bother me again until he woke up the next day.

Actually, this trip was quite tiring for him. Before, I didn't ask or know, but even if I did, it wouldn't have been much of a concept.

In more than ten days, he had covered over a hundred thousand kilometers, seven cities, several countries in Southeast Asia, and several places in Europe, possibly Britain. They didn't mention it, but I think it might have something to do with it. He really was a young miss. Yin Yijie had worked so hard yet still wanted to torment him. From strategy to tactics, I despise Fan.

Comfortable said that some molecular companies still had joint ventures. They should have gone to check them out years ago, but they had to go around now.

It was both the previous year's assessment as well as the Spring Festival.

Every day, he would rush over 5 fields, organize the documents in the gunny sack, and during the banquet, he would busy himself with drinks. On the plane, he would busy himself with sleeping and eating … Almost.

It seemed that supporting a family was tiring, even for a young master like Yin Yijie.

Although the suitcase looked neat, I opened it and sorted through its contents. To me, it was no different from chaos.

A large box related to official business had been brought to one of his offices last night after Sung University had dropped him off.

Probably not much better than these two boxes. However, the woman said that it was someone else who bought it for him. Although it looked good, she didn't pick it out carefully.

Heh … I didn't tell you, it's fine that Yin Yiqian's clothes are packed in a large box. The other big box that can fit a person's needs at the exit of an international flight is filled with New Year's products and specialties.

Comfortable looked at me with a strange smile in his eyes.

I blinked. Buy New Year's and see what I do?

Ye Zichen shook his head comfortably, "Young Master Yin never buys these, he definitely doesn't understand."

He answered my question straightforwardly. But I was glad: it was like home.

Ye Zichen squatted down to the side and finished tidying up the big suitcases that Yin Yijie brought back. It was already 11: 30, but Yin Yijie's bedroom was still quiet. I poked my head around several times, from waiting for him to have breakfast to now, and I was worried about whether I had lunch or not.

Comfortable constantly exhorts me, but did not see him, I just do not want to eat. He carried the kettle to the balcony to water it.

Hehe … What's more shameful is that after studying for so long, even though I have a rough idea, I still occasionally pour too much water on it. But I insist that practice makes perfect, and that I go on until I have mastered it. So comfortable to think of a way, some flowers as far as possible in the balcony, where there are flower racks, also under the sink, can warm the water to raise special flowers. Anyway, you can just let me experiment with you.

He lazily splashed the water, almost pouring the water over Guanyin twice … I looked at Yin Yijie's bedroom, but there was still no movement …

Watching the comfortable going in and out of the house, my mind wasn't on the housework, I was just thinking about my guardian. It was fine if I overslept, but I wasn't tired or sick.

Remembering that he might be sick, I rushed to his bedroom and quietly opened the door …

Remembering that my bedroom door opened automatically last night, I stopped and looked at the door frame. I secretly smiled.

I knew it! It isn't an automatic door, so why would it open by itself? From the looks of it, there was...

It suddenly occurred to me that perhaps by then I had guessed who was pushing the door and was therefore not particularly nervous or frightened. Unexpectedly, gradually, I have gotten used to the way he opens the door …

After hesitating for a moment, I still pushed open the door gently and decided to enter to look for him …

Yin Yijie's sleeping posture had his usual style: neatly spread out in a bow shape, his hair was not messy, the corners of his eyes were clean, and the corners of his lips were clean … Since he had rested well, even though the light in his bedroom was dim, his face was still much brighter, and the grey scar in his eyes had faded. His thick eyelashes were like a quilt, and her bright eyes were sleeping soundly underneath.

I stood in front of him, admiring it for a while, admiring it with unparalleled admiration. Such a monster, and such a lover of emotions, I don't know how many undesirable girls I would want to harm. If they were willing, even a good family would probably be willing to be harmed by him.

But I am different. I'll only be under his tutelage for two or three years. When I become an adult, I can leave.

He smiled, shook his head, and touched his forehead as he usually did with me. If everything was fine, then he was really sleepy. Although it was a little strange, how could he be so sleepy.

Thinking about it, I remembered what happened last night. I pursed my fragrant lips and licked my lips … He turned around and went out to find a nail clipper.

He slightly lifted the blanket and placed both of his hands on his chest. I pulled one up, stuck it under the covers, and covered him up again. He actually didn't wake up. He was too calm!

F * * k, what if there's a thief? However … I went out again, got a trash can from the living room table, and sat down on the edge of his bed.

It was just a small matter. Holding his hand, the large hand was truly very slender and beautiful. I put my hand up to him, a lot shorter than he was. But my hand shape is not ugly, even knuckles, skin is not worse than his, do not envy.

The nail clipper is the one I usually use, and it's very easy to use. He moved closer to his finger and was about to hinge it down when he suddenly thought of something. Although the nails weren't long, they had obviously been cut short by a small piece. I can only hinge on the root, what should I do?

After thinking about it, I decided to hinge one first, a little bit at a time, and slowly mend the other fingers, then hinge the next one when it was repaired, so that I wouldn't suddenly have to hinge bald, and there was no room for swing. That's a good idea. Looks like I'm quite capable.

Slowly, I took his index finger first. Who let him suck my index finger so much, I'll cut open his index finger first. Carefully hinge on it and compare it with the other fingers, hehe … You're right, but my skills aren't that good. Looking at Yin Yijie, he actually slept so well. He really did not know how tired he was. Perhaps, he was exhausted?

Lowering my head, I carefully, slowly, repair him … His fingers were already beautiful to begin with, but after fixing his nails, they became even more beautiful. It seems that I have another goal to pursue in the future: armor. Flower arranging can give up, after all, is not a daily necessity, but fingernails are different, every hour of the day must be right, fixed and neat, oneself also looks good.

I made a plan as I did so with the repairman's index finger. Seeing that he was almost done, Zhang Xuan looked around for a long time. Feeling good about himself, he started to hinge his second finger: the middle finger. Grasping his middle finger, he gently touched it. His fingernails were red and smooth. It felt really good, as if they couldn't bear to be hinged.

I did the same thing as he did with his index finger. Indeed, practice makes perfect, and it is much faster than the previous one. I even think that the middle finger is better than the index finger.

By chance, I stopped to take a look. I really suspect that Yin Yijie must have taken a sleeping pill. Last night, when he went back to his bedroom, it was not even 3 o'clock. It was already almost 12 o'clock, and I went in and out a few more times. No matter what, he should have a reaction. He touched his forehead and tried to take a breath …

I gently pulled back the covers and took out his other hand. His fingers moved, and then he stopped. I shush. Then, carefully, I touch his chest, my heart pounding … I couldn't touch it for a long time. After thinking for a moment, I …

I remember that the news always said that some of the elites would die of exhaustion and return home to sleep, never waking up. I felt a little creepy. In his mind, he recalled the scene of his grandmother dying from the cold. I … I felt it necessary to verify the safety of my guardian. Since my hand can't feel it, I have another trick: Listen.

There was actually another way, and that was to pinch his nose, or stick a feather in it, and wake him up, and everything would be all right. However, I felt that if he was really very tired and needed to rest, then I shouldn't have woken him up. Thus, I decided to take the second best choice. I decided to use this method because …

Actually, I …

I wanted to get closer to him and listen to his heartbeat. I felt that I had gotten used to his steady and powerful heartbeat. "BOOM!" Just listening to it makes me feel reliable. At this moment, even if I were to find comfort, I would be worried. I must hear it myself, and make sure he is all right, except to rest, and to sleep soundly and steadily.

Slowly closing my eyes and suppressing the blush on my face, I calmed my mind. As I approached Yin Yijie's chest, my heartbeat quickened.

It's really weird, Yin Yijie's breathing is very calm right now, but if I don't listen to his heartbeat, I won't be able to stop worrying.

I don't know why, since when did I start worrying about other people?!

Biting my lips, I look down on myself for my good chance and then put my face close to him … When he was sleeping, everything was fine except that his robe had loosened up and then … His nearly perfect, well-built chest was casually poking out to take advantage of the cool air.

The closer I got to his chest, the hotter I felt, as if I were approaching the mouth of a volcano.

However, I still tried my best to calm myself down. Finally, I found the location of his heart. "Close your eyes and put your ear close to his chest." Dong … Dong … "BOOM!" Frequency, about 55 beats per minute, I heard very clearly.

His body was very strong, so his heartbeat was slow. It should be normal. I listened several times, almost the same, almost the same as usual. The feeling of closing your eyes was very similar to last night, or even healthier.

Last night …

I quickly looked up and quickly pulled the blanket over him to cover him.

Ye Zichen lowered his head and carefully hacked his nails.

I don't want him to misunderstand me and think I'm going to throw myself at him or something.

I was just worried about him, so tired that I slept for another ten hours without waking up … I'm just worried about my meal ticket, right?

I think so. I thought so until I'd finished reaming his fingernails. Then, I …

I hurried out of his bedroom, put on my coat and went to sit on the balcony because...

I can't say, because I might die later...

I don't know how precious Yin Yijie's fingers are, because everyone is a bit eccentric.

I don't know. If he really treasured his fingers, he might go crazy or go crazy. Because I'm not sure how important his nails and I are to him.

All I know is … Sweat!

Just a moment ago, I was blushing shyly as I thought of something. Thus, following my usual practice of cutting my nails, then … "What is that …" The more he cultivated, the shorter the light became.

Sitting on the balcony sofa in my overcoat, I didn't even dare to eat snacks. It was as if praying through starvation was a pious act that could be effective.

But who should I ask? Amitabha? Nan Wujing was a Bodhisattva? Immeasurable Swordmaster? Hallelujah? God? What a god!

An incomparable headache! What should I do if I don't even know who to beg? What if my guardian goes into a rage?

Comfortable stood in the living room, curiously looking at me, a little odd in the eyes.

With the cold wind blowing, looking at the flowers blooming, the cold wind is refreshing, the flowers are swaying, everything is not as terrible as I had imagined.

I thought, at worst, I would get a spanking from my guardian, how could he possibly get fat and beat me up?

Tea flowers to me revealed a sweet smile, pink, so cute. Did it want to see our cool, pretty boy get spanked? Err … The playboy, so perverted that he could kill himself … From then on, I decided to despise the camellias.

Standing up, I decided to ignore the tea flowers and go find something to do in the house.

His stomach was really hungry, at this moment … One o'clock, noon, my God! He's been asleep for more than ten hours, and he still can't wake up?

He was speechless. I went to the kitchen and looked around, ready to make a good meal of pleas for mercy.

I seem to know now that the five-star hotel in the center of the city is owned by my guardian, so ever since I started cooking at home, the hotel has often cleaned up the dishes, chopped them up and even matched them with seasonings, sealed them and delivered them to me. I only need to open it, cook it and cook it.

He opened the fridge. There were still a lot of things inside that he had delivered yesterday.

Ignoring Comfortable's surprised gaze, I continued to busy myself. I found two dishes that Yin Yijie usually ate: broccoli and the old man's head. Then, I saw the red jujube and lamb's shin glutinous rice porridge, which Yin Yijie specifically ordered.

That's right, he should eat this now. He was exhausted, and it was very important for him to replenish his blood and nourish his energy. I'm going to boil hot porridge for him, and when he wakes up, he'll eat it, and he'll praise me for being considerate and considerate. Hehe. In that case, would I be able to atone for my sins?

However … By the time the food was in the pot, I no longer cared so much about the issue of meritorious service.