Ding Tangtang was amused by Tao Zi's words: "my God, what do you think? Do I have so many deep hatred with you? Besides, if I want to murder you, I can't do it anywhere. Why should I send you here? I'm not tired?"

Tao Zi thought about it, and then asked, "why did you bring me here? Do you really want me to take a bath in this smelly water?"

"Well, of course."

"Then you wash it for me? If you wash it, I'll wash it!"

"I'd like to wash it, but I'm not qualified."

Seeing Tao Zi's puzzled face, Ding Tang told her the origin here.

In fact, it is a natural hot spring. The water temperature is above 30 degrees all year round. It seems that it has always been this temperature, and it has never dried up.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, a hermit practiced by the spring and accidentally discovered the magic of the spring: whether animals or people, if they soak in the hot spring for a period of time, it will immediately be like taking sleeping pills. It is difficult to wake up after sleeping for a few days and nights.

But the hermit who practices in the hot spring all year round will not fall asleep, but will have a clear mind and a clear mind.

Therefore, this hot spring is called sleeping spring by the outside world, but it is called worry spring by hermits. It means that you can think carefully here.

Later, because of the growing reputation of Siquan, many experts came here to try, but except for the hermit, no one could cross the sleeping path.

It was not until Ding Tangtang's ancestor, the fortune teller named Ding Gu, came to admire his name that he became the second God who stayed awake in the spring.

After the hermit died, he passed the place to Ding Gu.

After that, Ding Gu has been painstakingly studying the arithmetic Sutra at the edge of the spring. For decades, he not only studied the arithmetic Sutra left by the ancients, but also resorted to his own experience and creativity in writing, and wrote the secret bone arithmetic Sutra and the more magical eight character arithmetic Sutra.

At the end of the eight character arithmetic Sutra, Ding Gu specially mentioned this magical worry spring. He wrote in his book: the water in the worry spring has a rare and unknown ingredient, which can make people's brain produce a strange illusion.

If the brain of ordinary people is not developed, once stimulated by that component, it will become unable to wake up for a long time. After waking up, it will become more dull.

On the contrary, if someone's brain is developed to a certain degree, after soaking in the worry spring, he will not fall asleep, but also become more sober and smart than before.

Moreover, Ding Gu has also come to a conclusion in many years of practice that only those who can understand the first half of the eight character arithmetic Sutra, that is, the five dharmas, can be regarded as those who have developed their brain to a certain extent and are qualified to soak in this worry spring.

But for hundreds of years, there are few gods who can really calculate the five dharmas. Except for the Ding bone, only three or four people have really soaked in the worry spring.

Then there was chaos and frequent wars. Even Lequan became a battlefield.

Thus, in order to escape the war, the Ding family were displaced and gradually annihilated in the dust of history together with this worry spring.

Until a few decades ago, Ding Tang's grandfather made a lot of money and became a rich man through the deception uploaded by his grandfather.

After the old man had money, he did not forget his ancestors' last wish, spent a lot of money to buy the land around Siquan, and carefully built this famous jusendai.

But grandpa Ding was too small-minded to be disturbed by outsiders for fear that the secret of the worry spring would be leaked, so he built such a secret room to hide the worry spring.

But after so many years, Ding Tangtang's grandfather and father, including Ding Tangtang himself, did not understand the five dharmas. They could only use the numbers calculated by their predecessors to calculate evil and auspicious.

As for this chamber of secrets, it was only opened by Ding Tang for the first time since it was built. Today, it can be seen again.

After listening to the story of Ding Tang and Xuantian, Tao Zi was still skeptical: "Ding Tang, you have made it clear. What do you mean by letting me soak in this hot spring? Don't you want me to become smarter? Do you have such a good heart?"

Ding Tangtang was amused by Tao Zi: "look what you said, am I such a villain in your eyes?"

"You don't know who else is villain? Do I let you toss less?"

When saying this, Tao Zi was too weak to stand. Ding Tang hurriedly helped her to the edge of the pool and wanted her to sit and rest for a while.

Tao Zi shook her head again and again. It was too dirty. Even if she was tired and tired, she wouldn't sit in such a dirty place.

She asked impatiently, "tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Don't you know what I want to do?"

Ding Tang looked straight at Tao Amethyst's clear and bright eyes, tilted his head and asked, "don't pretend to be confused. Tell me first. What did you calculate just now?"

"I......" hearing this question, Tao Zi suddenly seemed to be frozen. Looking at Ding Tangtang in front of him, she was stunned.

Suddenly, Tao Zi seemed to see the fantasy in her mind: all the endless and chaotic things could not be expressed in words, but the conclusion was true and there was no doubt.

Finally she said, "Hong Xiaolong will die. He will experience a disaster within 40 days after January. He will die miserably, miserably..."

"That's right. You're about the same as me, but... You haven't said a word."


"Say me, I'm his nemesis."

Tao Zi never believed in those things. Even now, she can calculate that conclusion, and she didn't really believe it.

In her opinion, the so-called supernatural phenomena are just that the level of human science and technology has not reached that level and can not be explained for the time being, which makes people feel that they are "supernatural".

In fact, their essence is "natural". They have nothing to do with the so-called gods or masters. Only stupid people will catch the wind and regard those appearances as miracles or true meanings.

Just as Ding Tangtang said, "Nemesis". Originally, a pair of people who love each other well will "disagree with each other in eight characters and overcome each other in life" just because the birth time is wrong. Will one of them kill the other?

What's that bullshit theory?

Simple is nonsense!

"I don't believe you are his nemesis. You love him so much. You guard him like a treasure. How can you be his nemesis?"

Tao Zi shook her head and said, "anyway, I don't believe it. This kind of thing is false and impossible!"

"Whether you believe it or not, you also calculated the result, right?" Ding Tang shook Tao Zi and said, "and you know, the best solution is that if I leave him and we completely cut off the relationship, he won't experience the disaster, right?"

"Even if that's right, can you do it? Can you do that?"

"Of course I can't, that's why I beg you to help me."

"Beg me, beg me to do what? Soak in this dirty hot spring?"

"That's right." Ding Tang nodded and said, "only if you soak in this worry spring, you can understand the eight character arithmetic Sutra from beginning to end, including the Tiandao method behind. Only if you understand the Tiandao method, you can unlock the point of mutual restraint in our destiny."

When Ding Tangtang said this, his expression became more serious: "if you do this, you can not only help me, but also help LV Rong and Zhu Yuan. They are more powerful. LV Rong is the killer of Tiansha. She has killed two fathers, and the third person is Zhu Yuan!"

Tao Zi looked at Ding Tang's wrinkled eyebrows and wide open eyes. She looked back at the disgusting green hot spring behind her, crying and laughing: "Now that you have said so, what reason do I have to refuse? In order to save your love with LV Rong and the lives of Hong Xiaolong and Zhu Yuan, let alone the stinky water, this is the dung pool. I have to go down and soak."

This made Ding Tang laugh: "look what you said, am I? I still let you soak in the dung pool?"


The water in that pool is really disgusting. Just imagine that it has not been cleaned up for decades. Even if it is completely closed, the water in that pool must be filthy.

Tao Zi took off her clothes and stepped into the pool with Ding Tang's help. She pinched her nose, held her breath and made up her mind for a long time before she summoned up the courage to sit down.

The water in the pool was greasy, and the bottom of the pool was like a layer of mud. It didn't feel very good to sit down. It was so uncomfortable that Tao Zi's stomach turned over and over again. He endured it for a long time and didn't vomit out anything in his stomach.

However, the temperature of the pool water is very suitable. It's neither hot nor cold. I feel quite comfortable.

Tao Zi kept her eyes closed and her nose pinched. She imagined that she was in the holy spring in Bali, not soaking in such a pool of smelly water... Anyway, it's ok now, and she can stand it for the time being.

But she had to let herself breathe the air. When she loosened her fingers pinching her nose, the smell came to her nose without warning. She almost fainted in the smelly water on the spot.

I'll go. The hermit and the Ding bone are really sick. Where can I soak well? I have to soak in this broken place and write it in a book. It has even become Ding Tang's family secret recipe.

It's also bad luck for Tao Zi. If she doesn't know the four-dimensional code, can't calculate the five methods, or doesn't know Ding Tang at all, it's estimated that she won't have a chance to soak in this smelly water.

Maybe it's life, too?

Tao Zi felt a burst of sadness and felt that his life was so bitter.

She did not pinch her nose at all. She breathed a bad smell and thought sadly, why should life be set by fate? Why should she be dominated by other unknown forces? Why can't she dominate herself?

In a trance, it seems that a voice is saying to her, "fool, in fact, you have always dominated yourself, and you have always set the theme of your life. Your words and deeds, your brain and thinking are doomed to your destiny, but you don't feel it."

After listening to the voice, Tao Zi gradually understood the true meaning of the eight character arithmetic classic.

It turns out that it has little to do with superstition. It is the combination of advanced mathematics and people's brain thinking code that actuaries can calculate everyone's different destiny. This is the same reason that the four-dimensional code can calculate the rise and fall of the stock market.

The Tiandao method behind the five methods is to use the counter proof method to reverse calculate people's thinking password, so as to change people's destiny.

In other words, life is not determined by heaven, but by your own thinking, words and deeds. As long as you change this, all disasters can be changed.

Understanding this, Tao Zi suddenly opened her eyes, stood up excitedly and said, "I see, I understand!"