Chen zhuoran booked a place in a western restaurant on Huanghe Road. Liang Yi once came with Chen heran and knew that this was Chen's industry.

But I came here at least five or six years ago. Later, when Chen heran went abroad, the two rarely had a chance to get together, and Liang Yi never came here again.

Now it is not the same as before. It has become more and more flashy and vulgar. It has long run counter to the so-called elegance of Westerners.

However, Liang Yi likes such vulgarity. Because in his opinion, only such vulgarity can really integrate into urban life, rather than embellishing himself as a foreigner.

Liang Yi despises that pretentious elegance, self righteous imitation and that ridiculous European etiquette, so he is often very sensitive to Western restaurants and rarely haunts them.

However, this restaurant assimilated by the city customs makes him feel very comfortable. Sitting here and listening to the noise of persuading wine is like sitting in a Chinese restaurant without so much formality and unnecessary etiquette.

"I don't think I should invite you to come here." Chen zhuoran looked at the diners at the next tables and showed a slight embarrassment on his face: "you are such a noble person. I'm afraid you rarely come to this environment?"

Liang Yi shook his head: "it's good here. It's very market gas. I feel very comfortable."

"You mean, really?" Chen zhuoran didn't expect this western restaurant to be like this. She decided to locate it here on a whim.

Like those big hotels and private clubs, Chen zhuoran only needs a phone. But she wanted to sit with Liang Yi on both sides of the small table like an ordinary couple, tasting red wine and looking at each other.

She can always see such scenes occasionally, but she has no chance to experience them personally.

Just because Liang Yi is always superior and always refuses people thousands of miles away, even if Chen zhuoran wants to have this experience, he doesn't have this opportunity.

Today is an exception. Chen zhuoran thought that after this call, it was like before.

But this time, Liang Yi was unconventional and agreed to her invitation.

This made her excited. She thought that there was no woman around after Liang Yi and Tao Zi broke up, so she was used to fill the vacancy.

Although this made Chen zhuoran feel a little humiliated, she was willing. She decided that as long as she was close to Liang Yi, she would be able to capture this man with her charm.

Now Chen zhuoran is full of ambition and careful, thinking about how to give full play to his charm and let the man in front of him willingly bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

"As long as you don't mind."

Chen zhuoran picked up the wine glass, motioned to Liang Yi, and then took a sip.

Bored, she had to talk about her work: "it's rare for the current market to be so good. Why don't you blue ocean sell? You've been a spectator all the time?"

"Good is good, but there are not many projects that interest us. The better the market is, the more attention should be paid to whether there are traps ahead."

"You are too cautious. We invest in industries. There is no big risk. And in a big environment like this, there should not be too many bubbles. As long as we seize the opportunity, we will have a good prospect."

Chen zhuoran said he was confident on the surface. In fact, he secretly wanted to test the other party: "I think the foreign-funded company I invested in is good. Its share price has risen all the way. It has been the leader of the Dow Jones index since yesterday. In my opinion, you can try."

"Forget it. It was because I underestimated the company and missed the best time. Now if I invest, I can only be busy and happy in vain."

Chen zhuoran was very satisfied with Liang Yi's answer. It can be seen that the company she invested in has nothing to do with Liang Yi at all. In other words, her suspicions are somewhat superfluous.

"I'll give you some of my shares, which can make you account for at least three percentage points," Chen zhuoran said with a mysterious smile.

"Is that why you came to me?"

"Of course not." Chen zhuoran was still shy and blushed. "Yes... I think I am qualified to be your girlfriend."

Liang Yi was not surprised to hear her say so.

Chen zhuoran has been thinking about this for so long. It's reasonable for her to say so.

Now the intervention of the foreign shadow company has nearly tripled Chen zhuoran's personal assets.

At this time, Chen zhuoran was full of confidence. She felt that listening to her current strength, she could match Liang Yi, and was more qualified to be his girlfriend.

"I can't afford it. I've just experienced an emotional setback and haven't passed the remission period yet. I think I'd better wait for this kind of thing." Liang Yi responded to her carelessly and forked a steak.

"Your feelings have been frustrated?" Chen zhuoran was surprised. "No? How can you be so excellent?"

"I don't think I'm good."

"But I really think you're excellent."


"What? Don't you believe it?"

"I believe it." Liang Yi smiled and deliberately turned his head to one side, with a faint blush on his face.

Chen zhuoran was secretly ecstatic. She looked over her head and whispered, "I think I can help you fill in the gap. Why don't we try to communicate for a while... How about?"

There seems to be a little more beautiful in the air, while Liang Yi is like a middle school student who is just in love. He is eager to try, but he knows how to start.

After hesitating for a long time, Liang Yi finally said, "it seems that you said you would like to be my fiancee?"

"Yes, I said it in front of the media. At that time, I was afraid you would become their talk capital, so..."

"But you are the initiator of that."

"Yes, but I did it to get you."

Liang Yi neither refuted nor admitted it. He just lowered his head and looked at the glass of red wine in front of him.

"Don't you know what I mean to you?" Chen zhuoran seemed to be reading the lines of a romantic drama, which made people feel very stiff.

On the contrary, Liang Yi's acting skills are much better than her. His fingers turn the wine glass, and his voice is so low that only two people can hear: "then... What you said before is still counted?"

"What?" Chen zhuoran was stunned and asked with a frown.

"Fiancee," said Liang Yi.

"Of course it counts!" Chen zhuoran was so surprised that every nerve almost grinned.

"Well, that's good." Liang Yi said thoughtfully, "I don't want to go on like this. I think... I should find an Ikea woman who can spend a lifetime together..."

"I think I should... OK?" Chen zhuoran became as hesitant as he was. When he spoke, he was like walking a tightrope. He used great determination for every word he uttered.

"Well, let's try?"

"Just try," Chen zhuoran said impatiently.


In fact, Tao Zi thought it was funny, especially after seeing the news about Liang Yi and Chen zhuoran, she seemed to have an epiphany again.

Now Liang Yi is sparing no effort to attack the three families. He is already on the line. How can he be with Chen zhuoran and wantonly show his love in the media?

There is only one possibility. Liang Yi played "color, lure"!

Although this idea makes Tao Zi feel very childish, he feels that Liang Yi's doing so runs counter to his character and style.

But when Tao Zi looked at the recent domestic stock market on the Internet, she suddenly found two shadow companies involved from abroad, which are quietly affecting the domestic stock price, and they are more fierce than the previous three!

It turned out that it was really what she thought. Liang Yi wanted to paralyze each other with emotion, and then put down a darker hand!

When Tao Zi saw the truth clearly, her mood became more and more complicated.

She couldn't help asking herself, is it too much for Liang Yi to do so?

At the beginning, he also taught her to stay on the front line and never kill her.

He also said that money can never be earned. It's almost enough. No more is meaningless.

But now, what he did and what he said are not in the same tune!

After this commercial war, I'm afraid the Feng Zhen Chen family will be doomed.

In particular, the Chen family will not only go bankrupt completely, but also bear tens of billions of debts. I'm afraid I can't turn over in more than ten lives. I can only hang and jump from a building.

Liang Yi was the biggest winner. With normal commercial means and the support of foreign leaders, he seemingly inadvertently dug a huge gold trap.

From the outside world, those companies are working together to push the market to a new height.

As everyone knows, the cliff that only Liang Yi and Tao Zi can predict is waiting for them!

When those people lost everything, Liang Yi was left to reap the benefits and make a lot of money.

Just imagine that everything owned by the three families has become his own Liang Yi. I'm afraid he will have to compete with the richest man in China this time.

Liang Yi's skill is the same as Tao Zi's, but Liang Yi's play is too big and too cruel.

When Tao Zi saw the truth, she felt cold and even unimaginable. She felt that it was really not like Liang Yi's means.

But even if Tao Zi feels terrible again, she won't go to bad people's good deeds. If she should watch the excitement, it would be bad to intervene.

Tao Zi doesn't want to think about Liang Yi, but she can't help thinking about Yang Jiao. She can't let the child never go to school. Is she always so laissez faire?

Tao Zi couldn't help it. She called Liang Yi and asked, "what are you going to do to Yang Jiao? Do you just let her drop out of school and stay at home? And wait for you to raise her?"

To Tao Zi's surprise, the person who answered the phone over there turned out to be a girl. Waiting for Tao Zi to finish, the other party asked, "is it miss Tao Zi?"

"You, who are you?"

"I'm Chen zhuoran."

"Oh, hello." Tao Zi heard that it was her, and her mood became even worse. She had a feeling like being soaked in a vinegar jar, which was extremely sour.

She tried to be calm and said, "please give Liang Yi your cell phone. I have something to tell him."

"Don't bother him, let me tell you." Chen zhuoran giggled:

"Miss Tao Zi, I'm really sorry to say that you and Liang Yi have broken up. Do you still think of the dry daughter? Is it a little superfluous?

"Yang Jiao, you are not related by blood. Why do you care so much?

"Besides, you godmother should come to an end. I advise you to do more than less."

Tao Zi couldn't bear to listen to such a talk with a gun and a stick. Finally, she repeated loudly, "give Liang Yi your mobile phone and I'll talk to him!"