Chapter 34: Test of Heart.

Name:Conquering The Game's World Author:
Chapter 34: Test of Heart.

Lumine tried to rush in but was blocked by the barrier. "Damn it! Why can't I break in?" She tried using her most powerful skills, but it didn't even leave a scratch.

She felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this moment. Her son was in danger and she can't help him. Her panicked mind started thinking of different ways to save him.

Alicia also became worried looking at the Giant Skeleton monster. 'This is bad. Luis is in danger.'

"Calm down." While they were still worried, a deep, calm voice echoed, making their hearts tremble.

Luis waved his hand and said, "Trust me. Everything's fine."

He gave a big smirk and declared, "Just sit tight and watch my handsome moves as I crush this thing."

His confident words calmed them down. But Luis could still see the worried expression on their faces.

With a slight grin, he shifted his focus to the Giant Skeleton Monster in front of him.

'Sure enough, he came.' Luis thought inwardly.


The monster roared, sending small shockwaves in the air. Luis' hair fluttered because of the wind from shockwaves. Suddenly it stood tall and the green flames burning in his hollow eyes gazed deeply at Luis.

Any normal person in Luis' position would have been terrified, looking at the Giant Skeleton in front of him.

It emitted some kind of pressure, but Luis stood there unmoved. He only had an expectant look on his face.

Then suddenly a hoarse voice echoed inside the arena, startling Lumine and Alicia but making Luis excited.

{Are you the one who came to challenge the Legacy trial?}

"Yes," Luis answered with a big smirk on his face.

'Sure enough, it's the same.' Luis smiled, thinking of the similarities to the game.

{In that case [Challenger], I shall give you three tests. Once you pass them, you will receive the piece of legacy. Are you ready?} The voice asked.

"Yes, I am ready," Luis answered.

Lumine and Alicia perked their ears hearing the mysterious voice which came out of nowhere. But what surprised them even more was that after roaring hard, the Giant Skeleton just stood still without attacking Luis.

The game's knowledge was nothing but a tool to help him achieve his goal of becoming the strongest sooner. It was never a guide that he was going to follow blindly. Cause he knew this world was similar but still a real one. The characters and NPCs are all real people and they are not programmed to act the same as in the game.

'Anyway, how long am I supposed to stay here?'

'Is it to make me feel lonely or to scare me in this eternal darkness?' Luis couldn't feel anything like that. Instead, he had a familiar feeling, as if this was something he had experienced before for a very long time.

'What is this weird feeling?'

Luis found many negative emotions emerging inside him. Which told him that he will lose everything, his family, his friends, money, status, love, and even his dreams.

'Is this to make me despair?' Although those emotions made him sad, that was it. They could never break him.

'I've already experienced death twice and just a week of living this new life can't make me feel despair about losing it.'

Shaking his head, Luis thought, 'This illusion was insignificant. There were a lot of loopholes. It couldn't even attack my mentality. I could create a far better illusion in the future.'

'I think the Ghost King wasn't much proficient in making illusions.' Luis came to this conclusion after his experience.


Luis saw a white crack open in the space and the next moment, like a mirror was broken, the illusion shattered in pieces.

Opening his eyes, he found himself back in the arena.

{Congratulations! You have passed the first test [Challenger].} The Voice said.


Quiz Time:-

Why do you think Luis found the Void familiar?

1) It's something related to his Space talent.

2) It is related to Ethan's death.

3) Because of his Illusion talent.

4) None of the above.