Chapter 28: Disgusting Corpses!

Name:Conquering The Game's World Author:
Chapter 28: Disgusting Corpses!

Venturing further inside the tunnel, their encounters with the monsters increased. Using mana coating to punch their skulls, Luis took care of another group of monsters.

Since Luis' last reminder, Alicia has been trying to work together with him instead of rushing head-on. At first, she was uncomfortable, but as they faced more and more monsters, she gradually adjusted herself.

"Huh? Is that the tunnel's end?" Alicia muttered, looking at the bright area that didn't seem to be caused by the Luminous moss.

"Yeah." With his perception, Luis was certain that the tunnel's end was right in front of them.

As they got closer to the end of the tunnel, a putrid smell entered their nasal. The rotting smell of decaying organic matter nauseated them.

The sight in front of them was an open cemetery. A red moon hung in the sky, giving off a dense aura of death. The ground was wet, as if just showered by a small drizzle of rain. Naked barks of black trees without any leaves stood tall, further giving an ominous look to the picture. The slightly foggier cemetery may give trouble to rookies, but for Luis and Alicia, it wasn't a problem.


Growling sounds echoed, which made them confused. 'There should be no beast type monsters in this dungeon? So, who is growling?'

As if answering to their doubts, a hand came out of the wet ground. A rotten smell of flesh and decaying dead bodies hit their noses. Soon after tearing the ground, the dead bodies started crawling out of their graves.


"It's the Zombies." Luis and Alicia both had disgusted expressions on their faces. As more and more zombies crawled out from their graves. It didn't take long for them to be surrounded.

Coating his arms and legs with mana, Luis punched the closest zombie. "Ugh, so gross."

'Should I just use Thunder Javelin? But I don't want to waste mana.' At this moment, Luis regretted not having a long-range weapon with him.

'Why is she smiling like that?' Luis saw Alicia chopping the head of a Zombie with a sweet smile on her frosty face and some blood splattered on her cheek. He couldn't help but shiver.

Although seeing her smile is a lot better than seeing her cold self, the scene in front of him was terrifying.

Not letting himself get distracted, his focus shifted to his spell. A moment later, his eyes flashed as he saw his tweaking work. Now it was a completely brand new spell.

"Alicia, I'm ready." He shouted.

Alicia continued chopping the zombies as she waited for Luis to do his thing.

Luis smiled and said, "Let's see how it works." Yellow sparks of lightning formed around Luis and they started taking shape in the air. Unlike before, the Javelin's shape was a little different. Luis grabbed it and swung it hard, chopping the Zombies near him.

[Lightning Spear]

"This spell is amazing." Luis had a wide grin on his face. Although Luis wasn't used to a Spear. Because of his Martial Arts talent, he could handle it well.

'Using a weapon is great.' Because of his initial excitement, he jumped right in the middle of the Zombie horde and started killing them. Thrusting, swinging, slamming, piercing. All his movements were elegant as he defeated them. 'Is it because of my Performer Talent? Cool!'

From the perspective of a martial artist, his spear skills might be good, but for a person with talent specializing in spearman-ship, it was nothing.

Martial arts talent not only consists of hand-to-hand combat but also armed combat. But if Luis's sword skills are compared to Alicia, who has an S-grade in swordsmanship. Then he can only be considered average.

Alicia noticed she had already cleared all the zombies near her. So her focus shifted to Luis and, looking at his fighting style, she couldn't help but be mesmerized.

His spear made of lightning made an arc and swung beautifully, chopping the monsters. She looked at Luis' handsome figure, who, with his refined movements, fought in the middle of a zombie horde, and danced atop their graves.