1134 Conan's Mori Kogoro (Conan's Most Powerful Uncle) Chapter 1134

The other amethyst shoe on the center exhibition stand has long since disappeared without a trace.

Only a small speaker on the exhibition stand came from Kidd's voice: "Maori detective, guess where I am now. If you can't guess I will leave!"

In the end it was accompanied by a few wild laughs.

This guy really remembers whether he can eat or not, and he jumped off again.

And after tears outside the big net saw this scene, he couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Little Junior Brother has finally grown a little bit!"

In the next life, Ai asked curiously: "Sister, do you see where he is?"

Afterlife tears and shook his head: "I just didn't see where he went, so I said he has made progress!"

At this time, Nakamori Yinsan immediately ordered the walkie-talkie: "Everyone listens to the order. The ABCD group four will surround the four directions, and the EF group two will go forward and take down all the Kidd inside."

As soon as the voice fell, the police officers armed with explosion-proof shields immediately lined up and surrounded the intersection. The scene was huge.

But Kogoro Mouri said: "Ginzo, don't bother, Kidd is no longer inside."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi on the side was full of disbelief: "How could it be that he would become a mosquito and fail to fly."

Kogoro Mouri chuckled lightly: "It's not good to become a mosquito, but it is possible to become a mouse and get away."

"When the smoke bomb exploded, didn't you hear a louder explosion?" After saying this, Kogoro Moori got on Suzuki Jiroyoshi's motorcycle and drove single-handedly towards the exhibition stand after it started. .

Seeing Kogoro Moori who was driving a motorcycle appeared, the crowd inside gave way.

Nakamori Ginzo and Suzuki Jiroyoshi watched this scene dumbfoundedly.

"What's the situation, what does he want to do?"

I saw Mouri Kogoro riding a motorcycle to the place where the exhibition stand had just been placed, and kicked.

In an instant, the exhibition stand and the connecting floor underneath were all kicked, leaving a big hole.

Just under this big hole, Kidd was struggling to get his legs free from the exhibition stand.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but exclaim.

Kidd used the opposite method. Everyone thought he would leave from the sky. This time he chose to escape directly.

When the smoke bomb exploded, it exploded the concrete floor under the exhibition stand, allowing himself and the exhibition stand to fall down.

Then he opened up the 3D printed plastic model on the ground. Because it was a one-to-one restoration, ordinary people could not see the difference at all, and thought the exhibition stand was still in place.

As for the other people in white suits, it was a special setting installed under their collar when he was mixed in the crowd.

Press the button to help others change their clothes instantly. White suits, white cloaks and white hats appear.

This special magic device was developed by Kuroba Thief, and it was also the key to Kidd's ability to change clothes in one second in the past.

Under normal circumstances, Kidd would not use this magic device on others, and it would be cracked after being left, so that the mystery of one-second dressing would be known.

As a magician, he would not do such self-revealing things, but this time he wanted to win so much that he would do it.

However, Kidd did not expect that his painstaking and solitary way of changing the day would be seen through by Kogoro Moori.

Kidd's face instantly froze when he saw Moori Kogoro's smile above.

"I caught you, little mouse!"

Kidd, who reacted, stopped pulling his feet, and directly abandoned his leather shoes, then stepped on the ground barefoot, picked up the amethyst shoes, and started running madly.

At this time, a red-faced mini car appeared in the lower passage, the door opened directly, and Kidd immediately got in.

When Mouri Kogoro saw this, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and immediately drove the motorcycle down the lower tunnel.

The car fell two or three meters straight, landed firmly in the underground passage, and immediately chased the mini car ahead.

The onlookers at the crossroad looked at the pothole in the middle, staring at each other.

The two main protagonists, the detective and the strange thief just disappeared from the sight of everyone?

Cheating, this is, the duo confrontation I want to watch is definitely not like this!

It's not about this pit!

On the helicopter, Pingci looked speechless: Damn it, Kidd made another move.

Zhong Sen Yin followed Yuanzi, Qingzi and the four daughters to the pit where the exhibition stand was originally, but they couldn't see anything, only the sound of the fading engine.

At this time, a figure on a skateboard chased in, it was Conan the little devil.

The Yuanzi screamed: "Little devil, that's not the place you should go!"

Conan ignored it at all.

As for the tears and love in the next life outside the big net, the two women looked at each other and walked to the side alley in full tacit understanding.

In a few seconds, the two women after the big change rode out on a black Harley motorcycle.

Afterlife sitting at the back, I still open the laptop in my free time. After one operation, the screen shows the underground pipeline map of Tokyo.

Item 0011

Afterlife wearing tights carefully looked at the underground passage map, and said: "Sister, turn left, the most likely direction is Shinjuku Subway Station. They take the underground passage. The exit is either the subway station or the construction site next to it. "

The next life driving a Harley motorcycle nodded in tears, and immediately drove to the left.

And in the wide underground passage, Kogoro Mouri chased the mini car in front of him on his bike.

This guy can be considered creative, and he drove the car underground, but who was the one who picked him up?

Mouri Kogoro slammed his hand, and the Ant-Man robot threw it out and landed on the red mini car.

The angle of view monitored by the Ant-Man robot immediately came to Kogoro Mouri's mind.

The person driving the mini car is a man with a big nose, with a firm face, wearing loose casual clothes, and his mouth is still broken.

"Boy, didn't you say it was easy this time? Why are you still facing the Maori detective? No, you have to add money."

Kidd couldn't help laughing, and quickly said: "You are not a city-hunter. This situation is a small scene for you. What's the extra money?"

"You kid, I haven't settled accounts with you about your pretending to be a ladyboy last night. If you don't pay, I will sell your photos of women's clothes to the Japanese TV station, let the whole world know that Kidd is a perverted ladyboy and I like it. Work part-time as a prostitute in the club."

Kidd's face changed suddenly, and he quickly said, "Don't don't, don't you, can't I add money? But you have to dump the Moori Kogoro behind, otherwise everything will be ignored."

"Good to say."